Friday, 31 January 2020

Jan. 31/20

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy the weekend despite all of this rain!  Please see the previous post regarding important upcoming dates (2 posts back).  February is a very busy month.  I know that some people like to get an early jump on writing Valentines so I am listing all of the students in Division 10 so that everyone can be included.  Please note:  We will be celebrating Valentines Day on Wednesday, February 12th (including handing out Valentines/Our class party) due to the NID and holiday on the 13th and 14th.

Jack  Levi Noah  Ekam Natalie Tatum Olivia Pandora Manjot Natalia Darian Shervin Ryanna Rory
Ailish Elizabeth Eli Tristan Keana Navien Emma

If any parents hadn't yet made it in to sign up for a day to bring treats for a class party, I have assigned you one. Thank you in advance to the following people who will be bringing snacks to share on February 12th for our Valentine's Day Party:

Eli-Fruit Plate
Ryanna-Veggie Plate
Elizabeth-Sweet treat
Keana-Popcorn or Chips

*We had our first quiz today and this went very well.  Thank you everyone for helping your children to prepare at home.  Please encourage your children practice lower case letters.  Capitals will receive 1/2 mark off starting next week.  An alphabet on their name tag is available to all students as a reference during the quiz
*It is Flashlight Reading next Friday, February 7th.  Please send a flashlight and a book your child enjoys for flashlight reading.  Our focus in the school this month is Dr. Suess so that would be a great choice.  Please make sure all books are labeled.
*On pink shirt day (February 26th), we will also be walking the Terry Fox route (as a school) with signs promoting kindness.  This will be our 'Pink Day Parade'.  Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and you are welcome to join us.  This will be happening between recess and lunch-Approximately 10:40-11:50.  We will start with a gathering in the gym and then head out for the walk)

Have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

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