Friday, 31 January 2020

Jan. 31/20

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy the weekend despite all of this rain!  Please see the previous post regarding important upcoming dates (2 posts back).  February is a very busy month.  I know that some people like to get an early jump on writing Valentines so I am listing all of the students in Division 10 so that everyone can be included.  Please note:  We will be celebrating Valentines Day on Wednesday, February 12th (including handing out Valentines/Our class party) due to the NID and holiday on the 13th and 14th.

Jack  Levi Noah  Ekam Natalie Tatum Olivia Pandora Manjot Natalia Darian Shervin Ryanna Rory
Ailish Elizabeth Eli Tristan Keana Navien Emma

If any parents hadn't yet made it in to sign up for a day to bring treats for a class party, I have assigned you one. Thank you in advance to the following people who will be bringing snacks to share on February 12th for our Valentine's Day Party:

Eli-Fruit Plate
Ryanna-Veggie Plate
Elizabeth-Sweet treat
Keana-Popcorn or Chips

*We had our first quiz today and this went very well.  Thank you everyone for helping your children to prepare at home.  Please encourage your children practice lower case letters.  Capitals will receive 1/2 mark off starting next week.  An alphabet on their name tag is available to all students as a reference during the quiz
*It is Flashlight Reading next Friday, February 7th.  Please send a flashlight and a book your child enjoys for flashlight reading.  Our focus in the school this month is Dr. Suess so that would be a great choice.  Please make sure all books are labeled.
*On pink shirt day (February 26th), we will also be walking the Terry Fox route (as a school) with signs promoting kindness.  This will be our 'Pink Day Parade'.  Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and you are welcome to join us.  This will be happening between recess and lunch-Approximately 10:40-11:50.  We will start with a gathering in the gym and then head out for the walk)

Have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 23 January 2020

January 23/20

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend ahead.  Please see the previous post regarding important upcoming dates.  February is a very busy month.  I know that some people like to get an early jump on writing Valentines so I am listing all of the students in Division 10 so that everyone can be included.  Please note:  We will be celebrating Valentines Day on Wednesday, February 12th (including handing out Valentines/Our class party) due to the NID and holiday on the 13th and 14th.

Jack  Levi Noah  Ekam Natalie Tatum Olivia Pandora Manjot Natalia Darian Shervin Ryanna Rory
Ailish Elizabeth Eli Tristan Keana Navien Emma

If any parents hadn't yet made it in to sign up for a day to bring treats for a class party, I have assigned you one. Thank you in advance to the following people who will be bringing snacks to share on February 12th for our Valentine's Day Party:

Eli-Fruit Plate
Ryanna-Veggie Plate
Elizabeth-Sweet treat
Keana-Popcorn or Chips

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*tomorrow is a ProD Day, there will be no school for students
*please send in a change of clothes if you have not already done so, especially socks
*there is a poem in your child's book bag that they should be practicing with you at home
*we had a guest speaker talk to us about local native/invasive frogs and turtles that are currently endangered.  Ask your child to tell you more.
*we will be starting our spelling program next week, please read the letter carefully.  I have suggestions on how to make the program more challenging.  The word lists do become more difficult as the program progresses and we chose this program more for the skills it develops than the actual word lists.  We encourage you to make a list of 'challenge' words for your child that follows the weekly rule.
*a reminder that I coach the girl's basketball team Tuesdays/Thursdays after school.  If your child is not picked up on time on those days I will send them to wait in the office area.  Thank you!
*there is a new online hot lunch order available from our PAC.  You should be getting an email from them each month notifying you of upcoming hot lunches.  Please let them know if you are not receiving these as we will not be sending home paper orders.
Contact info for the PAC is:
*Dr. Saul has a link you can access via the Fairview Website if you would like to see what your children have been working on in music.
*Thank you to Noah's family for donating some Geronimo Stilton books

Have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 16 January 2020

January 16/20

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed the 'snow day' this week.  It is a nice the kids have had lots of time to play in it before the rain begins.

 Updates/reminders/thank you's

*Hot lunch has been rescheduled by the PAC.   It is now Wednesday, January 22/20. They will not be taking any new orders.
*Students who have remembered their book bags received new books this week, please send yours in with your child each day.  Thanks so much.
*February 20th will be the 100th day of school.  This year all of the primary staff are asking students to wear 100.  For example, a t-shirt with 100 pom poms or google eyes, wear 100 bracelets or hair ties.  We have done this in the past and it's been a lot of fun.
*Thank you to the Weber family for their donation of Tech deck and some new building supplies
*As you can see, February is a very busy month.  Mark your calendars! :)

Important Upcoming Dates

January 24th-NID  No school for students
February 7th-Flashlight Reading
February 12th-Valentine's Day Party
February 13th-NID No school for students
February 14th-School not in session
February 17th-Family Day
February 20th-100 Day!
February 21st-Suessisms (more info to follow)
February 25th-Grandparents Day
February 26th-Pink Shirt Day
March 2-Dr. Suess Day
March 5th-Skating 1:00 (parent drivers needed)
March 12/13-Conferences

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 9 January 2020

January 8/20

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year!  I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday with family and friends.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*please send in earbuds or headphones if you have not already done so, we are working on a research project in the library and we will be using these 3x/week while we explore/complete our studies on Canadian animals.  We also use them 2-3x/week in the classroom.
*please ensure that your child has an extra set of clothes (or at the very least socks) at the school.  We have west coast recess in Maple Ridge which means student's go outside rain/shine.  There is an upcoming cold front expected, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for going outside.
*also, a reminder that Thursday is our library day and 'Forest Fun'.  Please ensure that all books are returned on/before this time and that your children are dressed appropriately for heading out to the forest
*Tuesdays and Thursdays I will be coaching basketball right after school.  If you are unable to pick your children up on time those days, please don't worry if you don't see them in/outside of the classroom.  I will be dropping them off at the office.  For parents who have spoke to me about allowing their children to play outside unattended, please be aware I will not be in the classroom as of 2:25

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts