Thursday, 9 December 2021

Hi Everyone,

It is amazing to think that we are heading into our last week before the holiday break.  We are busy making crafts and learning all about the history of candy canes and how they are made.  Dr. Saul has been preparing all of the students for their concert and there is definitely a feeling of Christmas in the air!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Thank you to Logan and Brielle's families for sending in playdough, our 'Nailed it' station is always a lot of fun :)

*Mrs. Passaglia's class will be having an 'Entrepeneur Fair' next week (Thursday, December 16th), more information will be sent home via the parent portal.  

 *December 10th (tomorrow) will be 'Subway' hot lunch for those of you who ordered

*We will be having our class party on Friday, December 17th.  If the following people could please send in treats on/before Wednesday, December 15th, that would be much appreciated.

We currently have 19 students in the class (FYI for people, below, who are sending in treats). Your child should bring a snack/lunch as usual, we will be having the party later in the day.

1. Individual bags of chips

2. Individual drink boxes

3. Individual fruit snacks

4. Sweet treat (individually wrapped)

5. Other (your choice of other individually wrapped snack)






Thank you in advance for providing snacks for our party :) 

*Fairview Spirit Days will be happening the last week of school (December 13-17)

Monday-School Colours (blue/gold or yellow)

Tuesday-Funky socks

Wednesday-Hat Day

Thursday-Winter Flair Day

Friday- Pajama Day

These, as usual are optional but everyone is welcome to join in!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 3 December 2021

 Hi Everyone,

Thank you for meeting for your child's conference this week.  It was great to see all of you and your children's smile...with masks on all day I don't get to see that often.  We are now down to our final two weeks before the holidays.  Time seems to be flying by lately, here is some information for the remainder of the term.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*December 8th is the last day we will be accepting cash donations/gift cards for the MRPM Hamper Society.  Thank you for supporting this great cause.

*We will be having a 'Nailed it' station next week, using playdough.  If someone would be willing to make a batch of playdough, that would be much appreciated.

*December 10th will be 'Subway' hot lunch for those of you who ordered

*We will be having our class party on Friday, December 17th.  If the following people could please send in treats on/before Wednesday, December 15th, that would be much appreciated.

We currently have 19 students in the class (FYI for people, below, who are sending in treats). Your child should bring a snack/lunch as usual, we will be having the party later in the day.

1. Individual bags of chips

2. Individual drink boxes

3. Individual fruit snacks

4. Sweet treat (individually wrapped)

5. Other (your choice of other individually wrapped snack)






Thank you in advance for providing snacks for our party :) 

*Fairview Spirit Days will be happening the last week of school (December 13-17)

Monday-School Colours (blue/gold or yellow)

Tuesday-Funky socks

Wednesday-Hat Day

Thursday-Winter Flair Day

Friday- Pajama Day

These, as usual are optional but everyone is welcome to join in!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 25 November 2021

 Hi Everyone,

It looks like we are in for some heavy rain again.  Thank you for sending your children to school with boots and raincoats as we do have a 'West coast Recess' policy in our district so students will be going outside each day.  We will also continue with our outdoor learning opportunities such as forest fun.  

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*please sign up for a conference if you have not already done so.  You will sign up for a 15 minute time slot but the conference will be approximately 10 minutes.  Your child is an important part of the conference and should attend.  I will be sending home their work on Wednesday night so that you have time to pre-conference before we meet.  This bag of work will need to be returned on Monday.  Thank you! I look forward to meeting with all of you next Thursday and Friday.  Just a reminder that the conference is a celebration of your child's learning and an opportunity to create goals for the upcoming term.  

*please send in headphones if you have not already done so.  We use these as part of our reading program.

*Subway notices went home on Tuesday and are due next Tuesday, November 30th if you would like to order.  

*I believe I have rectified the problem, but I have been having some audio problems with my Zoom.  Please email me with your child's name and the phone number I should call you at if this problem arises during our meeting.

*We have begun accepting donations for the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Hamper Society.  Please send in money or gift cards if you would like to support this cause.  Donations will be accepted until December 8th

*A reminder that everyone has a RAZ kids account to practice homereading.  Our class name is aroberts47.  Your child's password is there name.

