Dear Parents,
We are now wrapping up our second to last week before the holidays and Christmas is definitely in the air! The concerts were a big success and I can tell it is the holiday season as there is glitter everywhere! :)
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Our class party will be the last day of school and it is also pj day and bring your favourite Christmas book to school day (Friday, December 22). Please see the previous post regarding who is bringing snacks to share for the party Thank you to the volunteers who will be sending in the party treats that day.
*Our skating field trip is coming up on Tuesday afternoon. Please sign your child up via the parent portal if you have not already done so. We are short parent drivers so if you are able to assist with this that would be much appreciated.
*Fairview leadership students are collecting new/gently used warm clothing for people in need along with used blankets for the SPCA all of next week
*Thank you to Logan's family for sending in some branches for a special craft :)
*Thank you to all of the parents/grandparents who volunteered/drove to our field trip at the Burnaby Village Museum
Friday, 15 December 2017
Thursday, 7 December 2017
December 8, 2017
Dear Parents,
We are having a busy and fun month in Division 8. We are going to put our 'Canada' unit on pause until January and will be spending the next couple of weeks focusing on the holiday season and winter. The students are very excited to begin making their crafts next week and they are wondering when our class 'Elf on the Shelf' will arrive :)
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Our field trip is next Friday and there are still several people who have not signed up via the parent portal and we do not have enough driver volunteers. Please sign your child up if you have not already done so. Reminder: If you are driving, you will need to have a current driver's abstract in the office. Please email me at if you are unsure and I will check for you.
*We have our skating field trip the following week (Tuesday, December 19th) and we are also short drivers for this event
*Our Christmas Concerts are next week! Please see the previous posts regarding our costume (pyjamas) and when to where them. Tickets will come home with the oldest child (in their planner) Friday, December 8th, 2017. THE CLASSROOM DOOR WILL BE OPEN TO STUDENTS AT 6:15 on the night of the evening performance
*Just a reminder that I have added all of the important dates in December on our classroom blog under the 'Monthly Calendar' Thank you!
*The students will be getting new Just Right Reading books this upcoming Wednesday. Remember that RAZ kids and the book they sign out daily can supplement their reading if they finish all of the books in their bag. Also, please note that the book that has a post-it in it is their Reader's Workshop book so they need to practice their pages at home
*Students should continue to practice their concert songs this weekend, please. You will also see another 'Zones' worksheet in your child's Poetry and More duotang which they can discuss with you. Jamie, our 'Childcare Worker' is coming in each week to teach us about this self-regulation program
*Our class party will be in the afternoon on the last day of school. Thank you in advance to the following people for sending snacks for the party: Paityn (fruit plate), Wyatt (veggie plate), Nevaeh (sweet treat), Isabella (popcorn or chips), Cash (other). PLEASE NOTE: We won't be eating snacks at the party in the late afternoon so students should bring a snack/lunch as usual. Thank you!
A big thank you once again to Collette's grandpa for cutting wood for us once again. You will love what the kids are going to make with it!
We are having a busy and fun month in Division 8. We are going to put our 'Canada' unit on pause until January and will be spending the next couple of weeks focusing on the holiday season and winter. The students are very excited to begin making their crafts next week and they are wondering when our class 'Elf on the Shelf' will arrive :)
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Our field trip is next Friday and there are still several people who have not signed up via the parent portal and we do not have enough driver volunteers. Please sign your child up if you have not already done so. Reminder: If you are driving, you will need to have a current driver's abstract in the office. Please email me at if you are unsure and I will check for you.
*We have our skating field trip the following week (Tuesday, December 19th) and we are also short drivers for this event
*Our Christmas Concerts are next week! Please see the previous posts regarding our costume (pyjamas) and when to where them. Tickets will come home with the oldest child (in their planner) Friday, December 8th, 2017. THE CLASSROOM DOOR WILL BE OPEN TO STUDENTS AT 6:15 on the night of the evening performance
*Just a reminder that I have added all of the important dates in December on our classroom blog under the 'Monthly Calendar' Thank you!
*The students will be getting new Just Right Reading books this upcoming Wednesday. Remember that RAZ kids and the book they sign out daily can supplement their reading if they finish all of the books in their bag. Also, please note that the book that has a post-it in it is their Reader's Workshop book so they need to practice their pages at home
*Students should continue to practice their concert songs this weekend, please. You will also see another 'Zones' worksheet in your child's Poetry and More duotang which they can discuss with you. Jamie, our 'Childcare Worker' is coming in each week to teach us about this self-regulation program
*Our class party will be in the afternoon on the last day of school. Thank you in advance to the following people for sending snacks for the party: Paityn (fruit plate), Wyatt (veggie plate), Nevaeh (sweet treat), Isabella (popcorn or chips), Cash (other). PLEASE NOTE: We won't be eating snacks at the party in the late afternoon so students should bring a snack/lunch as usual. Thank you!
A big thank you once again to Collette's grandpa for cutting wood for us once again. You will love what the kids are going to make with it!
Friday, 1 December 2017
November 29, 2017
Hi Everyone,
I look forward to seeing everyone over the next couple of days to celebrate your child's learning. Thank you for signing up for a time to come in and give your child the opportunity to share his/her progress and set some goals for the upcoming term.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*December is going to be a very busy month at Fairview. I have added the new December activities (both class and school wide) on the December calendar on this blog
*Students are busy practicing for the school concerts, we will be wearing our pyjamas for costumes on Tuesday December 12th (for the morning dress rehearsal), Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for the evening concert and 1:00 pm on Wednesday for the afternoon concerts
*We have sent out another parent portal notice regarding our upcoming skating field trip with our big buddies-drivers will be needed for this outing. Thank you!
*Our class party will be on the last day of school (December 22, 2017). I will post a reminder list for people bringing snacks closer to this date
*Thank you to everyone who has signed up to drive for the Burnaby Village Museum field trip on Friday, December 15th and/or the skating field trip on Tuesday, December 19th. Please ensure you have a current driver's abstract on file in the office. If you are not sure, please contact Joy in the office at 604 465 9331 or write a note in your child's planner and I will send home directions on how to update this (it is very quick and easy now and can be done online or over the phone)
Thank you,
Amanda Roberts
I look forward to seeing everyone over the next couple of days to celebrate your child's learning. Thank you for signing up for a time to come in and give your child the opportunity to share his/her progress and set some goals for the upcoming term.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*December is going to be a very busy month at Fairview. I have added the new December activities (both class and school wide) on the December calendar on this blog
*Students are busy practicing for the school concerts, we will be wearing our pyjamas for costumes on Tuesday December 12th (for the morning dress rehearsal), Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for the evening concert and 1:00 pm on Wednesday for the afternoon concerts
*We have sent out another parent portal notice regarding our upcoming skating field trip with our big buddies-drivers will be needed for this outing. Thank you!
*Our class party will be on the last day of school (December 22, 2017). I will post a reminder list for people bringing snacks closer to this date
*Thank you to everyone who has signed up to drive for the Burnaby Village Museum field trip on Friday, December 15th and/or the skating field trip on Tuesday, December 19th. Please ensure you have a current driver's abstract on file in the office. If you are not sure, please contact Joy in the office at 604 465 9331 or write a note in your child's planner and I will send home directions on how to update this (it is very quick and easy now and can be done online or over the phone)
Thank you,
Amanda Roberts
Friday, 24 November 2017
November 24th, 2017
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that we are heading into our final week of November! We have a busy (but fun) month ahead of us.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
•This Thursday and Friday will be having our term one conferences. Please sign up for a time if you have not already done so. Also, a reminder that your child is an integral part of this conference and needs to attend. The first 15 minutes of your conference (the time you signed up for) will be with your child while the following 15 minutes will be all of us together (a total of 30 minutes for each conference)
*Due to conferences, students will be dismissed at 11:00 on Thursday, Nov. 30th and there will be no school for students on Friday, Dec. 1st
*We have sent home the portal announcement for our Burnaby Village. Please sign up via the parent portal if you have not already done so. Drivers will be needed :)
*We will also be sending home a portal announcement some time next week regarding our buddy skate. This will be happening Tuesday, December 19th (afternoon). We will be including this in the portal announcement, but our secretary has asked that parents pay for skates/helmets with cash and not use the online option. Thank you! (This is just for skating field trips)
*Please see the previous post regarding concert dates/times.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
It is hard to believe that we are heading into our final week of November! We have a busy (but fun) month ahead of us.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
•This Thursday and Friday will be having our term one conferences. Please sign up for a time if you have not already done so. Also, a reminder that your child is an integral part of this conference and needs to attend. The first 15 minutes of your conference (the time you signed up for) will be with your child while the following 15 minutes will be all of us together (a total of 30 minutes for each conference)
*Due to conferences, students will be dismissed at 11:00 on Thursday, Nov. 30th and there will be no school for students on Friday, Dec. 1st
*We have sent home the portal announcement for our Burnaby Village. Please sign up via the parent portal if you have not already done so. Drivers will be needed :)
*We will also be sending home a portal announcement some time next week regarding our buddy skate. This will be happening Tuesday, December 19th (afternoon). We will be including this in the portal announcement, but our secretary has asked that parents pay for skates/helmets with cash and not use the online option. Thank you! (This is just for skating field trips)
*Please see the previous post regarding concert dates/times.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Thursday, 16 November 2017
November 17, 2017
Hi Everyone,
The time is flying by in Division 8. We have learned so much about Canada already and everyone is really enjoying the 'hands on' stations that support this theme. I am seeing some excellent examples of cooperative learning and problem solving. I am pleased with how the students have really begun to grow closer and support each other's learning. Great work, everyone!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Conferences are fast approaching, please sign up for a meeting time via the 'Conference' link on this blog. There is a detailed explanation about how the conferences run at the top of the conference sign up as well as in previous posts on this blog. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to email me at :
*You will find some 'zones' sheets in your child's 'Poetry and More' this week. Our childcare worker is meeting with the class 1x/week for 6 weeks to talk about the different zones and how we can help ourselves return to the green zone. We are focusing on self-regulation and there has been great conversation around noticing that different people feel 'in the green zone' in different situations and how we can help each other stay in 'the green zone'. Your child can explain more when you view the pages together. (Green Zone: Happy, Calm, Feeling Okay, Focused, Ready to Learn)
*The PAC is putting on two November 'Treat Days'. These will be on Tuesday, November 21 and Wednesday, Nov. 22. The treats will be Frozen Yogurt $2 and Chips $1
*A big thank you to all the parents who drove to the Fort Langley field trip. It was wonderful to have so many 'hands on deck'
*Please send in ear buds (in a clearly marked plastic baggie) for your child if you have not already done so. We are now using these weekly in the computer lab as well as with our iPads in the classroom. We are hoping this will help reduce the cases of head lice in the school. Thank you!
*A big thank you to Eugene's family who sent in some supplies for our craft corner. They are certainly being enjoyed!
*I am looking for a parent volunteer who would be able to repair the occasional broken book. I would provide the tape and there would be no rush on returning them. If this is you, please write a note in your child's planner or email me and I will send them home as needed. Thank you!
*A few December dates to add to your home calendar include:
Christmas Concert: Evening Performance 6:30 on Tuesday, December 12th
Daytime Performance 1:00 on Wednesday, December 13th
Burnaby Village December 15th (driver's needed)
Skating (afternoon) December 19th (driver's needed)
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
The time is flying by in Division 8. We have learned so much about Canada already and everyone is really enjoying the 'hands on' stations that support this theme. I am seeing some excellent examples of cooperative learning and problem solving. I am pleased with how the students have really begun to grow closer and support each other's learning. Great work, everyone!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Conferences are fast approaching, please sign up for a meeting time via the 'Conference' link on this blog. There is a detailed explanation about how the conferences run at the top of the conference sign up as well as in previous posts on this blog. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to email me at :
*You will find some 'zones' sheets in your child's 'Poetry and More' this week. Our childcare worker is meeting with the class 1x/week for 6 weeks to talk about the different zones and how we can help ourselves return to the green zone. We are focusing on self-regulation and there has been great conversation around noticing that different people feel 'in the green zone' in different situations and how we can help each other stay in 'the green zone'. Your child can explain more when you view the pages together. (Green Zone: Happy, Calm, Feeling Okay, Focused, Ready to Learn)
*The PAC is putting on two November 'Treat Days'. These will be on Tuesday, November 21 and Wednesday, Nov. 22. The treats will be Frozen Yogurt $2 and Chips $1
*A big thank you to all the parents who drove to the Fort Langley field trip. It was wonderful to have so many 'hands on deck'
*Please send in ear buds (in a clearly marked plastic baggie) for your child if you have not already done so. We are now using these weekly in the computer lab as well as with our iPads in the classroom. We are hoping this will help reduce the cases of head lice in the school. Thank you!
*A big thank you to Eugene's family who sent in some supplies for our craft corner. They are certainly being enjoyed!
*I am looking for a parent volunteer who would be able to repair the occasional broken book. I would provide the tape and there would be no rush on returning them. If this is you, please write a note in your child's planner or email me and I will send them home as needed. Thank you!
*A few December dates to add to your home calendar include:
Christmas Concert: Evening Performance 6:30 on Tuesday, December 12th
Daytime Performance 1:00 on Wednesday, December 13th
Burnaby Village December 15th (driver's needed)
Skating (afternoon) December 19th (driver's needed)
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Thursday, 9 November 2017
November 9, 2017
Hi Everyone,
I hope you all enjoy the long weekend ahead. I realize that the Remembrance Day holiday isn't a time of celebration but it is a great time to reflect on how fortunate we are to live in Canada and to enjoy time with our loved ones. We had a Remembrance Day assembly at the school today where we honoured the fallen soldiers and current military members for doing their best to keep peace and safeguard our freedom. Everyone was very respectful during the presentations and had some thoughtful ideas to share when it was over. Well done, Div. 8!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Please sign up for the conferences if you have not already done so (using the link on this blog)
*Please send in the $3 for the Fort Langley field trip
*We have a very crafty group this year! If anyone has any left over bits/pieces of craft supplies you would like to donate to the class that would be greatly appreciated (eg. stickers, google eyes, pompoms, fun foam, felt etc.)
*Our field trip is coming up next Friday, please send in booster seats and a snack in your child's pocket for that day. We will be outside for the majority of our visit so please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather
*Your child is bringing home his/her 'Art Card' work today. If you would like to order something with this art on it you can select from the back of the card and send the art back with payment in the attached envelope. If you do not want to order anything, please remove the envelope but return the art so that I can include it in their memory books. Thank you!
*Please send in earbuds in a labeled baggie if you have not already done so
*Thank you to the following parents for volunteering for our upcoming field trip to Fort Langley:
Mrs. Hao, Mrs. Krenbrink, Mrs. Kriel, Mr. Musinovic, Mrs. Dhembi, Mrs. Koshlay, Mrs. Lazenby, Mrs. Loveridge and Mrs. McMhuirich
We are very fortunate to have so many parent drivers/helpers. Thank you so much for volunteering!
