Thursday, 16 November 2017

November 17, 2017

Hi Everyone,

The time is flying by in Division 8.  We have learned so much about Canada already and everyone is  really enjoying the 'hands on' stations that support this theme.  I am seeing some excellent examples of cooperative learning and problem solving. I am pleased with how the students have really begun to grow closer and support each other's learning.  Great work, everyone!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Conferences are fast approaching, please sign up for a meeting time via the 'Conference' link on this blog.  There is a detailed explanation about how the conferences run at the top of the conference sign up as well as in previous posts on this blog.  If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to email me at :
*You will find some 'zones' sheets in your child's 'Poetry and More' this week.  Our childcare worker is meeting with the class 1x/week for 6 weeks to talk about the different zones and how we can help ourselves return to the green zone.  We are focusing on self-regulation and there has been great conversation around noticing that different people feel 'in the green zone' in different situations and how we can help each other stay in 'the green zone'.  Your child can explain more when you view the pages together. (Green Zone:  Happy, Calm, Feeling Okay, Focused, Ready to Learn)
*The PAC is putting on two November 'Treat Days'.  These will be on  Tuesday, November 21 and Wednesday, Nov. 22.  The treats will be Frozen Yogurt  $2 and Chips $1
*A big thank you to all the parents who drove to the Fort Langley field trip.  It was wonderful to have so many 'hands on deck'
*Please send in ear buds (in a clearly marked plastic baggie) for your child if you have not already done so.  We are now using these weekly in the computer lab as well as with our iPads in the classroom.  We are hoping this will help reduce the cases of head lice in the school.  Thank you!
*A big thank you to Eugene's family who sent in some supplies for our craft corner.  They are certainly being enjoyed!
*I am looking for a parent volunteer who would be able to repair the occasional broken book.  I would provide the tape and there would be no rush on returning them.  If this is you, please write a note in your child's planner or email me and I will send them home as needed.  Thank you!
*A few December dates to add to your home calendar include:
Christmas Concert:  Evening Performance  6:30 on Tuesday, December 12th
                                 Daytime Performance 1:00 on Wednesday, December 13th
Burnaby Village  December 15th (driver's needed)
Skating (afternoon) December 19th (driver's needed)

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

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