Hi Everyone,
I am sending out this post a little early this week with a couple of reminders. We are presently wrapping up our owl unit and are about to move onto the body/nutrition. If anyone works in the medical field and would like to come in and talk to us about anything related to our upcoming theme, please let me know and we will set up a time. Thank you!
*If you are able to, please send in some tweezers in a labeled bag for our owl pellet dissection which will be happening tomorrow
*A big thank you to everyone who sent in food for our party last week, our new years party was a big success! Also, a big thank you for the extra noisemakers...we had a blast with them :)
*A parent has let me know that you had to sign up as a driver for the field trip to Science World, even though we are taking the bus. If you have signed up 'to drive' I will assume that means you want to come as a volunteer on the bus. If this is incorrect, please email me at amanda_roberts@sd42.ca
*It is 'Decades Day' at Fairview on Friday for anyone who would like to participate (dress up as someone from any previous decade)
*New book bag books will be coming home today. Please ensure that your child brings these to school daily. They should be reading these (or other materials) each night for 10-15 minutes
*I will be sending home the spelling duotangs today. Please take a look/help your child with corrections or to complete their work and return them tomorrow. Duotangs can come home again tomorrow night if you are busy this evening. I normally will only send the spelling home on Wednesday if your child needs to finish their work. Please note: there is a letter to parents at the front of the spelling duotang
*Just a reminder that I am now coaching on Tuesdays/Thursdays after school. If you child is not picked up at 2:20 I will send them to the office when I leave for the practices/games so that they have an adult nearby.
Thank you,
Amanda Roberts
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