Thursday, 14 November 2019

November 14/19

Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend.  It was great to hear that many of you made it to the local Remembrance Day ceremony.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*thank you to parents who drove for our Fort Langley field trip.  It was a fantastic, very educational outing
*Conferences are coming up quickly! (November 28th-early dismissal 11:00 and November 29th-no school for students).
*As I mentioned in last week's blog post, the conference sign up is now available on the parent portal, you will sign up for a 15 minute block of time but will also stay for 15 minutes after your signed up block for a total of 30 minutes.  Please only sign up for one 15 minute block
*please send in headphones, planner $  and inside shoes if you have not already done so.  I will be sending out individual emails to those of you who have not yet paid for the planner.  The cost is $7.
*your child brought home a book bag on Wednesday.  These books will be switched out every 2-3 weeks.  They are another option to library books, daily class books, books from home and RAZ kids. There was a letter put in each bag which gives more detail on the use of these bags, please read these and feel free to email me any questions you may have
*our PAC is hosting a Bingo Night on November 30th, it is always a great time!
*I am looking for a couple of parents who would be willing to make a batch of play dough for classroom use.  Please email me at if you are able to do this.
*we will be sending out a portal notice in the next couple of days about an upcoming skating field trip.  We will be joining with Mrs. Rowledge-Toscani's class and both of our buddy classes for this outing on December 19th (1:00 pm)

Thank you so much!

Amanda Roberts

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