Thursday, 12 December 2019

December 12/19

Hi Everyone,

Christmas is fast approaching and we have been very busy in Divison 10, making special crafts, playing Christmas math games, singing Christmas songs and writing about this wonderful time of the year.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*I look forward to seeing you all at one of the concerts.  Please see the previous post for ticket information.  Teachers will be opening our classroom doors at 6:15.  Your children will need to remain in the concert line up with you until that time.  Thank you!

*Thank you to the following people for signing up to send in snacks for our class party on Friday, December 20th:

Manjot (Fruit Plate)
Ryanna (Veggie Plate)
Emma (Cheese and Crackers)
Pandora (Sweet Treat)
Levi (Popcorn or Chips)
Students should bring a recess snack and lunch as usual on this day as we will be eating our party snacks later in the day.  Thank you!  Students are also welcome to wear their pyjamas to school that day :)

*Our skating field trip is coming up next Thursday, December 19th.  At this point, I have enough drivers for 6 children to attend and 15/21 people have given permission for their child to go.  Please complete the registration and indicate if you are able to drive by Tuesday, December 17th.  We will  decide at that time whether I need to cancel the field trip or not.  Please remember that you must have a current volunteer driver's abstract on file to drive children other than your own.  If you do plan on driving just your own child, please indicate this when you give permission.

*Please ensure your child has a dry set of clothes at school.  Our district policy is to participate in a  'Westcoast Recess', children will be going outside rain or shine

*The leadership team has moved their bake sale to next Tuesday, December 17th

*Our leadership team is having an Entrepeneur Fair tomorrow, please send money in a clearly marked baggie in the front of your child's planner if you would like your child to purchase something.  We will be going as a class to take a look.  It is also 'Career Day' if your child would like to dress up and participate in this.

*A reminder that next Friday we will have our class party, Pajama Day and Hallway Reading (students can bring a favourite Christmas book)

*Thank you for your support of 'Spirit Week'.  It's been a busy one and our leadership students really appreciate everyone's participation

*Thank you to Mrs. Gigliotti for coming to help me with our craft stations.  Her help is much appreciated!

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 5 December 2019

December 5/19

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe it's December but it must be because everyone is talking about that mischievous, little elf on the shelf!  We are busy in class, prepping for Christmas crafts, practicing for the upcoming concert and enjoying a variety of holiday related activities.

*Just a reminder that you must have a ticket to attend the Christmas Concert (free for the day performance and $5 for the evening).  This can be done via 'Eventbrite'.  if you can't locate the email that was sent home from the office last Monday, you can locate the link by going to Dr. Saul's page on the Fairview website.  Tickets are almost sold out!

*Please send a set of headphones/earbuds to to school if you have not already done so.  We use these for a variety of purposes.  Thank you!

*Thank you to the following people for signing up to send in snacks for our class party on Friday, December 20th:

Manjot (Fruit Plate)
Ryanna (Veggie Plate)
Emma (Cheese and Crackers)
Pandora (Sweet Treat)
Levi (Popcorn or Chips)
Students should bring a recess snack and lunch as usual on this day as we will be eating our party snacks later in the day.  Thank you!  Students are also welcome to wear their pyjamas to school that day :)

*Spirit week is next week.  For anyone who may have missed the previous post, here are the events happening each day.  As usual, all dress-up days are optional but we encourage everyone to enjoy the fun.  Here is the information provided by our leadership students:

Spirit Week Days:

Mon Dec 9 - Crazy Hair Day
Tues Dec 10 - House Colours Day (Your child knows their animal)
Beaver - yellow
Bear - green
Wolf - white or grey
Salmon - red
Raven - black
Orca - blue
Wed Dec 11 - Twin Day
Thurs Dec 12 - Sports Day (dress up in sports stuff or wear a jersey)
Fri Dec 13 - Career Day (dress up like a professional)

*Dr. Saul has been working hard with the students in preparation for our annual Christmas concert, students are asked to wear 'dress clothes' for their performance (something they would wear for Christmas or as though they were going to a special party-he has requested bow ties if you've got them).  Please do not feel the need to purchase anything new, if your child doesn't have dress clothes they are welcome to wear whatever you would like to send them in.

*December 11th leadership will be having a bake sale

*Our grade 6/7's are also putting on an Entrepreneur Sale next Friday afternoon, December 13th.  All items will be $4 or less.  Please send money in a clearly marked bag/envelope to take to the fair.  We will be attending as a class but, as usual, purchasing items is optional.

*Our skating field trip will be coming up soon.  Please sign your children up for this via the parent portal.  Drivers with current driver's abstracts are needed.  Thank you!

*December 20th will be our class party and Pajama Day (for the whole school)
*thank you for sending in donations of toys or money for our annual toy drive.  Our class has been busy making posters for this worthy cause and will begin making announcements next week

*all report cards were sent home this week, please check your child's backpack for this document

*I will be exchanging book bag books today (for students who remember to bring back the old ones)  Please ensure your child brings their book bag daily.  Thank you!

*we will be starting our Christmas crafts next week.  We will be creating our masterpieces between 9:30-10:05 most days.  Please email me at if you would like to volunteer during this time.  Thank you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Nov. 27/19

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for signing up for a conference.  I look forward to meeting with all of you over the next couple of days.  Reminder:  Early dismissal tomorrow (11:00) and no school for students on Friday due to the conferences. We will be preparing for the conference tomorrow morning so please bring your child to school unless they are unwell.  Thank you! :)

*Dr. Saul has been working hard with the students in preparation for our annual Christmas concert, students are asked to wear 'dress clothes' for their performance (something they would wear for Christmas or as though they were going to a special party-he has requested bow ties if you've got them).  Please do not feel the need to purchase anything new, if your child doesn't have dress clothes they are welcome to wear whatever you would like to send them in.
*December 11th leadership will be having a bake sale
*December 20th will be our class party and Pajama Day (for the whole school)
*Our leadership students are encouraging students to participate in 'Spirit Week' which will be December 9-13th.  Here is the information provided by our leadership students:

Spirit Week Days:
Mon Dec 9 - Crazy Hair Day
Tues Dec 10 - House Colours Day
Wed Dec 11 - Twin Day
Thurs Dec 12 - Sports Day (dress up in sports stuff or wear a jersey)
Fri Dec 13 - Career Day (dress up like a professional)