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
I hope you all enjoy the long weekend ahead. I realize that the Remembrance Day holiday isn't a time of celebration but it is a great time to reflect on how fortunate we are to live in Canada and to enjoy time with our loved ones. We had a Remembrance Day assembly at the school today where we honoured the fallen soldiers and current military members for doing their best to keep peace and safeguard our freedom. Everyone was very respectful during the presentations and had some thoughtful ideas to share when it was over. Well done, Div. 8!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Please sign up for the conferences if you have not already done so (using the link on this blog)
*Please send in the $3 for the Fort Langley field trip
*We have a very crafty group this year! If anyone has any left over bits/pieces of craft supplies you would like to donate to the class that would be greatly appreciated (eg. stickers, google eyes, pompoms, fun foam, felt etc.)
*Our field trip is coming up next Friday, please send in booster seats and a snack in your child's pocket for that day. We will be outside for the majority of our visit so please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather
*Your child is bringing home his/her 'Art Card' work today. If you would like to order something with this art on it you can select from the back of the card and send the art back with payment in the attached envelope. If you do not want to order anything, please remove the envelope but return the art so that I can include it in their memory books. Thank you!
*Please send in earbuds in a labeled baggie if you have not already done so
*Thank you to the following parents for volunteering for our upcoming field trip to Fort Langley:
Mrs. Hao, Mrs. Krenbrink, Mrs. Kriel, Mr. Musinovic, Mrs. Dhembi, Mrs. Koshlay, Mrs. Lazenby, Mrs. Loveridge and Mrs. McMhuirich
We are very fortunate to have so many parent drivers/helpers. Thank you so much for volunteering!
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Thursday, 2 November 2017
November 3, 2017
Dear Parents,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! There was definitely a lot of excitement in the building and we really enjoyed our school wide costume parade. Thank you to everyone who sent in the treats for our class party!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Please sign up for the upcoming Fort Langley field trip if you have not already done so. The cost is only $3.00 being it is Canada's 150th birthday and the field trip will be on November 17th. Drivers are needed for this field trip. Please make sure you have a current driver's abstract in the office, I can send you the necessary form if you haven't driven previously or know you need to update yours. Thank you!
*Please send in a pair of earbuds for your child's personal use at school. This will allow us the opportunity to access sites that address the student's learning needs in the computer lab. These should be sent in a clearly marked baggie and do not need to be expensive (they are available at the dollar store). We are hoping this will help students focus on their individualized programs and help reduce the outbreaks of lice in the school
*We have now begun our unit on 'Canada' and had our first 'Great Canadian' presentations. Please refer to the calendar sent home with the paper/directions for your child's specific date.
*I have now updated everyone's reading levels on RAZ kids. For anyone who hasn't used this site/app, it is an online reading program which includes comprehension questions at the end of each story. Please use the link on this blog to use the site online or download the RAZ kids app. My teacher name is aroberts47 and your child's password is his/her name (including a capital letter at the beginning-eg. Sam). Please email me at if you need any assistance.
*next week we will be setting up the online sign up for student led conferences. These will be happening on the afternoon of Thursday, November 30th (11:00 dismissal for students) and all day Friday, December 1st. Please note that these will be 30 minute conferences. The first 15 minutes (the time you sign up for) you will meet in the hallway with your child where they will share their work with you so that you can celebrate their growth. The next 15 minutes we will all meet in the classroom so that we can discuss your child's progress and cooperatively set goals for the upcoming term. I will email you once I have the sign up site reconfigured and you will access it via the 'Conference Sign Up' link on this blog. Please do not try to sign up now :) Also, please note: I will only be able to book one conference per child.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! There was definitely a lot of excitement in the building and we really enjoyed our school wide costume parade. Thank you to everyone who sent in the treats for our class party!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Please sign up for the upcoming Fort Langley field trip if you have not already done so. The cost is only $3.00 being it is Canada's 150th birthday and the field trip will be on November 17th. Drivers are needed for this field trip. Please make sure you have a current driver's abstract in the office, I can send you the necessary form if you haven't driven previously or know you need to update yours. Thank you!
*Please send in a pair of earbuds for your child's personal use at school. This will allow us the opportunity to access sites that address the student's learning needs in the computer lab. These should be sent in a clearly marked baggie and do not need to be expensive (they are available at the dollar store). We are hoping this will help students focus on their individualized programs and help reduce the outbreaks of lice in the school
*We have now begun our unit on 'Canada' and had our first 'Great Canadian' presentations. Please refer to the calendar sent home with the paper/directions for your child's specific date.
*I have now updated everyone's reading levels on RAZ kids. For anyone who hasn't used this site/app, it is an online reading program which includes comprehension questions at the end of each story. Please use the link on this blog to use the site online or download the RAZ kids app. My teacher name is aroberts47 and your child's password is his/her name (including a capital letter at the beginning-eg. Sam). Please email me at if you need any assistance.
*next week we will be setting up the online sign up for student led conferences. These will be happening on the afternoon of Thursday, November 30th (11:00 dismissal for students) and all day Friday, December 1st. Please note that these will be 30 minute conferences. The first 15 minutes (the time you sign up for) you will meet in the hallway with your child where they will share their work with you so that you can celebrate their growth. The next 15 minutes we will all meet in the classroom so that we can discuss your child's progress and cooperatively set goals for the upcoming term. I will email you once I have the sign up site reconfigured and you will access it via the 'Conference Sign Up' link on this blog. Please do not try to sign up now :) Also, please note: I will only be able to book one conference per child.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Thursday, 26 October 2017
October 27, 2017
Hi Everyone,
There is a lot of excitement in the air, it must be getting close to Halloween :) Please see the note below regarding our class party which will be happening in the afternoon on October 31st. There will also be a costume parade involving the whole school in the gym at 8:45 that day.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
Our first class party will be on Halloween Day, thank you in advance to the following students and their parents for providing treats:
Fruit Plate: Mataya
Veggie Plate: Dyllan
Cheese/Crackers: Eugene
Sweet Treat: Quinn
Popcorn/Chips: Averyelle
Other: Collette
*Students are welcome to wear their costumes on Halloween day but they will be going outside unless it is a torrential downpour so costumes should be easy to take on/off (or durable). The party will be in the afternoon but we will have a costume parade in the morning so it is best if your child is sent to school in his/her costume. You do not need to send in planners that day as we know you will all be busy in the evening. We will not be eating until around 1:30 so please send a lunch with your child as you normally do.
*If anyone has any old racquetballs they would like to donate to the class they would be much appreciated. I bought a canister at the beginning year but they have all now been lost of 'roofed'. They are used by the students for wall ball.
*Please sign up for the Fort Langley field trip via the parent portal if you have not already done so. Thank you!
*our leadership group is selling 'Smencils' (pencils that smell nice) as a fundraiser for local/global charities. They are $3 each or 2 for $5 and will be sold at lunch and after school up to and including Halloween day
•A big thank you to our parent drivers who volunteered to take us to skating on Tuesday. We had a great afternoon there and everyone participated with a smile on their faces!
There is a lot of excitement in the air, it must be getting close to Halloween :) Please see the note below regarding our class party which will be happening in the afternoon on October 31st. There will also be a costume parade involving the whole school in the gym at 8:45 that day.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
Our first class party will be on Halloween Day, thank you in advance to the following students and their parents for providing treats:
Fruit Plate: Mataya
Veggie Plate: Dyllan
Cheese/Crackers: Eugene
Sweet Treat: Quinn
Popcorn/Chips: Averyelle
Other: Collette
*Students are welcome to wear their costumes on Halloween day but they will be going outside unless it is a torrential downpour so costumes should be easy to take on/off (or durable). The party will be in the afternoon but we will have a costume parade in the morning so it is best if your child is sent to school in his/her costume. You do not need to send in planners that day as we know you will all be busy in the evening. We will not be eating until around 1:30 so please send a lunch with your child as you normally do.
