Saturday, 24 February 2018

February 23, 2018

Hi Everyone,

I hope you have all had the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather today.  It really is a winter wonderland out there!  We have had a busy week and enjoyed presentations by both 'The Maple Man' and a local author, Linda Grace Smith, who wrote a book we are focusing on as part of our compassion unit.  Ask your children about how they made/enjoyed their maple toffee treat and the steps involved in making maple syrup.  They can also tell you about the book 'One Too Many' which was written by our visiting author (see link):

Reminders/Updates/Thank you's

*Tuesday, February 27th will be the 100th day of school.  Just a reminder that we will be having a 100 day sing a long (please practice songs in your child's 'Poetry and More' duotang with them) and  a parade for all primary students where we will wear our 100!  These can be made with items you already have at home and should be something your child can wear all day (or easily slip off for play times outside).  Some suggestions are:  a necklace with 100 beads or fruit loops, a t-shirt with 100 pompoms, dots or google eyes, a hat with 100 stickers or happy face drawings.  Be creative and have fun!
*Wednesday, February 28th is also national anti-bullying day.  Students are encouraged to wear pink (or red if you don't have pink) to show their support.  Again, please do not feel compelled to go and buy something new.
*Conferences are coming up this week!  Students will be dismissed at 11:00 on Thursday and will not attend school on Friday while the conferences take place.  Please sign up for a meeting time if you have not already done so.  We will be using the same format as last term:  you will arrive at the conference time that you signed up for and meet with your child in the hallway to share his/her work/progress.  The next 15 minutes, we will all meet to celebrate your child's growth and set goals for the upcoming term.  Thank you for being on time so that we can keep the current schedule.
*The Scholastic Book Fair will be happening in the library next week.  Please see the blue flyer that was sent home with specific times that it will be open
*Club RED has almost come to an end, please send in calendars on Thursday, March 1st or bring them in when you come for your child's conference.  Please remember to initial each day that your child has read.  Our hope is that the month of daily reading will help develop a habit that will be continued through the rest of your child's school years (and beyond).  Thank you for your support with this.
*Our book swap on Friday was a huge success!  Thank you to everyone who sent in a book (and in many cases multiple books) which allowed everyone in the class the opportunity to select a book to take home!
*Thank you to all of the parent drivers who took us skating and helped tie skates.  It was amazing to see the progress the children have made (and Isabella was able to teach me how to stop...I'm working on it!)
*Thank you to everyone for your feedback regarding our plans to take the students to Grouse.  The response was very positive and we have booked for May 25th (more information to follow).   Parent volunteers will be welcome.  Thank you!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, everyone!

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