*thank you for sending in donations of toys or money for our annual toy drive.  Our class has been busy making posters for this worthy cause and will begin making announcements next week
*thank you to Natalie's parents for donating/cutting wood for a special upcoming craft

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 21 November 2019

November 21/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you have had the chance to get outside and enjoy this sunny weather.  We are looking forward to doing that during 'Forest Fun' today.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*our skating field trip will be December 19th.  Please sign up your child via the parent portal if you have not already done so.  Thank you!  Drivers are needed and are required to have a current driver's abstract on file (they are only good for 2 years)
*our class is taking leadership on a very important fundraiser.  We are collecting toys/$ for the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Hamper Society.  Our motto is 'Little People can make a Big Difference!'  Please look for a red notice regarding this which will be sent home in the next few days.  Thank you for your support :)
*A reminder that the conference sign up is now available on the parent portal, you will sign up for a 15 minute block of time but will also stay for 15 minutes after your signed up block for a total of 30 minutes.  Please only sign up for one 15 minute block
*please send in headphones, planner $  and inside shoes if you have not already done so.  I will be sending out individual emails to those of you who have not yet paid for the planner.  The cost is $7.
*thank you to Emma and Noah's parents for making play dough for our classroom (and to those of you who also offered)
*thank you to the PAC parent group who gave our class a popsicle last week being some of the students missed out on treat day (our field trip and they sold out on Friday).  That was very thoughtful and much appreciated!
*please send in $3 if you attended our Ft. Langley field trip.  I am waiting on those last few parents to send in their money so that I can make the deposit.  Thanks so much!
*if anyone has wood they would be able to donate, please email me at It will be for making snowmen with the approximate dimensions: Approximately 18cm tall x8cm  wide x4cm thick)
*your children will be bringing home a bat book they have folded/coloured.  Please read these at home with them.  Thank you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 14 November 2019

November 14/19

Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend.  It was great to hear that many of you made it to the local Remembrance Day ceremony.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*thank you to parents who drove for our Fort Langley field trip.  It was a fantastic, very educational outing
*Conferences are coming up quickly! (November 28th-early dismissal 11:00 and November 29th-no school for students).
*As I mentioned in last week's blog post, the conference sign up is now available on the parent portal, you will sign up for a 15 minute block of time but will also stay for 15 minutes after your signed up block for a total of 30 minutes.  Please only sign up for one 15 minute block
*please send in headphones, planner $  and inside shoes if you have not already done so.  I will be sending out individual emails to those of you who have not yet paid for the planner.  The cost is $7.
*your child brought home a book bag on Wednesday.  These books will be switched out every 2-3 weeks.  They are another option to library books, daily class books, books from home and RAZ kids. There was a letter put in each bag which gives more detail on the use of these bags, please read these and feel free to email me any questions you may have
*our PAC is hosting a Bingo Night on November 30th, it is always a great time!
*I am looking for a couple of parents who would be willing to make a batch of play dough for classroom use.  Please email me at if you are able to do this.
*we will be sending out a portal notice in the next couple of days about an upcoming skating field trip.  We will be joining with Mrs. Rowledge-Toscani's class and both of our buddy classes for this outing on December 19th (1:00 pm)

Thank you so much!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Nov. 6/19

Email sent home on November 6th (here for your reference)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Hi There,
Just a couple of reminders:
*our Remembrance Day assembly will be tomorrow, poppy donations are welcome
*there is no school for students on Friday and Monday is a holiday
*our field trip is next week, please sign up if you have not already done so.  We are currently short of drivers at this time.  Unfortunately, if we do have to cancel the site will not provide refunds.
*the conference sign up is now available on the parent portal, you will sign up for a 15 minute block of time but will also stay for 15 minutes after your signed up block for a total of 30 minutes.  Please only sign up for one 15 minute block.

Thank you,
Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 31 October 2019

October 31/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy an exciting and safe Halloween night!  Everyone looks great in their costumes today :)

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*the conference sign up is now available via the parent portal.  Please note:  The time you sign up for is a 15 minute block but you will stay for an additional 15 minutes so we can meet together.  This is what the conference will look like:

1. Please arrive at the time you have signed up for:  Example: 2:15
2. For that first 15 minutes you will meet in the hall with your child and celebrate his/her work
(For example 2:15-2:30)
3.  Then you will come into the classroom with your child and meet with me for an additional 15 minutes (2:30-2:45)

Please keep this half an hour timeline in mind as you book conferences for your other children. Thank you!
*thank you to everyone who sent in Halloween snacks for our party.  We really enjoyed them.
*Pajama Day/Hot Lunch are tomorrow! :). As always, dress up days are optional.
*Art cards are due tomorrow if you are interested in purchasing them, you can also send them in if you would just like me to include their work in their memory books
*Your children are all signed up for RAZ kids (an online reading program).  We have begun using this in class and it is a great resource, please have your children complete the quiz for each of their readings, it helps me to notice patterns and helps guide my instruction with them.  My account is aroberts47 and the student's password is their name.  The link is on this blog in the useful links bar.
*You will be getting a bat book, 'Amazing Bats' over the next few days (that the students have assembled).  Please read these with your child and then they may stay at home.
*November 8th is a professional development day, there is no school for students
*the students have completed a self-evaluation now, it is in their planner today
*please sign up/pay for our field trip to Ft. Langley
*our Remembrance Day assembly will be this Thursday, everyone is encouraged to send in a small amount for the poppy. Thank you!

Have a great evening, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

October 24/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy a wonderful long weekend!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Halloween is fast approaching.  We will be having our party in the afternoon on October 31st.  Students should arrive at school in costume, we will be having a school wide costume parade in the gym that morning.  Recess and lunch will be outside, as usual so costumes should be easy to slip on/off or should be okay to be worn outside.  Please note:  Students should bring snacks and a lunch as usual as we will not be eating until late in the day.

