Friday, 29 January 2021

January 29/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope that you and your families are all well. 

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*February 1st to the 12th there will be a scholastic book fair online 

*We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12th. If you are on the list to send snacks, please send them by Wednesday, February 10th

Valentine Cards

Valentine card exchange is permitted as long as the cards are basic paper cards (cards with pens, stickers or candies are NOT permitted at this time).

Please ensure that you follow these restrictions due Covid 19.   If you have already purchased Valentine's with pens, stickers or candies, please remove these items before sending them to school.  I apologize for any inconvenience.

We will continue with sharing the pre-packaged foods on the date of the party as those are still allowed.  Please send them into the school by Wednesday, February 10th. 

Thank you to the following people for sending in these snacks to share (we have 16 students currently attending school):


Callum-fruit snacks

Sam-Pre-wrapped sweet treat

Kaidjal-juice boxes

Here is the list of students who are currently attending school that your child can use for writing their Valentine's Day cards.  Thank you for including everyone.

Aiden      Carys        Adam       Noah        Avery       Capri      Ellery       Zoe 

Olivia          Sam         Kaidjal         Leland       Holden        Vivian       Kinsley       Callum

*February 15 is Family Day and February 16th is a Non-Instructional Day

*Dr. Saul is looking for gumboot donations for a dance he will be teaching each class.  It is fine if the boots are oversized, in fact

*we wrapped up our Owl unit today by dissecting owl was awesome!  

*in math we have been begun learning how to round numbers.  We have included a copy of our 'Rounding Rollercoaster' in this week's 'Poetry and More'

*please ask your child if he/she has spelling homework on Wednesday and/or Thursday as some students have been taking their orange duotangs home but forgetting to work on them.  These duotangs should be sent back to school each day.

Have a great weekend, everyon!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 21 January 2021

January 21st/2021

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you and your loved ones are all well.  We are busy wrapping up our Owl unit and will be beginning our study of the human body/good health practices soon.   Your children have learned so much about owls and look forward to sharing their lap books with you before we meet (via Zoom) for conferences in March.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*we will be celebrating Valentines Day on February 12th.  We recently received a very detailed email regarding Health and Safety around this holiday (below).   

Valentine Cards

Valentine card exchange is permitted as long as the cards are basic paper cards (cards with pens, stickers or candies are NOT permitted at this time).

Please ensure that you follow these restrictions due Covid 19.   If you have already purchased Valentine's with pens, stickers or candies, please remove these items before sending them to school.  I apologize for any inconvenience.

We will continue with sharing the pre-packaged foods on the date of the party as those are still allowed.  Please send them into the school by Wednesday, February 10th. 

Thank you to the following people for sending in these snacks to share (we have 16 students currently attending school):


Callum-fruit snacks

Sam-Pre-wrapped sweet treat

Kaidjal-juice boxes

Here is the list of students who are currently attending school that your child can use for writing their Valentine's Day cards.  Thank you for including everyone.

Aiden      Carys        Adam       Noah        Avery       Capri      Ellery       Zoe 

Olivia          Sam         Kaidjal         Leland       Holden        Vivian       Kinsley       Callum

*we will start Week 2 spelling on Tuesday, January 26th (due to the ProD Day on Monday).  Students will get extra class time to complete the sheet and unfinished work will be brought home on Wednesday and Thursday nights each week.  Please send the duotang back to school each day.  

*a reminder that tomorrow will be our first spelling quiz (5 words from the list plus 2 bonus words).  I will do my best to mark the quiz and send it home the same day.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 14 January 2021

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well.  Everyone is now settled back into our class routines (this can be challenging for everyone after the holidays :)) and we are back to learning about owls.  We also began a unit on courage today and will be focusing on courage in literacy every Thursday with our district literacy teacher, Anita Neufeld.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*for homework each week, please discuss with your child times when they had to show courage (example: getting a shot, trying something for the first time, speaking up for themselves, making a good choice when it was difficult, being the new person at school, soccer etc.)

*Monday we will be starting our weekly spelling program.  A letter will be in the front pouch of your child's planner that day which will outline the details.  Please help them study their words and notice the patterns, we will have a 5 word quiz each week (plus 2 bonus words).  Class time will be given to complete the spelling worksheet but it will be sent home for homework on Wednesdays if it's not complete.

*Thank you for your continued support with sending in masks, the children who are able to wear them have been very responsible about keeping them in an appropriate spot when they aren't wearing them. 

*Please send in headphones/ear buds if you have not already done so 

*Just a reminder to please send in a change of clothes.  These will only be used if your child is soaking wet, but we do have a drainage problem at Fairview and a large percentage of the grounds do become covered with puddles/mud when we have a lot of rain

*There is a NID (no school for students) on Monday, January 25th

*February 1st to the 12th there will be a scholastic book fair online (more information to follow)

*We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12th. I will post class names closer to this date.

*February 15 is Family Day and February 16th is a Non-Instructional Day

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 8 January 2021

January 8th

 Happy New Year!

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays.  I will keep this post brief due to the email I sent home earlier in the week. We had an outstanding owl presentation (via Zoom) this week by the rehabilitation society, O.W.L .  Please ask your children what they learned about owls,  I know that I learned some new facts from this virtual field trip!  We were even lucky enough to see two live owls!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*a big thank you to the PAC whose funds have paid for the previous two virtual field trips to enhance our learning about owls

*it appears that several students received masks for Christmas, thank you for continuing to encourage mask wearing at school.  We watched an excellent 'Mystery Doug' on Monday that explained how masks work.

*the math game in the 'Poetry and More' duotang says multiplication on it.  Please feel free to play the game using addition, that's what we did in class

*as mentioned in the email earlier this week, a district-provided mask is in your child's backpack (hopefully their planner pocket as that is where I asked them to put it :))

*scholastic came home this week if anyone is interested in ordering, this can be done online and the books are delivered directly to your home this year

*we started off the new year choosing 3 goals and listing the steps that we need to take to be successful in achieving these goals

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts