Wednesday, 22 May 2019

May 22/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed a great long weekend.  It is hard to believe that we will be heading into June soon!

*If you are unable to sell the library raffle tickets, please send back the unsold tickets.  Mrs. Holmes has lots of great ideas for our library so we are hoping that everyone is able to sell their tickets but she will pass them on to other students if you are unable to.

*This Friday, May 24th is  Class Picture Day (rain or shine)

*Our class party will be on June 25th.  At this point I only have 2 volunteers who are bringing treats: Josh-fruit plate and Declan-chips or pretzels.  Is anyone else willing to bring in treats?  Please notify me by email if you are able.  Thank you!

*This will be the last week for students to take out library books, all books are due back to the library asap as there will be an inventory done during the month of June

*We will be creating an art project to help decorate our school.  Please send in a rock about the size of your child's fist.  We will be writing a 'connections' word on it and decorating the rock with acrylic paints so smoother rocks are preferred.

*Over the next week, your child will be given a food poem (chosen by his/her group) to practice/present to the class.  Please read this poem nightly with your child.  Thank you!

*Students will have the opportunity to trade in their mystery bag this week.  Please ensure that it comes to school each day.  Thank you!

*Important Dates for the remainder of the year...

May 30th-PAC hot lunch (the last one of the year)
June 4th-Student Stars Assembly
June 6/7th- TCBY and Chips
June 11th-Volunteer Tea (Mrs. Watkins will send out more information)
June 14th-School wide Aboriginal Education Event (dress for activity, painting etc)
June 20th-Rev's Bowling (driver's needed)
June 21st-Fun Day-Dress for activity and getting wet! :)
June 25th-Class Party
June 26th-Last day of school for students:  11:00 dismissal

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

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