Here is the list of people who have signed up to bring snacks:

Natalie (fruit plate)
Noah (veggie plate)
Tristan (cheese and crackers)
Navien (sweet treat)
Ekan (popcorn or chips)
Jack (juice boxes)

*Your child will be bringing home an extra book in their planner bag sometime over the next week.  It will have a post-it inside to indicate that this is a book that your child should practice nightly until they are confident.  Your child will be presenting this book (along with their group) to the class.
*Just a reminder to please check the date of your child's 'Great Canadian' so that they are ready to present on their special day.  Thank you!
*Art cards/order forms were sent home early this week.  I changed the date on the card to indicate the correct date.  All orders are due by NOVEMBER 1st
*A big thank you to Noah's family for sending in the extra balls/equipment for the class.  It is being used/enjoyed daily.
*The grade 6/7 classes are having a 'Day of Silence'.  The are gratefully accepting donations from October 24-26th for women/children in need.
*skating is tomorrow, please send in a booster seat for your child.  Thank you!
*Friday is a Professional Development Day, there is no school for students.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 18 October 2019

Oct. 18/19

Hello Everyone,

It will be a short blog this week due to the email I sent at the beginning of the week.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*just a reminder that Thursday is library day and Forest Fun.  Students are welcome to bring their books early and put them in our library bin once they are done. I also would like to encourage parents to send in an extra set of clothes/ensure your child is dressed for the weather so that we can enjoy our 'Forest Fun' rain or shine
*thank you for making arrangements for the Emergency Release yesterday, it seemed to go quite smoothly and I thought the students handled the situation well
*Halloween is fast approaching.  We will be having our party in the afternoon on October 31st (please note: students can wear costumes and should still bring a lunch; no weapons, please)  Here is the list of people who have signed up to bring snacks:

Natalie (fruit plate)
Noah (veggie plate)
Tristan (cheese and crackers)
Navien (sweet treat)
Ekan (popcorn or chips)
Jack (juice boxes)

*we will be having a Pajama Day in our class on November 1st (one less thing for you to do with sleepy children the day after Halloween :))  We will still have Family Reading that morning
*we continue to be very short of drivers for our skating field trip.  I will notify you if we need to cancel.  If you are sending in rental money, please clearly label the baggie/envelope so that I can return it to you if need be. If you haven't signed up, please do so by Monday so that I can make a decision and notify Planet Ice.
*please send in earbuds/headphones and inside shoes for your child if you have not already done so.  Thank you!
*planners are $7.00 and can be paid for by cash/cheque or online via the parent portal
*if you have any extra tennis balls, racquet balls (for wall ball), basketballs or soccer balls to donate to the class that would be much appreciated.  Most of the equipment I purchased for the year has already been lost or roofed.
*a reminder that next Friday, October 25th is a ProD Day. There will be no school for students.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 4 October 2019

October 4/19

Dear Parents,

Our class is in charge of our annual Thanksgiving food drive.  Please send in non-perishable food items next week if you would like to make a donation.  Our motto in Division 10 is, 'Big People Can Make a Big Difference' and we are doing this by creating posters, decorating and delivering boxes and making announcements to collect food items for this great cause.  Donations will be gratefully accepted until Friday, October 11th.

*over the next week, you will see a paper in your child's planner bag recommending some reading strategies.  We are learning about these in class but it would be helpful if you could please review these with your child at home and notice when you see them using these.  Thank you!
*please send in headphones, earthquake kits, entertainment books and blue registration forms if you have not already done so
*just a reminder that we go outside for forest fun each Thursday (rain or shine).  Please send your child dressed appropriately for the weather
*we have now put a skating field trip announcement on the portal.  We will be looking for parent drivers so please ensure you have an updated driver's abstract on file.  If you aren't sure, please contact Korri or Karen in the office at 604 465 9331
*our new planners are now in.  Students will begin using them on Monday.  Please recycle the temporary planner but make sure that the bag they came in comes to school.  I will not be handing out new ones in order to keep down plastic waste.
*the office has asked me to remind you to please complete the form via the parent portal for the Emergency Release day.  Thank you!
*Mrs. Pace announced today that there will be a 'pause' on bringing Pokemon cards to school.  Our class had been doing really well with them but unfortunately today one of the students Pokemon album went missing. We think it occurred when we were at the gym and everyone took a look in their backpacks but so far we've had no luck finding them.
*here are some important dates from our leadership students:

Oct-24: silent day
Oct-30: movie night
Nov-6: donut day
Nov-19: WE day
Dec 9-13: spirit week

I will be away next week but I am leaving the class in the very capable hands of Harry Edwards who has regularly worked at Fairview over the past few years.  I have left him a very detailed day plan and Harry has worked in my class before so I am sure the students will have a great week.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 27 September 2019

September 27/19

Hi Everyone,

We have had. a busy week at Fairview, preparing for our Terry Fox Run.  It was a big success once again as we raised over $2600 and had a great afternoon running/walking the course.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Monday is orange shirt day, this is the day we remember students who were placed in residential schools.  Due to the age of your children, I will be sharing a very simplified version of events and we will be doing a small art project noting why we all matter.
*Please send in your Entertainment Books, Earthquake kits and Blue Registration forms if you have not already done so
*There is a sign up sheet for treats hanging up in our room.  If you are unable to sign up in person, you can send in a request with your child.  Please send in a first and second choice in case an area fills up.  If I don't hear from everyone by the end of the week, I will place the remaining people in any leftover spots.  I will always send out a reminder via the class blog a few days before the party.
*Students brought home their 'Poetry and More' today.  Please return them on Monday after reading them this weekend, we will add to this duo tang each week
*Also a reminder to please send in inside shoes if you have not already done so, these keep our classroom clean and our gym safe
*I encourage you to also send in a spare change of clothes in case of mishaps at school

