Dear Parents,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! There was definitely a lot of excitement in the building and we really enjoyed our school wide costume parade. Thank you to everyone who sent in the treats for our class party!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Please sign up for the upcoming Fort Langley field trip if you have not already done so. The cost is only $3.00 being it is Canada's 150th birthday and the field trip will be on November 17th. Drivers are needed for this field trip. Please make sure you have a current driver's abstract in the office, I can send you the necessary form if you haven't driven previously or know you need to update yours. Thank you!
*Please send in a pair of earbuds for your child's personal use at school. This will allow us the opportunity to access sites that address the student's learning needs in the computer lab. These should be sent in a clearly marked baggie and do not need to be expensive (they are available at the dollar store). We are hoping this will help students focus on their individualized programs and help reduce the outbreaks of lice in the school
*We have now begun our unit on 'Canada' and had our first 'Great Canadian' presentations. Please refer to the calendar sent home with the paper/directions for your child's specific date.
*I have now updated everyone's reading levels on RAZ kids. For anyone who hasn't used this site/app, it is an online reading program which includes comprehension questions at the end of each story. Please use the link on this blog to use the site online or download the RAZ kids app. My teacher name is aroberts47 and your child's password is his/her name (including a capital letter at the beginning-eg. Sam). Please email me at if you need any assistance.
*next week we will be setting up the online sign up for student led conferences. These will be happening on the afternoon of Thursday, November 30th (11:00 dismissal for students) and all day Friday, December 1st. Please note that these will be 30 minute conferences. The first 15 minutes (the time you sign up for) you will meet in the hallway with your child where they will share their work with you so that you can celebrate their growth. The next 15 minutes we will all meet in the classroom so that we can discuss your child's progress and cooperatively set goals for the upcoming term. I will email you once I have the sign up site reconfigured and you will access it via the 'Conference Sign Up' link on this blog. Please do not try to sign up now :) Also, please note: I will only be able to book one conference per child.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
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