Wednesday, 29 May 2019

May 30/19

Hi Everyone,

We are enjoying our last week of May and are just wrapping up our Body/Nutrition Unit.  We are excited to learn about insects and other interesting crawlers.  I am sure your children have told you that we were very fortunate to watch our caterpillars form their chrysalis and grow into healthy painted lady butterflies that we were able to release last week.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Just a reminder to please send in the library raffle ticket money (or tickets if you are unable to sell them)
*Hot lunch is tomorrow
*Parent volunteer appreciation invitations were sent home on Friday.  If you did not receive one and you did volunteer, please let me know.  Thank you!  The tea is Thursday, June 13th from 1:00-2:00 in the Multipurpose Room
*We are finished spelling for the year.  Duotangs can now stay at home.
*Nutrition booklets are coming home this week.  The last page is homework and should be completed at lunch time on Saturday or Sunday.  Thank you!
*Thank you to Lucas, Keana, Sophia and Ryanna's parents for offering to send in a second snack for our year end party.  We now have enough food for our party :)
*Thank you to Ryanna's mom for bringing in some extra rocks.  We now have enough for the whole class!
*A big thank you to our PAC and any parents who contributed to our staff appreciation lunch on Tuesday.  We really appreciated this thoughtful gesture.
*Friday we will be having a 'Yogurt Bar' in our class between recess (10:30 and lunch 12:00) if anyone available to volunteer and help with prep and distribution.  We are using money from a grant we received from the BC Dairy Foundation
*You will be receiving a notification for our field trip on the afternoon of June 20th to Rev's bowling (drivers will be needed, please make sure you have a current abstract on file)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

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