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Friday, 20 September 2019

September 20/19

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for checking your child's classroom blog for the latest updates/information.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Our Terry Fox Run is fast approaching.  Please complete the permission for walking field trips by Tuesday if you would like your child to participate.  Students who have not been given permission will be walking around the fields at Fairview instead.  To give your child permission, please open the parent portal, click on the blue tab at the top that says 'Consent' (it will have a number in it, this is how many areas you need to complete).  You will need to scroll through each form and click on the bottom as guided to give your permission.  Thank you! Families who are new to the school received a linking letter which will activate this account.  If you have any difficulty, please call Korri or Karen in the office at
604 465 9331
*We are looking for volunteers for this event, please contact Mrs. Boyes at if you would like to help at a spot on the course or me at if you would like to run/walk with your child. The more the merrier!
*Our goal is to raise $2000 for the Terry Fox Foundation, you can also donate online
*Please sign and return the blue information form (after checking that the information is accurate) that was sent home from the office.  There is a contest to see which class returns their forms first.
*Monday is a professional day, no school for students
*Tuesday, September 24th is Individual Picture Day
*Please send in comfort kits, earbuds, Entertainment books (or the money collected from selling them) and inside shoes if you have not already done so
*Just a reminder to please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather every day.  We have West Coast recess/lunch in our district so students will go outside the majority of the time (rain or shine).  Also, we have 'Forest Fun' on Thursdays and will, again be going outside even if it is raining
*I encourage everyone to send in a spare set of clothes to be kept at school in case an accident does occur while your child is at school so they can be comfortable for the remainder of the day
*Thank you to Ms. Weber for agreeing to organize our Scholastic orders each month.  This month's order is due September 25th
*We have started planners/home reading.  There was a letter included in the bag when the first book came home explaining our program.  Please read with your child nightly and sign the planner.
*Thank you for sending your information sheets, the information you gave helps me begin to know your children.  I appreciated the thoughtful details you included.  Also, thank you to parents who have offered to volunteer this year
*Div. 9 & 10 have booked  3 skating field trips and a trip to visit Fort Langley.  Please mark your calendars - Thursday, Oct. 24th, Thursday, Dec. 19th, and Thursday March 5th - all in the afternoon.  Also we have booked Fort Langley on Thursday, Nov. 14th in the morning.  We will need parent drivers for all of these.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 13 September 2019


Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Division 10's Blog.  I hope you find this a useful tool as we navigate the year together.  This will be the primary form of communication from me to you.  Please do not, however try to reply to me using the email attached to this blog. Instead, I can be reached at  Please note:  I check my email early in the mornings and after school but rarely have time to do this during the teaching day.  If you have time sensitive information to share with me, please call our office at 465-9331 and our secretary, Korri McDermott will pass on the message.  Here is a list of the classroom expectations your children came up with for the year.  I think they did a great job!

Division 10’s Expectations
By: Students of Div. 10

In Division 10 we…

*treat others how we want to be treated (Golden Rule)
*take care of our belongings
*speak to others in a calm, respectful voice
*keep our school clean
*follow safety rules
*are kind to each other
*walk in the classroom and hallway
*listen at the carpet and are quiet when asked
*have fun!!!!! J

On Wednesday, I sent home an information package.  I will post it here so that you will have it as a reference if needed throughout the year:

September 2019

Dear Parents,

My name is Amanda Roberts and I have been a teacher at Fairview for several years, largely teaching in the primary grades. I have had previous experience teaching a grade 2/3 combined class and feel well prepared to provide a positive and engaging learning environment for your child. I am looking forward to a great year!

Classroom Routines
One of the big focuses when starting a new year is setting up routines within the classroom.  Getting these in place ensures that the day runs smoothly and that learning time is maximized.  With this in mind, I would like to ask that arrive on time and say your goodbyes to your child outside so that they can enter the room on their own and learn to follow the routines independently.  You are welcome to come in once students are dismissed at the end of the day if you would like to chat with me or if your child would like to share something inside the room with you.  Also, please send me a note if your child is supposed to meet you/a sibling at an alternate part of the school so I can ensure everyone is safely picked up.

I do realize that there are some mornings where you might have information to share with me that will help your child have a positive day (they haven’t had a good sleep, were nervous about school etc.)  Please feel free to see me if this is the case or write a note in your child’s planner.  You can also phone the school (604- 465-9331) and schedule an appointment to see me or email me at  (Please note:  I rarely have time to check my email during the school day, I normally check it after school and early in the morning before I leave for work so it is better to reach me with time sensitive messages by phone or in person).I really feel it is important to keep the lines of communication open and encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns that may arise.  The main place you will be receiving information from me at this time is via our classroom blog  I normally update this each week (most often on Friday or Saturday) but occasionally things arise between posts.  If this happens, your child will write ‘See Blog’ in his/her planner.  This will be one of the last ‘paper’ information packages you will receive. Our district is working towards paperless communication so the majority of information you receive from the school/myself will be digital, Mrs. Watkins will share school wide information via Facebook , the Parent Portal or on the Fairview Website.

Parent Helpers
I am attaching a parent helper sheet and welcome volunteers.  I realize that many of you may work during school hours and can’t volunteer during this time.  If this is the case and you have a day off sometime and would like to come in please let me know and I will try to arrange an activity where you can help or come for a visit.  Also, if you don’t mind completing some work in the evening, I have several jobs throughout the year where your assistance would be greatly appreciated. 

Weekly Schedule
 We will have library book exchange on Thursdays (but there is a bin in our classroom for returns if your child is finished with his/her book before the week is up). We have music on Tuesday and our gym days are Wednesday (with Mrs. Boyes) and Fridays.  We will be heading outside on Thursdays (rain or shine) for some ‘Forest Fun’ which includes running and exploration/play outdoors.
**Please note, however that the Ministry has mandated 30 minutes of physical activity each day so please ensure that your child is dressed comfortably and is ready for action!  We will be spending time outside rain or shine!  Finally, this weekwe will begin ‘Family Reading’ each Fridayfrom 8:30-8:45.  Parents, grandparents and any other adult family members are invited to come in and read with a small group of students.  This is an informal reading time so younger siblings are also welcome.

Our class will be using a student ‘planner’ this year. Unfortunately, the printing company lost Fairview’s order this year so we will be using a modified version until these arrive.  The planner is an essential part of our program and will provide home and school communication throughout the year as well as weekly spelling lists (we will start weekly spelling later in the year).  The planner will be sent home each afternoon in your child’s own ziploc bag and should be returned to school the following morning.  There is a specific area allotted for home/school communication so please feel free to write a note to me in this space (dental appointments, who is picking your child up etc.)  Please sign the planner daily once you have read with your child.  Also, please feel free to write encouraging comments for your child here.  IMPORTANT: There is a plastic pocket at the front of the planner where notices will be sent home.  It is also where you can return signed permission slips, field trip money etc.  Please check this daily.  

Please send in your child’s supplies as soon as possible.  You should have already received this list but if you need a new one, please send me an email at Amanda_roberts@sd42.caand I will send you an attachment.  The only additional supply we will need at this time is earbuds/headphones for the lab/iPads.  Please send these in a clearly marked baggie.  Having personal headphones will greatly reduce the chances of our students coming in contact with lice.  Thank you!

