Wednesday, 27 February 2019

February 27/19

Hi Everyone,

Just a few reminders about the upcoming events at Fairview.

*Tomorrow is the last day for 'Club Red' reading.  Please ensure that your child has coloured each day that he/she has read and that you have initialled each square.  Please send in all calendars by the end of the week.  On March 8th, we will be having a 'Club Red' celebration.  Students can wear red or dress up as their favourite book character on that day.

*Please note that our conference schedule is now up (March 14/15)  Please note:  You are signing up for a 15 minute conference but you are actually here for 30 minutes. You will arrive at the time you sign up for and meet with your child for 15 minutes in the hallway so that they can share their work. Then, the following 15 minutes, we will all meet in the hallway to review the report together and set goals for the final semester.
Example:  If you sign up to come at 10:30, please start in the hallway at 10:30.  The conference will end at 11:00.  Many conferences will be back to back so please arrive on time.

*Miss Klimmer has decided to take a different professional path so we no longer have a student teacher in the classroom

*We are currently on a review week for spelling so we won't have a quiz until next Friday.  It will be based on all of the words/patterns we have studied to date.  Students will not bring duotangs home this week.

*Here are some special days being led by our Leadership team:

Friday March 1 - Donut Day $2.
Tuesday March 12- Dress up in green for St. Patricks Day.
Thursday April 18- Crazy Hair Day
Friday May 17-Athlete or Mathlete day.
Friday June 21- Tacky tourist day.

*Special Days sponsored by our PAC:

March 13-Hot dog and chips
April 12-Hot Lunch
April 17 TCBY  (frozen yogurt)and chips
May 10-Hot dog and chips
May 31-Hot lunch
June 6/7 TCBY and chips

Have a great weekend everyone,

Amanda Roberts

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