Hi Everyone,
I hope you and your loved ones are well . I have sent out an email to all of you which includes a PDF of this schedule and the Zoom times/login information for the upcoming week. I have added spelling to this week’s Dropbox (by parent request) so feel free to add this to your options for learning opportunities your child can access each week. It is not mandatory.
By Friday, I would like students to email me 1) Monday’s literacy 2) One of the Numeracy activities from the week (not necessary if doing Prodigy as I can see your child’s progress there) If you haven't signed up yet but would like to: Please sign up as a STUDENTand use our class number: A02C6F.
*If they would like to, your child can share their Earth Day poster and the results of this week’s challenge during our Thursday Zoom meeting.
I am following the guidelines set out by our District Superintendant, Sylvia Russel. The activities I am offering are ‘learning opportunities’. Please feel free to use my weekly suggestions as you see fit.
'Kindergarten-Grade 3 planning will focus on language and literacy as well as numeracy from the provincial curriculum; an average of five to seven hours of learning opportunities per student per week'. So, that would equal approximately 1- 1.5 hours/day.
Home Learning: Week # 3
April 20th-24th
*Please note: Students are encouraged to read 15-20 minutes/day in addition to the activities outlined below. This can be done using books or magazines that you have at home, RAZ kids, Epic or Tumblebooks etc.
Send me a list of 5-10 hints about something in your room. I will try to guess what it is
Example: It is silver. It is a rectangle. It hangs on the wall. I use it every day. It looks different every time I see it. What is it?
A.Lay out 2 cards face up to make a two digit number. B. Record the number that these two cards would round to. Do steps A and B 2 more times. Now, add up the rounded numbers to get an estimate of the total. Example:
23 rounds to 20, 47 rounds to 50, 35 rounds to 40 so I would add 20+50+40=110
Need a challenge? Increase the number of cards in each step and/or the number of steps.
DPA(Daily Physical Activity/Outdoor Learning)
*Leaf Person:Collect nature supplies and make a leaf person
Choose a word that has a common spelling pattern (e.g. -est, -ike, -eat, -ight, -ow). Write as many rhyming words as you can with the same spelling pattern. Choose one more and do the same thing.
Go for a walk in your neighbourhood, please take a note pad to do a tally of the different colour flowers you see. Once you get home make a bar graph showing your results. There is a bar graph template in the Printable worksheets section of our class blog-Week 3 Printables.
DPA (Daily Physical Activity)
Exploring the Cupboard. With your parent’s permission, go into your kitchen cupboards/the fridge and locate 5 solids and 5 liquids. Describe to someone what makes the item a solid or a liquid. How are solids and liquids similar and different?
Happy Earth Day! Please see the Youtube link in the ‘Just for Fun’ section for how to draw a ‘cute earth ’ This could be part of the ‘Design a Poster’ below if your child is interested.
Design a Poster encouraging people to take good care of our planet. It can be focused on cleaning up litter, using less energy, saving endangered animals etc. You pick the topic and a slogan. You can share your poster during our Zoom meeting tomorrow
Flip a coin 50 times. Make a chart for the heads and tails. Make a tally mark each time you flip. How many heads and tails did you get? Use the tally method we discussed in Monday’s meeting, making groups of 5 by crossing over 4 lines with the 5th line and circling two groups of 5 to make a group of 10. This will help you count your totals much faster. Add your final two numbers to ensure they add up to 50.
DPA/Outdoor Learning
Map it for Earth Day! Make a map of an outdoor space such as your backyard or an outdoor space you can see from your window. Draw the location of different living and non-living things you see (e.g., trees, a garden, a trampoline etc.). Label your map! Colour it in!
Call, Facetime, message or phone a friend or family member and tell them a joke (or maybe a few). (E.g. Why did the orange stop? Because it ran out of juice. What goes tick, tock, bow, wow, tick, tock? A watch dog.)
A packet of gum has 5 pieces in it. How many pieces of gum in 3 packets? 5 packets? 7 packets? 10 packets? Feel free to use things to help you count and record.Challenge: Pretend your package has 7 pieces in it. Write out your 7X tables, memorize, have a parent quiz you.
DPA/Outdoor Learning
Hide and Go Seek: Hide a ‘treasure’ of your choosing in the house or backyard. Write clues (I.e. the object is small, the object is under something soft, etc.) that will guide your partner to the ‘treasure.’ Give them one clue at a time.
Stay- In Restaurant – have child(ren) create menus for tonight’s meal. Menus can be used that night for “customers” to choose from and children can record the orders on a note pad and then read out the order to the “cook”.
Add a dollar amount to each item on your menu. Remember to write it in dollar form. Example $2.75 or $5.00. Add the total for each person’s meal (you can round the numbers or use a calculator for the exact amount if needed)
DPA/Outdoor Learning
Take a walk around your neighbourhood to find:
something that flies, something that needs water to survive, something you can eat if you are an animal, something made of metal, something made of wood, 5 pieces of garbage. (Please do not touch these objects, just view them).
something that flies, something that needs water to survive, something you can eat if you are an animal, something made of metal, something made of wood, 5 pieces of garbage. (Please do not touch these objects, just view them).
Thank you to Manjot, Ryanna and Jack for contributing this week’s jokes. If you don’t see your joke yet, don’t worry. I am saving them and adding them to the blog in the order that I have received them. Your joke will appear soon You are welcome to continue sending them in
1. What kind of tree fits in your hand?
2. Why aren’t guinea pig jokes funny?
3. "What do you call a pile of cats?
(see end of post for the answers)
This week’s tongue twister was sent in by Manjot and it is tough! Good luck!
Betty bought a bar of butter, but the butter Betty bought was bitter, so Betty beat a bit of butter to make the bitter butter better.
Directed Drawing (Earth Day). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FhIa6614bE
This week’s challenge is…
The Paper Tear Challenge...You need a piece of 8 and ½ x 11 inch piece of paper (the regular size paper you use at school to draw) and nothing else but your imagination and steady hands. If you don’t have the correct blank paper, cut a piece of paper to the proper size. The goal is to tear your paper in a creative way to make the longest, continual piece of paper without tearing/breaking the paper into any pieces. No scissors, glue, tape etc. can be used. When done, measure your paper from end to end in centimetersand record your score...please email this to me at amanda_roberts@sd42.ca Please also see Emma's toe drawing at the bottom of this post. Her video wasn't working at the Zoom meeting so she was unable to share.
1. Answer: A palm tree! 🌴
2. Because they are WHEEK!
3. A meowtain!
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