Scholastic Book Orders
Several times throughout the year your child will be bringing home Scholastic book order forms.  Purchasing these books is  optional but if you are interested they do offer engaging books at reasonable prices. If you do purchase books I ask that you please send a cheque payable to Scholastic Canada as they will not accept cash. You also have the option of paying them directly online.  Thank you!

We are beginning the school year learning about each other and discussing the importance of being a good friend/classmate and beginning to build our classroom community. We will then move onto a focus on Canada.

Class Celebrations
We will have four main celebrations during the year.  If you could please sign up to send snacks for the class on oneof these dates that would be much appreciated.  I  have a sign up sheet ready near the entrance from the outside door.

Inside Shoes/Extra Clothes
If you have not already done so, I would like to ask you to send a pair of sturdy inside running shoes to help keep our classroom and gym clean.  I also suggest that each student have an extra set of clothes to keep at school.  This is helpful to have in case of any accidents and avoids the need for a phone call home.

West coast Recess/Lunch:  
Just a reminder that our district has adopted the ‘west coast recess’.  Students will be sent outside to play rain or shine (unless conditions are extreme).  With this in mind, please send your child to school with the appropriate gear so that they will be comfortable for the rest of the day.  
Thank you!

Important Dates in September
**Please note:  These will be on the class blog in the future.
September 16th-Terry Fox Assembly am
September 23th- Non-Instructional (no school for students)
September 24th-Picture Day
September 26th   -Terry Fox Run

Thank you, 

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

June 19/19

Hi Everyone,

I am amazed at the speed this year has gone by!  Everything is wrapping up so quickly.  Here are some last reminders about our remaining days of the school year.  I hope you all enjoy a fantastic summer with family and friends.

*Fairview Fun Day will be this Friday, starting at 11:00.  Students should come to school prepared for the weather and some fun with water (please ensure they have a towel each-please label).  There will be some treats provided but students should still bring some healthy snacks/lunch to enjoy through out the day.

*There are 2 students who have not paid for bowling.  If you are unsure if that is you, please ask your child as I have notified them.  If they aren't sure :), please feel free to email me.

*Bowling is this Thursday.  Please send in booster seats for all children who are 8 or under.  There are only 1-2 spare carseats at the school at this time and many classes are going on field trips this week.

*Our community goal this year is to help animals at our local SPCA.  We are encouraging families to send in old towels, blankets etc. for the animals at the shelter.  Pet food and other animal toys/treats/leashes etc. are also welcome.  Thank you in advance for your support for this great cause

*Please send a labelled plastic bag by the end of the week.  I will be sending home duotangs/supplies over the next few days and this will make organizing them much easier.  Thank you!

*We will be having our class party in the afternoon on the last full day of school (Tuesday, June 25th).  Thank you to the following student's parents for volunteering to send snacks on that day:

Josh:  Fruit plate,
Keana: Veggie plate.
Sophia:  Cheese/crackers
Declan: Popcorn/chips or pretzels
Ryanna; Sweet treat
Riana:  Other

*thank you to Eugene and Keana's parents for taking home several bins of manipulative to wash for us, they look great!  There are still more that need cleaning if anyone is willing to volunteer.  Thank you!

*thank you to Eleana, Antonia and Keana's moms for helping us with our wrap bar and smoothies today.  They were a big hit!

*your child is bringing home his/her 'Growthfolio' this week.  Please read the contents as it included their latest writing, the competency checklist (part of the report card), an assessment from Dr. Saul and an ELL report if your child gets this service

*please ensure that all book bags and classroom books are returned by this Friday

Thank you for a great year, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Also, a note from the Primary Team at Fairview:

We have sent home the notices for Creative Packs for school supplies.  The primary team cannot stress enough the importance of using Creative Packs!  We ask for certain brands of school supplies because they are what we have determined are the best quality and last the whole school year.  If you choose to not order Creative Packs, then please follow the list given supply for supply.  If you are missing something in September we will highlight on our list as a reminder of what else to get.  Please do not buy Dollar Store brand supplies!!! They may be the cheap option, but the glue doesn’t stick, the crayons don’t colour and the scissors don’t cut!  Us primary teachers know from experience.  If you have financial concerns about school supplies and meeting the required lists, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Watkins.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

June 12/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather :)  We are really enjoying learning about Insects and other crawlers in our class right now and we are seeing lots of examples during our time outside.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

This Friday will be our Indigenous People's Day.  Some of the activities will be happening outside so I highly recommend your child wear sunscreen and a hat that day.  There will be bannock tacos served at lunch but I would suggest you send snacks as usual.  One of the stations involves acrylic paints so please keep that in mind when your child is selecting clothing for the day.  There will no Family Reading that day due to an early assembly.

*Please sign up/pay for Rev's bowling if you have not already done so, thank you to the volunteer drivers who have signed up.  Please ensure that you have a driver's abstract on file

*Our community goal this year is to help animals at our local SPCA.  We are encouraging families to send in old towels, blankets etc. for the animals at the shelter.  Pet food and other animal toys/treats/leashes etc. are also welcome.  Thank you in advance for your support of this great cause.

*Thank you to Declan's mom for sending in popcorn this week.  We all really enjoyed it!

*If any parents are willing to take home a bin of manipulatives to wash, that would be much appreciated.  I do this at the end of the year so we can start the new school year with everything clean.

*We will be doing our next nutrition event on Wednesday, June 19th.  We will be doing a wrap bar and smoothies.  We are again looking for volunteers to help us between recess and lunch (10:30-12:00).  Please email me if you are able to help out that day.  Thank you!

*Father's Day cards and gifts are coming home today.  Please ensure that your child puts it somewhere safe until Father's Day.  Thank you!

*Thank you to Sophia's family for sending in some gently used books to be added to our classroom library

*We will be having our class party in the afternoon on the last full day of school (Tuesday, June 25th).  Thank you to the following student's parents for volunteering to send snacks on that day:

Josh:  Fruit plate,
Keana: Veggie plate.
Sophia:  Cheese/crackers
Declan: Popcorn/chips or pretzels
Ryanna; Sweet treat
Riana:  Other

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Also, a note from the Primary Team at Fairview:

We have sent home the notices for Creative Packs for school supplies.  The primary team cannot stress enough the importance of using Creative Packs!  We ask for certain brands of school supplies because they are what we have determined are the best quality and last the whole school year.  If you choose to not order Creative Packs, then please follow the list given supply for supply.  If you are missing something in September we will highlight on our list as a reminder of what else to get.  Please do not buy Dollar Store brand supplies!!! They may be the cheap option, but the glue doesn’t stick, the crayons don’t colour and the scissors don’t cut!  Us primary teachers know from experience.  If you have financial concerns about school supplies and meeting the required lists, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Watkins.