*Dr. Saul is organizing our Christmas concert again this year.  Our class missed a practice session due to the power outage so if you could help your child practice learning the words (they are in their Poetry and More book) that would be very helpful.  Your children do not need to wear a costume for their song as Dr. Saul said they should wear their regular clothing.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

November 18, 2021

 Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone weathered the storm that we had on Monday.  That was something else!  

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*November 18/21, all teachers will be sending out our conference sign up for the upcoming Zoom meetings on Thursday, December 2nd and Friday December 3rd.  Please note that students will be dismissed at 11:30 on the 2nd and will not attend school on the 3rd as teachers will be busy conferencing with parents/students.  Your child is an important part of this conference and should attend with you.  The conference is a time to celebrate your child's learning and set goals for the upcoming term.  You will pre-conference with your child at home as they will be bringing home some work samples to share with you prior to our meeting time.  Your conference block of time will be 15 minutes but the actual conference will be approximately 10 minutes.  If parents are meeting from two different locations, please share the zoom link with each other so that all parties can attend as there is only one conference time per child.  Thank you!

*Book bags are now going to be coming home.  There is a letter inside outlining their use.  These will be changed every 2-3 weeks and should be returned to the school daily.

*Please send in headphones/earbuds for your child's use during Reader's Workshop

*As the temperature drops, please send in an extra layer for your child as our classroom door is often open 

*This Friday, November 19th is the hot chocolate fundraiser. Please send $2 in a labeled envelope/baggie in your child's lunch kit if you would like them to participate.  Here is the information that was sent to staff from the Leadership Group.  Thank you to Mrs. Mcbeath for initiating this fundraiser:  

I just wanted to remind everyone that leadership students are planning a fundraiser on Nov 19th to benefit the local Maple Ridge Hospital.  Students will be coming around next Friday Nov 19th during lunch to sell “hot chocolate kits” which will contain prepackaged hot chocolate mix, wrapped Hershey’s Kisses and wrapped miniature candy canes. These kits will cost $2 each.

*Division 10 will also be taking leadership in another great fundraiser.  Starting November 24th, will be collecting $ and gift cards for the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Hamper Society.  In previous years, we have enjoyed being Santa's helpers and collecting toys but unfortunately, this year the society needs to simplify their distributing process due to Covid which is why only gift cards and $ can be accepted.  If you are writing a cheque over $25, please make it out to the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Hamper Society so that you can receive a tax receipt.  Any cheque below that amount can be made out to Fairview Elementary.  Thanks in advance for your support for this great cause.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 4 November 2021

November 4, 2021

 Hi Everyone,

It is hard to believe that it is November!  This school year is going by very quickly and our class is really coming together to create a nice, little community.  Mrs. Straughn took the time to visit our class yesterday to say how impressed she was by your children while they were at Pals during lunchtime.  Well done, Division 10!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*we have been asked to read/record a poem for our school Remembrance Day assembly.  We will be recording 'Hug o War' with Mrs. Rowledge-Toscani's class on Tuesday.  This poem will be in your child's 'Poetry and More' duotang so that you can help them practice over the weekend.  Please ensure that these are returned by Tuesday

*Art Cards are due first thing tomorrow morning (Friday, November 5th) if you would like to place an order.  Please ensure you have filled out the back before sending it in.  If you do not want to order, but would like the art to be included in your child's memory book, please send it in with out anything being filled out on the back and we will cut it out/mount it on paper.

*Please only send 1-2 small Halloween treats in your child's lunch if you send them.  Please do not send lollipops.  Thank you!

*Fairview is now doing Spirit Fridays (starting tomorrow).  Students are encouraged to wear their Fairview gear or Fairview colours (blue and yellow/gold)

*There is an NID on Friday November 12th, following the Remembrance Day holiday.  There is no school for student on these days.

*Our leadership students will be having a hot chocolate fundraiser on Friday, November 19th.  More information to follow.

*November 18th, we will be posting the conference sign up via the parent portal.  All Fairview teachers will be doing it the same day so that you can coordinate times with siblings.  Conferences will be happening on Zoom again this year. Your child should attend with you.  Thank you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 28 October 2021

October 28/21

 Hi Everyone,

I am sure you are all busy getting ready for Halloween.  There are a lot of excited children at Fairview and we are looking forward to a great day tomorrow that will include a school wide Thriller dance (thank you Dr. Saul), a virtual pumpkin patch visit and our first class party of the year.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Monday, November 1st will be Pajama Day for those who would like to participate.  Students will still be going outside so PJ's should be chosen with that in mind

*A big thank you to Alexa, Luciano, Abinasee, Gianna, Sukhtej and their families for providing the snacks for our Halloween party tomorrow.  Please remember that students will still need to bring a healthy recess snack/lunch as usual

*Please only send 1-2 small Halloween treats in your child's lunch if you send them.  Please do not send lollipops.  Thank you!

*Fairview is now doing Spirit Fridays (starting next week).  Students are encouraged to wear their Fairview gear or Fairview colours (blue and yellow/gold)

*There is an NID on Friday November 12th, following the Remembrance Day holiday.  There is no school for student on these days.

*Just a reminder that art cards are due November 5th if you would like to place an order.  Even if you don't, please return the art so we can include it in your child's memory book

*We enjoyed our Halloween Yoga and look forward to the virtual Pumpkin patch field trip tomorrow

Have a great weekend, everyone!  I hope you enjoy a spooktacular Halloween!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 21 October 2021

October 21/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well and are managing to get out and enjoy the outdoors despite all of the rain.  Wednesday was such a treat!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Tomorrow (Friday, October 22nd) is a Professional Development Day.  There will be no school for students.

*Monday is retake day!  I had one student away and have heard from two others so far (Alexa, Carson, Luca).  Please email me before Monday if you would like your child to get a retake.  Thank you!

*I have contacted Scholastic and my name had been left off of the school list.  Magazines have now arrived and will be coming home early next week. Thank you to Hailee's mom for prepping this for us. All orders are now done online using the class code which will be stapled to the front of the magazine(s).

*We will be adding a 'Hygiene' word search to the Poetry and More books next week.  These are not due by a certain time and are being included as an extra challenge for those who are interested.

*Please help your child practice his/her Reader's Workshop book (with the post-it in it). These should come back to the school each day.

*Many students have not brought in headphones.  If you are able, please send these in as we do use them during Reader's Workshop.  Thank you!

*We invited a Coast Salish artist, Andrea Fritz to visit us via Zoom this week.  The event was a big success!  Next week we will be joining in for a virtual yoga (for kids) class and pumpkin patch visit.  We are trying to bring the outside in being we are not able to participate in these events in person at this time.  Your children seem to be really enjoying these opportunities.

*I am including a copy of the email I sent home earlier in the week as a reminder of important dates around this:

Please return the art card, even if you do not wish to order as we will add these to our Memory Books.  Important:  If you do wish to place an order, please write it on the back of the art and include payment or if ordering online, please write your Order Reference Code in the pink box at the bottom of the art card.  If there is nothing written on the back of the art card, I will assume you are not placing and order and your child will cut/glue the art onto construction paper.  All art cards should be returned on/before Novemember 5th.  We will not be able to accept late orders as the school will be sending them in right away to ensure delivery in time for Christmas.

*Important Halloween Information:

We currently have 19 students in the class (FYI for people, below, who are sending in treats). Please send the snacks on/before Thursday, October 28th.  Students are welcome to wear costumes on the 29th but they should be easy to take on/off or washable as we will be going outside that day.  Your child should bring a snack/lunch as usual, we will be having the party later in the day.

1. Individual bags of chips

2. Individual drink boxes

3. Individual fruit snacks

4. Sweet treat (individually wrapped)

5. Other (your choice of other individually wrapped snack)







Thank you, everyone.

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 15 October 2021

October 15/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Please send indoor shoes and headphones if you have not already done so.  It is starting to get muddy outside.  Thank you!

*In the coming weeks, your child will be bringing home a book that has a yellow post it attached.  This is their Reader's Workshop book, they will be practicing/presenting this as part of a group.  Please practice the book with them at home to help build their fluency/confidence.  Please return daily!

*Thank you to Hailee's mom for being our Scholastic parent this year.  I hadn't received any magazines so have contacted Scholastic.  They are on their way!

