Thursday, 31 October 2019

October 31/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy an exciting and safe Halloween night!  Everyone looks great in their costumes today :)

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*the conference sign up is now available via the parent portal.  Please note:  The time you sign up for is a 15 minute block but you will stay for an additional 15 minutes so we can meet together.  This is what the conference will look like:

1. Please arrive at the time you have signed up for:  Example: 2:15
2. For that first 15 minutes you will meet in the hall with your child and celebrate his/her work
(For example 2:15-2:30)
3.  Then you will come into the classroom with your child and meet with me for an additional 15 minutes (2:30-2:45)

Please keep this half an hour timeline in mind as you book conferences for your other children. Thank you!
*thank you to everyone who sent in Halloween snacks for our party.  We really enjoyed them.
*Pajama Day/Hot Lunch are tomorrow! :). As always, dress up days are optional.
*Art cards are due tomorrow if you are interested in purchasing them, you can also send them in if you would just like me to include their work in their memory books
*Your children are all signed up for RAZ kids (an online reading program).  We have begun using this in class and it is a great resource, please have your children complete the quiz for each of their readings, it helps me to notice patterns and helps guide my instruction with them.  My account is aroberts47 and the student's password is their name.  The link is on this blog in the useful links bar.
*You will be getting a bat book, 'Amazing Bats' over the next few days (that the students have assembled).  Please read these with your child and then they may stay at home.
*November 8th is a professional development day, there is no school for students
*the students have completed a self-evaluation now, it is in their planner today
*please sign up/pay for our field trip to Ft. Langley
*our Remembrance Day assembly will be this Thursday, everyone is encouraged to send in a small amount for the poppy. Thank you!

Have a great evening, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

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