Wednesday, 6 February 2019

February 7/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you were able to get out and enjoy the little bit of snow we had.  We have been enjoying the sunny, cold weather at school.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Flashlight reading is this Friday, please send in a flashlight and book with your child
*We are celebrating Valentine's next Wednesday, February 13th due to the NID on February 14th, please see the previous post for a list of who is bringing snacks for the party and the names of everyone in our class (for writing Valentines)
*Our leadership students are going to be having a popcorn sale on Friday.  Please send $1 with your child if you would like them to purchase some.  They are only popping 100 bags for this initial trial so it isn't guaranteed everyone will get one.  They do hope to do this regularly, however, if it is successful.
*We have a new student teacher in our class.  Her name is Jennifer Klimmer and she is an SFU student.  She is observing in the class this week and will then be heading back to SFU for 2 weeks.  When she returns, she will be doing some lessons with the class over a 3 week period.  We are all really excited about having her here :)  Please pop in and say hello if you have a free moment before/after school.
*We will be going skating on February 28th, we will be sending a permission form via the parent portal soon.  Drivers will be needed for this field trip.  Please ensure you have a current driver's abstract if you would like to volunteer.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

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