Friday, 7 June 2019

June 6/19

Hi Everyone,

We had a great day, carving with our visiting artist.  I think you will all be very impressed with the finished product.  The students were very focused on doing their best work, filing and sanding their art.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Please sign up/pay for Rev's bowling if you have not already done so, thank you to the volunteer drivers who have signed up.  Please ensure that you have a driver's abstract on file
*Next Friday is our special Indigenous Day.  Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and is wearing clothes that can get messy as there is a painting station which uses acrylic paints
*Please send in any unsold library raffle tickets to be used in future draws
*A big thank you to Declan's mom who has offered to bring in bags of popcorn as a special treat on Monday
*Most student's 'Mystery Bags' were changed today.  If your child still has his/hers at home, please remind them to bring them in on Monday so that we can make the exchange
*Our community goal this year is to help animals at our local SPCA.  We are encouraging families to send in old towels, blankets etc. for the animals at the shelter.  Pet food and other animal toys/treats/leashes etc. are also welcome.  Thank you in advance for your support of this great cause.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Also, a note from the Primary Team at Fairview:

We have sent home the notices for Creative Packs for school supplies.  The primary team cannot stress enough the importance of using Creative Packs!  We ask for certain brands of school supplies because they are what we have determined are the best quality and last the whole school year.  If you choose to not order Creative Packs, then please follow the list given supply for supply.  If you are missing something in September we will highlight on our list as a reminder of what else to get.  Please do not buy Dollar Store brand supplies!!! They may be the cheap option, but the glue doesn’t stick, the crayons don’t colour and the scissors don’t cut!  Us primary teachers know from experience.  If you have financial concerns about school supplies and meeting the required lists, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Watkins.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

May 30/19

Hi Everyone,

We are enjoying our last week of May and are just wrapping up our Body/Nutrition Unit.  We are excited to learn about insects and other interesting crawlers.  I am sure your children have told you that we were very fortunate to watch our caterpillars form their chrysalis and grow into healthy painted lady butterflies that we were able to release last week.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Just a reminder to please send in the library raffle ticket money (or tickets if you are unable to sell them)
*Hot lunch is tomorrow
*Parent volunteer appreciation invitations were sent home on Friday.  If you did not receive one and you did volunteer, please let me know.  Thank you!  The tea is Thursday, June 13th from 1:00-2:00 in the Multipurpose Room
*We are finished spelling for the year.  Duotangs can now stay at home.
*Nutrition booklets are coming home this week.  The last page is homework and should be completed at lunch time on Saturday or Sunday.  Thank you!
*Thank you to Lucas, Keana, Sophia and Ryanna's parents for offering to send in a second snack for our year end party.  We now have enough food for our party :)
*Thank you to Ryanna's mom for bringing in some extra rocks.  We now have enough for the whole class!
*A big thank you to our PAC and any parents who contributed to our staff appreciation lunch on Tuesday.  We really appreciated this thoughtful gesture.
*Friday we will be having a 'Yogurt Bar' in our class between recess (10:30 and lunch 12:00) if anyone available to volunteer and help with prep and distribution.  We are using money from a grant we received from the BC Dairy Foundation
*You will be receiving a notification for our field trip on the afternoon of June 20th to Rev's bowling (drivers will be needed, please make sure you have a current abstract on file)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

May 22/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed a great long weekend.  It is hard to believe that we will be heading into June soon!

*If you are unable to sell the library raffle tickets, please send back the unsold tickets.  Mrs. Holmes has lots of great ideas for our library so we are hoping that everyone is able to sell their tickets but she will pass them on to other students if you are unable to.

*This Friday, May 24th is  Class Picture Day (rain or shine)

*Our class party will be on June 25th.  At this point I only have 2 volunteers who are bringing treats: Josh-fruit plate and Declan-chips or pretzels.  Is anyone else willing to bring in treats?  Please notify me by email if you are able.  Thank you!

*This will be the last week for students to take out library books, all books are due back to the library asap as there will be an inventory done during the month of June

*We will be creating an art project to help decorate our school.  Please send in a rock about the size of your child's fist.  We will be writing a 'connections' word on it and decorating the rock with acrylic paints so smoother rocks are preferred.

*Over the next week, your child will be given a food poem (chosen by his/her group) to practice/present to the class.  Please read this poem nightly with your child.  Thank you!

*Students will have the opportunity to trade in their mystery bag this week.  Please ensure that it comes to school each day.  Thank you!

*Important Dates for the remainder of the year...

May 30th-PAC hot lunch (the last one of the year)
June 4th-Student Stars Assembly
June 6/7th- TCBY and Chips
June 11th-Volunteer Tea (Mrs. Watkins will send out more information)
June 14th-School wide Aboriginal Education Event (dress for activity, painting etc)
June 20th-Rev's Bowling (driver's needed)
June 21st-Fun Day-Dress for activity and getting wet! :)
June 25th-Class Party
June 26th-Last day of school for students:  11:00 dismissal

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

May 15/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all have exciting plans for the upcoming long weekend!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Picture day has now been moved to Friday, May 24th.  This Friday will be a dress up day (athlete or mathlete)

*There will be no spelling quiz this Friday as it is a review page.  We will continue working on this list next week and have the quiz next Friday

*There is no school next Tuesday as it is a Professional Development Day for teachers. Monday is a holiday for everyone.

*The leadership group is running a movie at lunch on Friday (Trolls).  Students can bring in a non-perishable food item (or a small donation) if they would like to attend

*Freezies are for sale tomorrow

*Our butterflies have emerged!  We are very excited that we have been able to enjoy watching our caterpillars transform!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

May 8/2019

Hi Everyone,

Our class did a great job in presenting their body poems at the assembly on Monday.  Thanks to Ryanna's mom for videotaping the presentation for us.  You will need to copy/paste this URL to view it.  

*a notice will be coming home next week regarding school supplies for the upcoming year.  Order forms for 'Creative Kids' will be available.

