Thursday, 10 January 2019

January 9/18

Happy New Year, Everyone!

This will be a brief post as I sent a lot of the information you need to know on an email earlier this week.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Friday we will have our class party.  Students can wear Pj's that day and need to bring a mug for hot chocolate (provided by our PAC).  They can also bring a noisemaker for our New Year's Eve count down if they like.

*reminder that your children all received a coupon for a free Scholastic book for up to $6 for their Christmas present from me this year.  Please order online this month or wait for a future order if there isn't anything that appeals to your child.  They have until June to use it.  Thank you!

*Some students needed a little more time to finish their book bag books so I have told them I will trade them out early next week.  Please ensure that your child's book bag is in his/her back pack on Monday so that I can collect them.  Thank you!

*You will be receiving a portal announcement regarding our upcoming field trip to Science World where we will be learning about the human body and watching an Omnimax film about Pandas.  A big thank you to the PAC for augmenting the cost of the bus to make it a more affordable outing.  This will be our big field trip of the year, we decided to do it earlier as it supports the unit we will be focusing on and it is often difficult to get bus transportation in June.

*I am now coaching basketball on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school.  If you are unable to pick up your child at 2:20 on those days I will be asking them to wait at the office so that there is an adult nearby if they need assistance.  Thank you!

*I have added January dates to the 'Monthly Calendar'

*We will be starting our spelling program next week.  Students will be writing their words in their planners on Mondays.  They will do activities with these words throughout the week to develop their vocabulary and learn about patterns (and exceptions...there are lots of those) in the English language. Please do not be concerned if the words are too easy for your child.  There will be the opportunity to try some challenging 'bonus' words that use the same pattern and we will also be expanding the words through our activities.  You can even challenge your child at home by coming up with some more difficult words to 'test' them on.  We will work on our spelling activities during school Monday-Wednesday and then anything that is not complete will be sent home for homework on Wednesday nights.  We will have a small quiz (5 words plus 2 bonus words) on Fridays.  Thank you in advance for your help with this program.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

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