*Your child has now brought home a bag of books called 'Just Right Reading'. There is a letter in the bag explaining that the books should be returned daily and will be changed every 2-3 weeks. Your child will continue to bring home a book of his/her choice each day from the class library. Please ensure that these books are returned to the school daily so they can be exchanged for a new book.
*FYI-I have updated the calendar on this blog to include important dates in November
*FYI-I have updated the calendar on this blog to include important dates in November
*If anyone has any old racquetballs they would like to donate to the class they would be much appreciated. I bought a canister at the beginning year but they have all now been lost of 'roofed'. They are used by the students for wall ball.
*Please sign up for the Fort Langley field trip via the parent portal if you have not already done so. Thank you!
*our leadership group is selling 'Smencils' (pencils that smell nice) as a fundraiser for local/global charities. They are $3 each or 2 for $5 and will be sold at lunch and after school up to and including Halloween day
•A big thank you to our parent drivers who volunteered to take us to skating on Tuesday. We had a great afternoon there and everyone participated with a smile on their faces!
Thursday, 19 October 2017
October 19, 2017
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
Our first class party will be on Halloween Day, thank you in advance to the following students and their parents for providing treats:
Fruit Plate: Mataya
Veggie Plate: Dyllan
Cheese/Crackers: Eugene
Sweet Treat: Quinn
Popcorn/Chips: Averyelle
Other: Collette
*Students are welcome to wear their costumes that day but they will be going outside unless it is a torrential downpour so costumes should be easy to take on/off. The party will be in the afternoon but we will have a costume parade in the morning so it is best if your child is sent to school in his/her costume. We will not be eating until around 1:30 so please send a lunch with your child as you normally do.
*Tuesday will be our first skating trip to Planet Ice. Please complete your child's permission form online via the parent portal if you have not already done so. Booster seats will be required for all students. Thank you to parents who have already volunteered to drive. A current driver's abstract will need to be on file before our field trip date.
*There is a page called 'Monthly Calendar where you can now view the important dates that are coming up each month
*Reminder that this Friday is a Professional Day so there will be no school for students
*The district cross country race for students in the class who have been training with us after school is this Tuesday, October 24th. Do not be concerned if your child is in cross country that we won't be coming back from skating until 2:20. The other coaches are meeting at 2:00 with students from other classes to ensure that everyone has arranged a ride and knows where they are going. By the time they are organized they won't be leaving much earlier than we are. Mrs. Rowledge-Toscani and I will leave after all of the students have been picked up and we will still be there in plenty of time. You are welcome to drop off your group if you are driving or meet your child at the classroom and leave immediately to get to the race site.
*We have a reported case of head lice in our class so please keep an eye on your child and notify the office if nits/lice are found
*Students have each been assigned a day that they will be a 'Great Canadian'. A letter and a Canada flag for the background will be coming home on Monday with the details of this assignment. Students will need to add photos of themselves (usually they like to include pictures from when they were younger) and their families to the flag so I am letting you know now in case you want to begin the process of collecting and/or printing these. Our first presentation will be on November 1st. This assignment allows students to share their interests and should include a line or two about what makes them a 'Great Canadian'
*A number of students have shown an interest in assembling puzzles. If you have any gently used (and complete) puzzles with 50 pieces or less that you would like to donate to the class that would be much appreciated. As you can imagine, pieces tend to go missing over the years and it is disappointing to assemble a puzzle only to find that one piece is missing!
*A big thank you to Logan's mom for setting up a visit from her friend, Shannon. She had a fantastic presentation for us on making items from wool using the same process that Holman Wang (the author we saw at the library last week) used. The students even had the opportunity to try it out themselves!
The pictures below include: Puppet Explorations (inspired by Holman Wang's board books)
Isabella demonstrating how to draw clothes (a dress, shorts and a t-shirt)
Our guest speaker sharing her passion for needle felting
Friday, 13 October 2017
October 12, 2017
Dear Parents,
We had a great time on our field trip today and our bus drop off and pick up could not have been better! Your children were excellent listeners during the presentation and we are all looking forward to applying some of the skills that we learned from Holman Wang.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*You will be receiving a portal announcement regarding our upcoming skating field trip early next week (we have sent it in for Mrs. Watkins to approve). The field trip will be in the afternoon of Tuesday, October 24th and parent volunteers will be needed.
*We have also booked field trips to Fort Langley (November 17th), Burnaby Village Museum (December 15th) and Skating (December 19th) We will need drivers/volunteers for all of these trips if you could please 'save the date' Thank you!
*We plan to do some (simplified) art activities based on the presentation we saw today. If anyone has any extra yarn or other bits and pieces of craft supplies you'd be willing to donate to the class that would be much appreciated
*we spent some time discussing fire safety this week so the students know that they need to discuss a fire safety plan with you (including a meeting spot) and make sure that they know their address
*A big thank you to Logan and Wyatt's moms for coming on the field trip with us today. Your help was greatly appreciated.
Below are photos from the field trip and of Eugene teaching his lesson about how to draw flowers. If your child has something they would like to teach the class please encourage them to come and see me!😄
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
We had a great time on our field trip today and our bus drop off and pick up could not have been better! Your children were excellent listeners during the presentation and we are all looking forward to applying some of the skills that we learned from Holman Wang.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*You will be receiving a portal announcement regarding our upcoming skating field trip early next week (we have sent it in for Mrs. Watkins to approve). The field trip will be in the afternoon of Tuesday, October 24th and parent volunteers will be needed.
*We have also booked field trips to Fort Langley (November 17th), Burnaby Village Museum (December 15th) and Skating (December 19th) We will need drivers/volunteers for all of these trips if you could please 'save the date' Thank you!
*We plan to do some (simplified) art activities based on the presentation we saw today. If anyone has any extra yarn or other bits and pieces of craft supplies you'd be willing to donate to the class that would be much appreciated
*we spent some time discussing fire safety this week so the students know that they need to discuss a fire safety plan with you (including a meeting spot) and make sure that they know their address
*A big thank you to Logan and Wyatt's moms for coming on the field trip with us today. Your help was greatly appreciated.
Below are photos from the field trip and of Eugene teaching his lesson about how to draw flowers. If your child has something they would like to teach the class please encourage them to come and see me!😄
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Thursday, 5 October 2017
October 5th, 2017
Dear Parents,
I am creating this post a day early as I will be out of town tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families :)
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Each child brought home a pink verification form from the office this week. Please check that all of the information is correct, sign the bottom and return to the school if you have not already done so
*Our field trip to the library is next week, please fill out the permission form on the parent portal and send in $1.80 for bus fare if you have not already done so. Parents are welcome to join us and should send in an additional $2.80 if you would like to come.
*Please pay for the supplies/planner online or by cash or cheque if you have not already done so ($55)
*Please send in any cereal boxes you have for an upcoming craft we are doing with our big buddies. We need a few more and will be happily accepting them until tomorrow.
*Other items that need to be brought in include indoor shoes, entertainment books and hot lunch notices (if you'd like to participate)
*Thank you to everyone who sent in food bank donations. The class did a fantastic job of promoting this fundraiser. You/they will help a lot of people this Thanksgiving. The boxes will be picked up tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. so there is still time to send in food if you would like to.