*Please 'Save the Date'.  We have booked our last field trip at Rev's Bowling in Maple Ridge on June 20th from 1:00-2:00.  Parent drivers will be needed for this field trip.  Thank you!

*A big thank you to Logan, Sophia and Dyllan's families for sending in some gently used books to add to our home reading program

*More information will be sent home from Mrs. Watkins regarding a 'Planned Release' on June 18th at 1:30.  Students will need to be picked up at this time.

*May 17th is an optional dress up day (Mathlete or Athlete).  This is being sponsored by our leadership group

*May 17th -bring a can of food or small donation to watch 'Trolls' at lunch time.

*(From the grade 7's) The dates that we will be selling freezies are: Friday May 3rd, Friday May 10, Thursday May 16th, Friday May 24. They are Jumbo Freezies, so 1 whole freezie $2 and 1/2 a freezie is $1.

*I have sent home the students' fraction booklets.  They were made as part of a lesson with Mrs. Mungaroo.  They can be reviewed/then recycled.  Thank you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

May 1/19

Hi Everyone,

We had a great morning at Me-n-Ed's pizza today.  Your children will be able to tell you all of the steps in making a pizza, the food groups involved and the cool machines that there are in a pizza parlour.  They really enjoyed their time there and (of course) they loved the pizza!

*everyone should have brought home some sheets about our upcoming 'Scientist of the Day'.  We begin next week so please check your child's backpack to see when they are presenting.  If the day I have chosen for your child isn't going to work, please contact me and I will try to reschedule.  Parents do not need to attend, in fact I encourage the students to present independently as it is great practice for them.  Don't worry if your child picks an experiment that someone else has already done, we learn something new each time.  Have fun!
*I have been replacing 'Mystery Bags' for students who are ready, please ensure that all 5 books remain in your child's bag when they are not reading them.  Students will not receive a new bag until all 5 books are returned/replaced
*our leadership students are doing a movie fundraiser during lunch on May 17th.  Students can bring a can of food or a donation if they would like to attend
*please ensure that your child is practicing his/her poems for our presentation at the assembly Monday morning at 8:45am in the gym
*thank you to our parent drivers for our trip to Me-n-Eds pizza.  It was only 15 minutes from here and everyone loved the pizza!
*the hot dog day on May 10th has been cancelled
*The grade 7's will be fundraising for their end of year field trip.  Freezies will be on sale: Friday May 3rd, Friday May 10, Thursday May 16th and Friday May 24. They are Jumbo Freezies, so 1 whole freezie $2 and 1/2 a freezie is $1. This will coincide with popcorn sales. 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 26 April 2019

April 26/19

Hi Everyone,

I am just creating a short post this week as I will be sending out a reminder email on Monday regarding our field trip.

Upates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Mystery bags will be traded in today for students who are ready (some students want to keep their old bag for a little longer)
*Thank you for sending in the remaining funds for the memory book/art project
*Thank you to Logan's Oma for helping us out on Wednesday when we were short parent drivers
*Please continue to practice the body poems and read with your children nightly.  Most students would also benefit from working on the speed/accuracy of their addition and subtraction (especially subtraction
*Monday is a Professional Development Day so there will be no school for students
*If anyone is doing any spring cleaning, please consider donating any gently used books to our classroom, also please keep an eye open for any classroom books that may have been accidentally left at home
*A reminder that we will be presenting our body poems on Monday, May 6th at approximately 8:45am (in the gym)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

April 17/19

Happy Easter, everyone!  I hope you all enjoy the extra long weekend and that it is dry for the Easter Bunny's visit!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*our leadership students are currently collecting donations for the 'Moosehead' campaign.  All funds collected will be used to support abused women/children
*your children are bringing home their Poetry and More books today.  Please help them read/memorize the starred body poems as we hope to present them at the May assembly
*please send in money for the memory book ($10) and special art project ($1) if you have not already done so
*it is 'Crazy Hair Day' tomorrow at Fairview
*there is some leftover frozen yogurt that will be sold tomorrow for $2 (PAC fundraiser)
*tomorrow we will be having an Easter Egg Hunt with our big buddies.  We are hoping to go outside so please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
*Me n' Eds pizza permission will be sent in for Cathie's approval today so you should receive the email to sign up today/tomorrow

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 12 April 2019

April 12/18

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for the emails saying the post did not show up.  It has completely disappeared so I am now at home redoing it and hoping I remember everything!

*Please send in $10 for the memory books and $1 for the special art project if you have not already done so

*Thank you to all of the parents who helped make our trip to Save-On-Foods a success.  The students loved using their mapping skills

*We are waiting on some final information regarding our field trip to the Me and Eds pizza restaurant on May 1st but for now if you could please 'Save the Date' that would be much appreciated.  We will need parent drivers to assist on this trip

*April 18th is 'Crazy Hair Day'

*PAC TCBY Frozen Yogurt treat day on April 17/18 at lunch.

*Also Div. 9 & 10 are planning to present our body songs at our next assembly, Monday, May 6th.  Parents are welcome to attend!  Please practice these poems/songs at home as we hope to have them memorized (they are in your child's 'Poetry and More' duotang)

*Mystery Bags went home today.  Each student has a bag with 5 books inside of varying levels, both fiction and non-fiction.  These are high-interest books that were provided by our district and the students loved them last year!  If your child is an emergent reader and you would like to continue with some levelled books as well please just email me at  Raz-Kids is also a great option for the children to access books at their reading level. As I mentioned earlier it is crucial for students to continue to read regularly to further strengthen their reading skills.  

*Just a reminder as well of our IXL program - a great place to practice and review math skills.  This is a great resource which unfortunately we are not using enough!  Remember these can be accessed by the link on this blog.

*We will be painting with acrylic paints with our buddy class for the next few Fridays

Have a great weekend!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 4 April 2019

April 5, 2019

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful spring break :). We are back in to the swing of things here as we enter our last term of school.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Please sign your child up for our walking field trip to Save-On-Foods if you have not already done so.  It is on Tuesday morning and we will be walking rain/shine.

*Next week I will be collecting all book bags and we will begin our 'Mystery Bag' reading.  Each student will receive a bag with 5 books inside of varying levels, both fiction and non-fiction.  These are high interest books that were provided by the district and they were a big hit last year!  If your child is an emergent reader and you would like to continue with the levelled book bags as well, please email me at  Raz kids will also still be available online so that all students will still have access to books that are at individual levels.

