Thursday, 14 January 2021

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well.  Everyone is now settled back into our class routines (this can be challenging for everyone after the holidays :)) and we are back to learning about owls.  We also began a unit on courage today and will be focusing on courage in literacy every Thursday with our district literacy teacher, Anita Neufeld.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*for homework each week, please discuss with your child times when they had to show courage (example: getting a shot, trying something for the first time, speaking up for themselves, making a good choice when it was difficult, being the new person at school, soccer etc.)

*Monday we will be starting our weekly spelling program.  A letter will be in the front pouch of your child's planner that day which will outline the details.  Please help them study their words and notice the patterns, we will have a 5 word quiz each week (plus 2 bonus words).  Class time will be given to complete the spelling worksheet but it will be sent home for homework on Wednesdays if it's not complete.

*Thank you for your continued support with sending in masks, the children who are able to wear them have been very responsible about keeping them in an appropriate spot when they aren't wearing them. 

*Please send in headphones/ear buds if you have not already done so 

*Just a reminder to please send in a change of clothes.  These will only be used if your child is soaking wet, but we do have a drainage problem at Fairview and a large percentage of the grounds do become covered with puddles/mud when we have a lot of rain

*There is a NID (no school for students) on Monday, January 25th

*February 1st to the 12th there will be a scholastic book fair online (more information to follow)

*We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12th. I will post class names closer to this date.

*February 15 is Family Day and February 16th is a Non-Instructional Day

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

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