*Thank you to Mrs. Koshlay for coming in to help the students prep for an upcoming craft we are making
Have a wonderful long weekend everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Amanda Roberts
I am creating this post a day early as I will be out of town tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families :)
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Each child brought home a pink verification form from the office this week. Please check that all of the information is correct, sign the bottom and return to the school if you have not already done so
*Our field trip to the library is next week, please fill out the permission form on the parent portal and send in $1.80 for bus fare if you have not already done so. Parents are welcome to join us and should send in an additional $2.80 if you would like to come.
*Please pay for the supplies/planner online or by cash or cheque if you have not already done so ($55)
*Please send in any cereal boxes you have for an upcoming craft we are doing with our big buddies. We need a few more and will be happily accepting them until tomorrow.
*Other items that need to be brought in include indoor shoes, entertainment books and hot lunch notices (if you'd like to participate)
*Thank you to everyone who sent in food bank donations. The class did a fantastic job of promoting this fundraiser. You/they will help a lot of people this Thanksgiving. The boxes will be picked up tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. so there is still time to send in food if you would like to.
*Thank you to Mrs. Koshlay for coming in to help the students prep for an upcoming craft we are making
Have a wonderful long weekend everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Amanda Roberts
Saturday, 30 September 2017
Sept. 29, 2017
Dear Parents,
We have had an exciting week at Fairview! We were fortunate enough to have Terry Fox's niece come by on Tuesday and talk to our school about Terry's life and then had the Terry Fox Run on Thursday. It was a hot afternoon but everyone was able to complete the run/walk and enjoyed orange slices provided by our P.A.C. Our school raised over $1000 for the Terry Fox Foundation this year which meant that the students won some incentive prizes-they did my make-up on Thursday $500 incentive) and Mrs. Watkins had a few pies thrown in her face AND had two buckets of cold water poured on her ($1000 incentive)! The students loved it!
Reminders/Updates/Thank you's
*Please send in $1.80 (plus $2.80 if you plan to join us) for our upcoming field trip to the public library. Also, please sign up via the parent portal if you have not already done so.
*The weather is now changing so sturdy inside shoes that can be worn in the gym are a must, thank you for your help in keeping our school clean and the gym safe
*Please send in supply money ($55 for the supplies/planner) if you have not already done so or pay online via the parent portal
*Thank you to everyone who has signed up for a class party. If you have not come in and signed up or emailed me I am happy to put your name down for a party. I will put a reminder the week before each party on this site
*Please send in your child's Entertainment books (or the money) if you have not already done so. I realize that a lot of fundraising materials from our PAC have been recently sent home and many do not need to be returned unless you are interested in participating but these books do need to come back to the school ASAP. Thank you!
*Monday you will be receiving a pink notification form from the office, please check that the information is accurate and sign/return the form
*If you have not already done so, please reply to my email from last Friday indicating that we have the correct email for you (please include your child's name in the reply).
*Our class is leading a food drive for the 'Friends in Need' Foodbank next week. This is an annual fundraiser we do the week leading into Thanksgiving. Your children were busy making posters and delivering boxes yesterday and will be making daily announcements. We have been discussing how fortunate we all are to have homes to live in and food to eat and that even though they are young they are able to make a difference. Our motto is 'Little people can make a BIG difference!' Thank you for supporting this great cause by sending in non-perishable foods next week. The boxes will be picked up on Friday morning at 9:00 so any donations up until that point are greatly appreciated.
*Thank you to the parents who volunteered at the Terry Fox Run. I saw Logan and Wyatt's mom out there but there may have been more :) Your help is much appreciated!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
We have had an exciting week at Fairview! We were fortunate enough to have Terry Fox's niece come by on Tuesday and talk to our school about Terry's life and then had the Terry Fox Run on Thursday. It was a hot afternoon but everyone was able to complete the run/walk and enjoyed orange slices provided by our P.A.C. Our school raised over $1000 for the Terry Fox Foundation this year which meant that the students won some incentive prizes-they did my make-up on Thursday $500 incentive) and Mrs. Watkins had a few pies thrown in her face AND had two buckets of cold water poured on her ($1000 incentive)! The students loved it!
Reminders/Updates/Thank you's
*Please send in $1.80 (plus $2.80 if you plan to join us) for our upcoming field trip to the public library. Also, please sign up via the parent portal if you have not already done so.
*The weather is now changing so sturdy inside shoes that can be worn in the gym are a must, thank you for your help in keeping our school clean and the gym safe
*Please send in supply money ($55 for the supplies/planner) if you have not already done so or pay online via the parent portal
*Thank you to everyone who has signed up for a class party. If you have not come in and signed up or emailed me I am happy to put your name down for a party. I will put a reminder the week before each party on this site
*Please send in your child's Entertainment books (or the money) if you have not already done so. I realize that a lot of fundraising materials from our PAC have been recently sent home and many do not need to be returned unless you are interested in participating but these books do need to come back to the school ASAP. Thank you!
*Monday you will be receiving a pink notification form from the office, please check that the information is accurate and sign/return the form
*If you have not already done so, please reply to my email from last Friday indicating that we have the correct email for you (please include your child's name in the reply).
*Our class is leading a food drive for the 'Friends in Need' Foodbank next week. This is an annual fundraiser we do the week leading into Thanksgiving. Your children were busy making posters and delivering boxes yesterday and will be making daily announcements. We have been discussing how fortunate we all are to have homes to live in and food to eat and that even though they are young they are able to make a difference. Our motto is 'Little people can make a BIG difference!' Thank you for supporting this great cause by sending in non-perishable foods next week. The boxes will be picked up on Friday morning at 9:00 so any donations up until that point are greatly appreciated.
*Thank you to the parents who volunteered at the Terry Fox Run. I saw Logan and Wyatt's mom out there but there may have been more :) Your help is much appreciated!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Friday, 22 September 2017
September 22, 2017
Hi Everyone,
It is hard to believe but another week has flown by. Your children are all adjusting well to their new classroom and are starting to follow the routines with fewer reminders. We are working towards being great role models in the school and I was very proud of the class when I asked for volunteers to demonstrate some activity stations we had just learned to Mrs. O'Riordan's K's and they ALL wanted to help. We met in the multipurpose room and your children did a fantastic job of teaching the kindergarten class how to do the circuit! Great work, everyone!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Our Terry Fox run is coming up this Thursday. I have 2 students who have not completed the parent portal permission for walking field trips (it was sent to you earlier in the year by Mrs. Watkins). This will need to be signed before I can take students off the grounds for this walk/run. Terry Fox Run donations are gratefully accepted all week. Thank you!
*Please send in your child's supply money ($55) or pay via the portal if you have not already done so. Thank you!
*Also, please send in a sturdy pair of inside shoes. This is what your child will be wearing in the gym so they need to be comfortable for active times.
*We have booked a field trip to the Maple Ridge Public Library to see a guest author speaker (Holman Wang) on the morning of October 13th. We will be taking public transit but would appreciate volunteers to join us. We should be back at the school by lunch time. You will receive a field trip form to complete via the parent portal next week but we just wanted to give you the 'heads up' so you can adjust your schedule if you'd like to join us (Reminder: our skating field trip date is October 24th-portal notice to follow closer to the date)
*Please send in the Entertainment books if you have not already done so (it is okay if you were unable to sell it) Thank you!
*I am going to be sending you home an email in a few minutes to confirm that we have the correct email on file at the office. If you do not get this, please write an updated email in your child's planner or phone the office directly at (604) 465 9331
*Some of your children may have brought home a notice about our cross country running club. We will begin training on Wednesday and will be meeting after school every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I am one of the coaches so if you are unable to pick up your child on time those days (and they aren't in cross country) I will be sending them to the office to wait for you so I know they are safely with another adult.
*A big thank you to Logan's mom for making play dough (it smells so nice!), Colette's grandpa for cutting wood for an upcoming Thanksgiving project and Dyllan's mom for organizing the Scholastic book orders. Your help is really appreciated!
Enjoy your long weekend, everyone (Monday is a curriculum day). I will look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday morning when we will be attending an assembly where the speaker is Terry Fox's sister.
Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns.
Amanda Roberts
(604) 465 9331 (Fairview phone #)
It is hard to believe but another week has flown by. Your children are all adjusting well to their new classroom and are starting to follow the routines with fewer reminders. We are working towards being great role models in the school and I was very proud of the class when I asked for volunteers to demonstrate some activity stations we had just learned to Mrs. O'Riordan's K's and they ALL wanted to help. We met in the multipurpose room and your children did a fantastic job of teaching the kindergarten class how to do the circuit! Great work, everyone!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Our Terry Fox run is coming up this Thursday. I have 2 students who have not completed the parent portal permission for walking field trips (it was sent to you earlier in the year by Mrs. Watkins). This will need to be signed before I can take students off the grounds for this walk/run. Terry Fox Run donations are gratefully accepted all week. Thank you!
*Please send in your child's supply money ($55) or pay via the portal if you have not already done so. Thank you!
*Also, please send in a sturdy pair of inside shoes. This is what your child will be wearing in the gym so they need to be comfortable for active times.
*We have booked a field trip to the Maple Ridge Public Library to see a guest author speaker (Holman Wang) on the morning of October 13th. We will be taking public transit but would appreciate volunteers to join us. We should be back at the school by lunch time. You will receive a field trip form to complete via the parent portal next week but we just wanted to give you the 'heads up' so you can adjust your schedule if you'd like to join us (Reminder: our skating field trip date is October 24th-portal notice to follow closer to the date)
*Please send in the Entertainment books if you have not already done so (it is okay if you were unable to sell it) Thank you!
*I am going to be sending you home an email in a few minutes to confirm that we have the correct email on file at the office. If you do not get this, please write an updated email in your child's planner or phone the office directly at (604) 465 9331
*Some of your children may have brought home a notice about our cross country running club. We will begin training on Wednesday and will be meeting after school every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I am one of the coaches so if you are unable to pick up your child on time those days (and they aren't in cross country) I will be sending them to the office to wait for you so I know they are safely with another adult.
*A big thank you to Logan's mom for making play dough (it smells so nice!), Colette's grandpa for cutting wood for an upcoming Thanksgiving project and Dyllan's mom for organizing the Scholastic book orders. Your help is really appreciated!
Enjoy your long weekend, everyone (Monday is a curriculum day). I will look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday morning when we will be attending an assembly where the speaker is Terry Fox's sister.
Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns.
Amanda Roberts
(604) 465 9331 (Fairview phone #)
Friday, 15 September 2017
September 15, 2017
Hi Everyone!
Welcome to Division 8's class blog. This will be the place where you will receive weekly reminders and updates. Once I receive permission from parents (via the portal) I would also like to post some photos of your child's learning on this site. Please check back here each week for the latest news! :) We are off to a great start this week. We are beginning to get some routines in place and it is great to see your children beginning to develop new friendships. I am looking forward to a a great year!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*our Terry Fox Run will be on Thursday, September 28th. You will receive a letter from our 'Terry Fox Run' committee via the portal outlining the details but the main things you need to know are:
1)Your child's walking permission (done via the portal) must be signed in order for them to participate on the route
2)Your child should dress for the weather that day and wear comfortable runners-we will be running/walking rain or shine
3)We are collecting donations and are hoping for $3/students to help reach our school goal of $1000
4)Volunteers are needed
*Please send in the $5 for emergency supplies if you have not already done so
*We are also collecting earthquake (comfort) kits at this time
*If you have not already signed up for a class party, please come by or send me a note. Each family will send a treat for the class to share for one party during the year. If I don't hear from you I will add your name to the list and notify you via this blog the week before the party-our first party is on Halloween
*Entertainment books were sent home today-please return these (or the money if you are able to sell them) at your earliest convenience. The PAC is running a contest where the first class to return the books or money gets a free pass to Extreme Air Park!
*Is there a parent who wouldn't mind making some play dough for our class? Please see me or write me a note if you are able to do this. Thank you!
*Our first Scholastic book order will be coming home next week
*Thank you to all of you who have sent in the $55 or paid via the parent portal for your child's school supplies
*Please send in inside shoes to help keep our school/gym clean
*Tuesday, October 24th we are booked to go skating at 1:00 (volunteer drivers will be needed)
Important dates for September:
Sept. 21 Picture Day
Sept. 25 ProD Day-no school for students
Sept. 28 Terry Fox Run (afternoon)
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Welcome to Division 8's class blog. This will be the place where you will receive weekly reminders and updates. Once I receive permission from parents (via the portal) I would also like to post some photos of your child's learning on this site. Please check back here each week for the latest news! :) We are off to a great start this week. We are beginning to get some routines in place and it is great to see your children beginning to develop new friendships. I am looking forward to a a great year!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*our Terry Fox Run will be on Thursday, September 28th. You will receive a letter from our 'Terry Fox Run' committee via the portal outlining the details but the main things you need to know are:
1)Your child's walking permission (done via the portal) must be signed in order for them to participate on the route
2)Your child should dress for the weather that day and wear comfortable runners-we will be running/walking rain or shine
3)We are collecting donations and are hoping for $3/students to help reach our school goal of $1000
4)Volunteers are needed
*Please send in the $5 for emergency supplies if you have not already done so
*We are also collecting earthquake (comfort) kits at this time
*If you have not already signed up for a class party, please come by or send me a note. Each family will send a treat for the class to share for one party during the year. If I don't hear from you I will add your name to the list and notify you via this blog the week before the party-our first party is on Halloween
*Entertainment books were sent home today-please return these (or the money if you are able to sell them) at your earliest convenience. The PAC is running a contest where the first class to return the books or money gets a free pass to Extreme Air Park!
*Is there a parent who wouldn't mind making some play dough for our class? Please see me or write me a note if you are able to do this. Thank you!
*Our first Scholastic book order will be coming home next week
*Thank you to all of you who have sent in the $55 or paid via the parent portal for your child's school supplies
*Please send in inside shoes to help keep our school/gym clean
*Tuesday, October 24th we are booked to go skating at 1:00 (volunteer drivers will be needed)
Important dates for September:
Sept. 21 Picture Day
Sept. 25 ProD Day-no school for students
Sept. 28 Terry Fox Run (afternoon)
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Friday, 16 June 2017
June 16th, 2017
Hi Everyone,
It has been an exciting week in Division 8 with disco bowling yesterday and fun day today. The students are outside having a great time enjoying all of the games, inflatables and snacks (don't worry I'm on prep so there is another teacher out there for me at the moment ;)).
Reminders/Updates/Thank you's
*please see the previous post for important information regarding our class party. If you are wondering if it is your turn to bring a treat, you can check there. Thank you!
*June 21 many of the primary classes are planning on acknowledging Canada's 150th birthday by wearing red and white to school. Your children are welcome to join in this :)
*please help your children practice the body poem that is in their book bag and poetry and more duotang. They will be presenting these as part of a group next week and some of the words are challenging!
*please make sure that your child returns his/her book bag early next week. I plan to have them all bagged up and returned to the book room by Wednesday at the latest so that we can begin inventory in preparation for next year.
*please also check your home for any class library books (these have a large letter on the edge)
*donations of gently used books are always welcome along with craft supplies
*finally, a big thank you to all of the parents/grandparents who were able to help with driving yesterday. We greatly appreciate your efforts in making our field trip possible.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads! I hope you enjoy a wonderful family weekend!
Mrs. Roberts
It has been an exciting week in Division 8 with disco bowling yesterday and fun day today. The students are outside having a great time enjoying all of the games, inflatables and snacks (don't worry I'm on prep so there is another teacher out there for me at the moment ;)).
Reminders/Updates/Thank you's
*please see the previous post for important information regarding our class party. If you are wondering if it is your turn to bring a treat, you can check there. Thank you!
*June 21 many of the primary classes are planning on acknowledging Canada's 150th birthday by wearing red and white to school. Your children are welcome to join in this :)
*please help your children practice the body poem that is in their book bag and poetry and more duotang. They will be presenting these as part of a group next week and some of the words are challenging!
*please make sure that your child returns his/her book bag early next week. I plan to have them all bagged up and returned to the book room by Wednesday at the latest so that we can begin inventory in preparation for next year.
*please also check your home for any class library books (these have a large letter on the edge)
*donations of gently used books are always welcome along with craft supplies
*finally, a big thank you to all of the parents/grandparents who were able to help with driving yesterday. We greatly appreciate your efforts in making our field trip possible.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads! I hope you enjoy a wonderful family weekend!
Mrs. Roberts
Friday, 9 June 2017
June 9, 2017
Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone who has now signed up for the bowling field trip and sent in the $2. We are so fortunate that the PAC has helped supplement this field trip (which is normally $7) and paid for our guest speaker next week.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*next Friday is our Fun Day (11:00-2:00). Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and put on sunscreen/hats if hot out. Thank you!
*our bowling field trip is coming up next Thursday, please send a booster seat if your child is not 9, as I mentioned in the email home yesterday we will need all volunteers. Thank you!
*June 22 and 23 will be treat days (Popsicle). This is sponsored by our PAC.
*please check your homes for any class/library books to return
*there is a case of chicken pox in our class (a vaccinated child), an email was sent out yesterday regarding this
*thank you for all of the book donations to the class, our library is growing!
*old 'bits and pieces' of craft supplies are also welcome
*our class party will be on Wednesday, June 28th.
Thank you to the following people for sending snacks for the party:
Danika: Fruit plate,
Quinn: Veggie plate
Makena: Cheese/crackers
Wyatt: Sweet Treat
Royce: Popcorn or Chips
Roman: Pretzels or Chips
Young Hoon: Other
Please remember that we have a student with a severe peanut allergy in our class. Thank you! Students should still bring a lunch/snack and water bottle as usual that day.
Enjoy the weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Thank you to everyone who has now signed up for the bowling field trip and sent in the $2. We are so fortunate that the PAC has helped supplement this field trip (which is normally $7) and paid for our guest speaker next week.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*next Friday is our Fun Day (11:00-2:00). Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and put on sunscreen/hats if hot out. Thank you!
*our bowling field trip is coming up next Thursday, please send a booster seat if your child is not 9, as I mentioned in the email home yesterday we will need all volunteers. Thank you!
*June 22 and 23 will be treat days (Popsicle). This is sponsored by our PAC.
*please check your homes for any class/library books to return
*there is a case of chicken pox in our class (a vaccinated child), an email was sent out yesterday regarding this
*thank you for all of the book donations to the class, our library is growing!
*old 'bits and pieces' of craft supplies are also welcome
*our class party will be on Wednesday, June 28th.
Thank you to the following people for sending snacks for the party:
Danika: Fruit plate,
Quinn: Veggie plate
Makena: Cheese/crackers
Wyatt: Sweet Treat
Royce: Popcorn or Chips
Roman: Pretzels or Chips
Young Hoon: Other
Please remember that we have a student with a severe peanut allergy in our class. Thank you! Students should still bring a lunch/snack and water bottle as usual that day.
Enjoy the weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Friday, 2 June 2017
June 2, 2017
Hi Everyone,
It is hard to believe but June is already here. As usual, this will be a busy and exciting month for everyone. Please ensure that you are helping your child keep to bedtime routines as much as possible (I know this can be difficult as it stays light longer) and continue to focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet. We have a lot of fun ahead but we also still have a lot of learning to do! :) Thank you for your support with this.
Reminders/Thank you's
*please see the calendar on this blog for important dates in June
*next week will be our last week of spelling, it is a review weeks so students will have the opportunity to go over the 'rules' they have learned the last few weeks
*please sign your child up for bowling via the parent portal if you have not already done so. We almost have enough drivers so hopefully we will not have to ask the OSS teachers to help us out this time
*a big thank you to Mrs. Shimmin, Mrs. McMhuirich, Mrs. Vickers and Mrs. Koshlay for driving/helping supervising for our SPCA field trip. It was a big success! It was great to see some of the animals that our fundraising will help. Thank you all once again for baking the goods that raised this money.
*there was a mix up and someone accidentally took Jesse's booster seat home (after the SPCA field trip). He is now using the one that was left behind but would prefer to have is own. It does have his name on it so if everyone could please double check that you have the right seat that would be much appreciated.
*a big thank you to everyone who has donated books to the class. We really appreciate it!
*we will be having a year end party on June 28th. Anyone who has not brought treats for a party will be asked to send something in. Please watch this blog for further information regarding dates and who will be bringing food
Thank you,
Amanda Roberts
It is hard to believe but June is already here. As usual, this will be a busy and exciting month for everyone. Please ensure that you are helping your child keep to bedtime routines as much as possible (I know this can be difficult as it stays light longer) and continue to focus on eating a healthy, balanced diet. We have a lot of fun ahead but we also still have a lot of learning to do! :) Thank you for your support with this.
Reminders/Thank you's
*please see the calendar on this blog for important dates in June
*next week will be our last week of spelling, it is a review weeks so students will have the opportunity to go over the 'rules' they have learned the last few weeks
*please sign your child up for bowling via the parent portal if you have not already done so. We almost have enough drivers so hopefully we will not have to ask the OSS teachers to help us out this time
*a big thank you to Mrs. Shimmin, Mrs. McMhuirich, Mrs. Vickers and Mrs. Koshlay for driving/helping supervising for our SPCA field trip. It was a big success! It was great to see some of the animals that our fundraising will help. Thank you all once again for baking the goods that raised this money.
*there was a mix up and someone accidentally took Jesse's booster seat home (after the SPCA field trip). He is now using the one that was left behind but would prefer to have is own. It does have his name on it so if everyone could please double check that you have the right seat that would be much appreciated.
*a big thank you to everyone who has donated books to the class. We really appreciate it!
*we will be having a year end party on June 28th. Anyone who has not brought treats for a party will be asked to send something in. Please watch this blog for further information regarding dates and who will be bringing food
Thank you,
Amanda Roberts
Friday, 26 May 2017
May 26, 2017
Aloha Everyone!
The students all look great in their Hawaiian outfits and we were fortunate enough to have Chloe play some songs for us on the ukulele!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*please see the previous post if you have not already done so
*everyone was sent an email earlier this week so please make sure you refer to that regarding upcoming events
*our assembly is on Tuesday, May 30th at 8:45. Please ensure that your child practices all of his/her body poems this weekend-parents are welcome to attend :)
*there are still quite a few people who have not signed up for the SPCA field trip coming up next Wednesday. Please do so by Monday, May 29th. Thank you!
*we are once again short drivers for this field trip but thankfully the SAS (on site Korean School)
instructors are able to help us out again so we will not have to cancel. Thank you in advance to those of you who are able to drive. We really appreciate your help as there aren't enough spots in the SAS vehicles so with out you we would be unable to go.
*we have booked a field trip to Rev's bowling alley for June 15th. Please complete the permission form via the parent portal....PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DATE WAS CHANGED BY REV SO IF YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED YOUR CHILD VIA THE ORIGINAL PORTAL ANNOUNCEMENT YOU STILL NEED TO COMPLETE THE MOST RECENT ONE.
*a big thank you to everyone who has sent in gently used books for the classroom library. We are really enjoying the new additions!
Enjoy the weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
The students all look great in their Hawaiian outfits and we were fortunate enough to have Chloe play some songs for us on the ukulele!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*please see the previous post if you have not already done so
*everyone was sent an email earlier this week so please make sure you refer to that regarding upcoming events
*our assembly is on Tuesday, May 30th at 8:45. Please ensure that your child practices all of his/her body poems this weekend-parents are welcome to attend :)
*there are still quite a few people who have not signed up for the SPCA field trip coming up next Wednesday. Please do so by Monday, May 29th. Thank you!
*we are once again short drivers for this field trip but thankfully the SAS (on site Korean School)
instructors are able to help us out again so we will not have to cancel. Thank you in advance to those of you who are able to drive. We really appreciate your help as there aren't enough spots in the SAS vehicles so with out you we would be unable to go.
*we have booked a field trip to Rev's bowling alley for June 15th. Please complete the permission form via the parent portal....PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DATE WAS CHANGED BY REV SO IF YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED YOUR CHILD VIA THE ORIGINAL PORTAL ANNOUNCEMENT YOU STILL NEED TO COMPLETE THE MOST RECENT ONE.
*a big thank you to everyone who has sent in gently used books for the classroom library. We are really enjoying the new additions!
Enjoy the weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
Friday, 19 May 2017
May 19, 2017
Dear Parents,
It looks like it is going to be a great long weekend! I know many of you are planning on camping and a number of other outdoor activities so I am sure the sunshine will be welcome. Enjoy!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
HELP WANTED: Is there anyone who would be available to come and help out on Monday afternoons from 1:20-2:10 ?(10 minutes to set up and 40 supervising a nutrition station). We are going to be completing a series of 6 stations with our big buddies in order to review/reinforce the information/skills we developed earlier this term. Please contact me via the school email or your child's planner if you are able to help out. Thank you!
*please regularly check the calendar on this blog and add it to your personal calendar
*we are very short drivers for the SPCA at this time, please complete the online form via the parent portal (even if you cannot drive) so that I know if I need to look into other options or cancel the trip
*Hawaiian day is next Friday!
*Wyatt's mom has told me about an opportunity through Value Village. If you take in a clothing donation your child will get a free book! This is a great way to add to your home/the classroom library:
*a big thank you to Wyatt, Chloe and Nevaeh's mom for donating books to our classroom library. There is a lot of excitement over these new additions!
*please ensure that your child is practicing his/her 'Body Poems' as we will be presenting these at an assembly on May 30th
*you will be receiving a permission form via the parent portal about an upcoming field trip at the Maple Ridge bowling alley. We will also be having a visit from the A.R.M.S society to talk to us about water. Thanks to the generous contribution from the P.A.C. the cost for both of these experiences will only be $2. You may send in a twoonie at any time. Thank you!
*if you are able to 'Save the Date' to help us with driving that would be much appreciated. We will be going the morning of June 22nd (details to follow via the parent portal) Please remember that you must have a driver's abstract on file if you are driving children other than your own.
*you may have noticed that the halls are starting to look a little bare. No, we are not planning to go on summer vacation yet :) We are emptying our bulletin boards in preparation for our school wide 'Gallery Walk'. The students have chosen their favourite piece from the year and they will be up to by the end of May. Parents are welcome to come and visit (please just check in at the office first) any time in early June.
*a reminder to please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather as we do spend time outside each day. If your child is wearing sandals as the weather heats up please include runners/socks in your child's backpack to ensure they are ready for action! Sunscreen, hats and water bottles are also a great idea.
*here is a message from our librarian, Mrs. Neufeld:
*some parents have been asking why our field trip is to the Surrey attachment of the SPCA. This is because this is where their education site is. Having said that, I know some parents were concerned about the drive. It is actually only 26 minutes away and is very straight forward (that is coming from me and I have no sense of direction :)...
It looks like it is going to be a great long weekend! I know many of you are planning on camping and a number of other outdoor activities so I am sure the sunshine will be welcome. Enjoy!
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
HELP WANTED: Is there anyone who would be available to come and help out on Monday afternoons from 1:20-2:10 ?(10 minutes to set up and 40 supervising a nutrition station). We are going to be completing a series of 6 stations with our big buddies in order to review/reinforce the information/skills we developed earlier this term. Please contact me via the school email or your child's planner if you are able to help out. Thank you!
*please regularly check the calendar on this blog and add it to your personal calendar
*we are very short drivers for the SPCA at this time, please complete the online form via the parent portal (even if you cannot drive) so that I know if I need to look into other options or cancel the trip
*Hawaiian day is next Friday!
*Wyatt's mom has told me about an opportunity through Value Village. If you take in a clothing donation your child will get a free book! This is a great way to add to your home/the classroom library:
*a big thank you to Wyatt, Chloe and Nevaeh's mom for donating books to our classroom library. There is a lot of excitement over these new additions!
*please ensure that your child is practicing his/her 'Body Poems' as we will be presenting these at an assembly on May 30th
*you will be receiving a permission form via the parent portal about an upcoming field trip at the Maple Ridge bowling alley. We will also be having a visit from the A.R.M.S society to talk to us about water. Thanks to the generous contribution from the P.A.C. the cost for both of these experiences will only be $2. You may send in a twoonie at any time. Thank you!
*if you are able to 'Save the Date' to help us with driving that would be much appreciated. We will be going the morning of June 22nd (details to follow via the parent portal) Please remember that you must have a driver's abstract on file if you are driving children other than your own.
*you may have noticed that the halls are starting to look a little bare. No, we are not planning to go on summer vacation yet :) We are emptying our bulletin boards in preparation for our school wide 'Gallery Walk'. The students have chosen their favourite piece from the year and they will be up to by the end of May. Parents are welcome to come and visit (please just check in at the office first) any time in early June.
*a reminder to please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather as we do spend time outside each day. If your child is wearing sandals as the weather heats up please include runners/socks in your child's backpack to ensure they are ready for action! Sunscreen, hats and water bottles are also a great idea.
*here is a message from our librarian, Mrs. Neufeld:
'The Library will be closing down for the summer a bit early this year, because we are going to do inventory. Last day for book exchange will be May 31. All books must be back into the Library by June 5. Fines and late books must be paid by June 21. I will send home a notice for overdue books! However, if students owe money for a book but cannot find it or pay for it, they may bring a' like-new' book from their house to replace it'.
BC SPCA Surrey Education and Adoption Centre
16748 50 Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 0L2
26 min (23.5 km)
via Golden Ears Way and Pacific Hwy/BC-15 S
Fastest route, the usual traffic
This route has tolls.
12209 206 Street, Maple Ridge, BC
Take 123 Ave and 203 St to Golden Ears Way
3 min (1.3 km)

Follow Golden Ears Way and Pacific Hwy/BC-15 Sto 168 St in Surrey
21 min (20.9 km)

Follow 168 St to 50 Ave
2 min (1.3 km)

BC SPCA Surrey Education and Adoption Centre
16748 50 Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 0L2
Have a great long weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
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