Thursday, 23 January 2020

January 23/20

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend ahead.  Please see the previous post regarding important upcoming dates.  February is a very busy month.  I know that some people like to get an early jump on writing Valentines so I am listing all of the students in Division 10 so that everyone can be included.  Please note:  We will be celebrating Valentines Day on Wednesday, February 12th (including handing out Valentines/Our class party) due to the NID and holiday on the 13th and 14th.

Jack  Levi Noah  Ekam Natalie Tatum Olivia Pandora Manjot Natalia Darian Shervin Ryanna Rory
Ailish Elizabeth Eli Tristan Keana Navien Emma

If any parents hadn't yet made it in to sign up for a day to bring treats for a class party, I have assigned you one. Thank you in advance to the following people who will be bringing snacks to share on February 12th for our Valentine's Day Party:

Eli-Fruit Plate
Ryanna-Veggie Plate
Elizabeth-Sweet treat
Keana-Popcorn or Chips

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*tomorrow is a ProD Day, there will be no school for students
*please send in a change of clothes if you have not already done so, especially socks
*there is a poem in your child's book bag that they should be practicing with you at home
*we had a guest speaker talk to us about local native/invasive frogs and turtles that are currently endangered.  Ask your child to tell you more.
*we will be starting our spelling program next week, please read the letter carefully.  I have suggestions on how to make the program more challenging.  The word lists do become more difficult as the program progresses and we chose this program more for the skills it develops than the actual word lists.  We encourage you to make a list of 'challenge' words for your child that follows the weekly rule.
*a reminder that I coach the girl's basketball team Tuesdays/Thursdays after school.  If your child is not picked up on time on those days I will send them to wait in the office area.  Thank you!
*there is a new online hot lunch order available from our PAC.  You should be getting an email from them each month notifying you of upcoming hot lunches.  Please let them know if you are not receiving these as we will not be sending home paper orders.
Contact info for the PAC is:
*Dr. Saul has a link you can access via the Fairview Website if you would like to see what your children have been working on in music.
*Thank you to Noah's family for donating some Geronimo Stilton books

Have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

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