Hi Everyone,
I am sure you are all busy getting ready for Halloween. There are a lot of excited children at Fairview and we are looking forward to a great day tomorrow that will include a school wide Thriller dance (thank you Dr. Saul), a virtual pumpkin patch visit and our first class party of the year.
Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*Monday, November 1st will be Pajama Day for those who would like to participate. Students will still be going outside so PJ's should be chosen with that in mind
*A big thank you to Alexa, Luciano, Abinasee, Gianna, Sukhtej and their families for providing the snacks for our Halloween party tomorrow. Please remember that students will still need to bring a healthy recess snack/lunch as usual
*Please only send 1-2 small Halloween treats in your child's lunch if you send them. Please do not send lollipops. Thank you!
*Fairview is now doing Spirit Fridays (starting next week). Students are encouraged to wear their Fairview gear or Fairview colours (blue and yellow/gold)
*There is an NID on Friday November 12th, following the Remembrance Day holiday. There is no school for student on these days.
*Just a reminder that art cards are due November 5th if you would like to place an order. Even if you don't, please return the art so we can include it in your child's memory book
*We enjoyed our Halloween Yoga and look forward to the virtual Pumpkin patch field trip tomorrow
Have a great weekend, everyone! I hope you enjoy a spooktacular Halloween!
Amanda Roberts
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