*A couple of student teachers at our school have started a 'Craft Supply Drive'.  If you have any new/gently used supplies you'd like to donate that would be greatly appreciated.  These will be stored in our Art Supply Room so they can be accessed by all of the staff.

*Please send in $1 for a special art project.  Thank you!

*If you have not already done so, please pay the $10 for the memory books either online or by cash or cheque (payable to Fairview Elementary)

*I have recently had my computer updated and am having difficulty accessing the Monthly Calendar area of this blog. Important dates for this month are:

April 9-Save-On-Foods field trip (am)
April 10-Club Red lunch (winners have been notified)
April 17th-TCBY and Chips (PAC fundraiser)
April 18th-Crazy Hair Day
April 19-Good Friday
April 22-Easter Monday
April 29-Professional Development Day

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 7 March 2019

March 7/18

Hi Everyone,

*Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Club Red Celebration.  Students are encouraged to wear red or dress up like their favourite book character.

*Tuesday, March 12 students are welcome to wear green in celebration of St. Patrick's Day which occurs over spring break

*A big thank you to our volunteer drivers for helping us out to get to/from the ACT theater.  Also, to OSS for helping us fill those last few spots.  The play was a lot of fun and I was really impressed by how much the students actually understood about the symbolism in the show.  Some other upcoming field trips are:  Save On Foods (walking field trip) and Me n Eds (drivers needed) on May 1st

*If you haven't already done so, please sign up for a conference.  Three way conferences are next week!

*There will be an early dismissal (11:00) on Thursday and no school Friday due to the conferences.

*I have updated the reading levels on RAZ kids, please do not be concerned if the letter did not change as some of them represent 4-5 levels

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

February 27/19

Hi Everyone,

Just a few reminders about the upcoming events at Fairview.

*Tomorrow is the last day for 'Club Red' reading.  Please ensure that your child has coloured each day that he/she has read and that you have initialled each square.  Please send in all calendars by the end of the week.  On March 8th, we will be having a 'Club Red' celebration.  Students can wear red or dress up as their favourite book character on that day.

*Please note that our conference schedule is now up (March 14/15)  Please note:  You are signing up for a 15 minute conference but you are actually here for 30 minutes. You will arrive at the time you sign up for and meet with your child for 15 minutes in the hallway so that they can share their work. Then, the following 15 minutes, we will all meet in the hallway to review the report together and set goals for the final semester.
Example:  If you sign up to come at 10:30, please start in the hallway at 10:30.  The conference will end at 11:00.  Many conferences will be back to back so please arrive on time.

*Miss Klimmer has decided to take a different professional path so we no longer have a student teacher in the classroom

*We are currently on a review week for spelling so we won't have a quiz until next Friday.  It will be based on all of the words/patterns we have studied to date.  Students will not bring duotangs home this week.

*Here are some special days being led by our Leadership team:

Friday March 1 - Donut Day $2.
Tuesday March 12- Dress up in green for St. Patricks Day.
Thursday April 18- Crazy Hair Day
Friday May 17-Athlete or Mathlete day.
Friday June 21- Tacky tourist day.

*Special Days sponsored by our PAC:

March 13-Hot dog and chips
April 12-Hot Lunch
April 17 TCBY  (frozen yogurt)and chips
May 10-Hot dog and chips
May 31-Hot lunch
June 6/7 TCBY and chips

Have a great weekend everyone,

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 21 February 2019

February 21/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a fantastic Family Day weekend!  It sounds like a lot of people enjoyed some family time in the snow.


*Please sign up for the skating field trip if you have not already done so, we need drivers (please ensure you have a current driver's abstract on file in the office.  Thank you!
*Tuesday, February 26th is Grandparents Day and 100 Day, please see the copy of the email below (I sent this out last week).  Please note:  I already have 2 parents who volunteered to send in cupcakes.  Thank you Pandora's mom and Keana's mom for doing this for us! :)
*Please note:  Popcorn sale tomorrow
*Thank you to everyone who brought in treats for our Valentine's Day party, we had a great afternoon

Dear Parents,
We have some special days coming up in February/March that I wanted to remind/update you on.
As you know, Grandparents Day is coming on February 26th.  We are combining this with the 100th day of school this year.  Please note that students are welcome to bring another adult if grandparents aren't available or I will pair them up with another child/their grandparent if no one can make it. 
For our celebration, one of the activities we would like to do is a cup cake decorating station.  If I could please have 2 parents who are willing to bake 24 cupcakes each, that would be a big help. Please email me at if you are able to do this.  We will be icing  and decorating the cupcakes here so just plain cupcakes would be great.  Here is an outline from Mrs. Watkins on the plan for the day.
Grandparent day timeline: 
12:30 Grandparents arrive at the gym……. Coffee, sandwiches and cookies will be served. 
12:40-1:15ish Mrs. Watkins will meet with Grandparentsin the gym 
1:15 ish Mrs. Watkins will ‘dismiss’ the grandparents, they will head to our classes.  Maps/room lists will be available.
1:15-2ish Activities in class with students and their grandparents
******Our Scholastic Book Fair will be open during this time*****
Students should make a collection/project of 100 things to bring in and display before February 26th.  They can be creative here.  Please let me know if you need paper for this assignment.
*Reminder that we are also going skating that week (February 28th).  At this point, I only have 1 volunteer driver.
*Our student teachers are returning in 2 weeks and will be learning to plan a field trip.  We will be helping them use the portal at this time. You will get an official email regarding our field trip the week of February 25th which we realize is a short turn around so we are emailing you to 'Save the Date'. As part of our connections unit, we are booked to go to the ACT theater for a play that begins at 9:30 am on Wednesday March 6th . 
Also, just a reminder that it is Club Red month and your child should be Reading Each Day and colouring the calendar after you intial each square.
Happy Family Day, Everyone!
Amanda Roberts

Here are the rest of the spirit/treat sponsored by our leadership students:

Friday February 22 - Popcorn Sales at lunch $1 per bag.

Wednesday February 27-Pink shirt day.

Friday March 1 - Donut Day $2.
Tuesday March 12- Dress up in green for St. Patricks Day.
Thursday April 18- Crazy Hair Day
Friday May 17-Athlete or Mathlete day.

Friday June 21- Tacky tourist day.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts