Friday, 27 November 2015

November 27th/15

Hello Everyone,

It is another beautiful fall day in British Columbia.  It is sunny but cold and we have been enjoying the dry days outside.


*please sign up for a student led conference if you have not already done so (last week's post explains how to do this)
*the December calendar is now on this blog under 'Monthly Calendar'
*we are looking for medium sized pinecones for a craft if anyone has some that they would be willing to donate (50 in total as we are doing this with Mrs. Rowledge-Toscani's class
*this Thursday we will have our free pizza lunch (the prize we won for returning the Entertainment books the quickest).  Each student will receive one piece of pizza so please send other lunch/snack foods and drinks to augment this.  Thank you!
*students have brought home three songs/poems today.  Two are for our Christmas concert (see calendar for time/dates) and one is for a presentation our class is doing at the assembly this Thursday.  Please help your child practice these with a focus on the assembly poem as that is coming soon.
*a reminder that we play out in the forest at least once/week (usually Thursdays).  Please ensure that your child has proper footwear for this
*please complete the portal form for your child to attend our upcoming skating field trip.  Parent drivers will be needed for this.  Thank you!
*your children are being Santa's helpers this year-please see the yellow sheet sent home yesterday regarding the upcoming toy drive

Have a great weekend, everyone and enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs. Roberts

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