*A reminder that you can send back your child's 'I am thankful' turkey poster to be included in their memory book (if you would like to)

*Friday, October 22nd is a Professional Development Day.  There is no school for students on that day.

*photo retakes are Monday, October 25th. At this time I have one student who has brought in a card for retakes and another who was absent who will have her photo taken that day.  If there is anyone else who would like retakes, please send in the retake card or write a note in your child's planner.  Thank you!

*Thank you to the following people for sending in pre-packaged snacks for our Halloween party on Friday, October 29th

*PJ Day November 1st (Monday)

We will be simplifying the food for these celebrations again this year.  I will send out a reminder a week before each party but wanted to let you know the plan for this school year.  We currently have 19 students in the class.  Students are welcome to wear costumes that day but they should be easy to take on/off or washable as we will be going outside that day.

1. Individual bags of chips

2. Individual drink boxes

3. Individual fruit snacks

4. Sweet treat (individually wrapped)

5. Other (your choice of other individually wrapped snack)







Have a great weekend!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 7 October 2021

October 8/21

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!  Enjoy your long weekend!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*A big congratulations to your children who led a very successful food drive at Fairview this week.  Well done, Division 10!  The food will be picked up tomorrow at 9:00 am so there is still the opportunity to send food in if you would like to.

*Thank you to Hailee's mom for sending in some gently used books to add to our classroom library

*Thank you for supporting the new mask mandate.  Your children have been doing a great job of wearing their masks!

*I have put together a package of Thanksgiving activities (that we did/are doing this week) for students who have been absent all week.  Please feel free to drop by our outside door after school or send a sibling/neighbor on Friday if you would like to have them for the long weekend.  Here is a link for the craft which can be kept at home once it is complete.

Your child will trace/cut out the wallpaper feathers and can use a glue stick to attach them to the back of the wood slice.  They can also label the back with their name and the year.  I will send them home when they return if you prefer.

*Please send back the 'I'm thankful' turkey on Tuesday if you would like me to include it in your child's memory book.  

*I am looking for a parent volunteer who would be willing to organize the Scholastic order each month.  You would be prepping them to be handed out, orders will be accepted directly through Scholastic so you would not need to be part of that process.  Please email me if you are interested:

*Please pay $7.00 for your child's planner via the parent portal if you have not already done so. Thank you for checking/initialling the planner daily

*Also a reminder to please complete the parent portal release forms (for walking field trips, media release etc.)

*Our classroom door is open the majority of the day to provide optimal air circulation.  Please ensure that your child has an extra layer to put on if they get cold.

*In addition to the school supplies that you have already sent in, students will need inside shoes, a sketchpad (many have brought these in already) and headphones for this school year.  Thank you

*Our first class party will be on Friday, October 29th.  We will be simplifying the food for these celebrations again this year.  I will send out a reminder a week before each party but wanted to let you know the plan for this school year.  We currently have 19 students in the class.

1. Individual bags of chips

2. Individual drink boxes

3. Individual fruit snacks

4. Sweet treat (individually wrapped)

5. Other (your choice of other individually wrapped snack)













Valentine's Day






Year End






Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 23 September 2021

September 24/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you have all had a good week.  Division 10 is really starting to come together as a classroom community. We are learning more about each other and beginning to build relationships.  Our class motto for this year is 'Kindness Counts!' and we have been spending a lot of time talking about this and how small acts of kindness can make such a difference in someone's day.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*speaking of kindness...Division 10 students are taking a leadership role in our annual 'Thankgiving Food Drive'. We will be creating posters, decorating and distributing boxes and making announcements. This will be happening October 4th-8th and all non-perishable food items are welcome.  Thank for supporting this great cause.

*Picture day is Monday!

*Please pay $7.00 for your child's planner via the parent portal if you have not already done so. Thank you for checking/initialling the planner daily

*Also a reminder to please complete the parent portal release forms (for walking field trips, media release etc.)

*Our classroom door is open the majority of the day to provide optimal air circulation.  Please ensure that your child has an extra layer to put on if they get cold.

*In addition to the school supplies that you have already sent in, students will need inside shoes, a sketchpad (many have brought these in already) and headphones for this school year.  Thank you! 

*Tomorrow is our Terry Fox Run.  Students are encouraged to wear 'Tie Dye for Terry' (if they have it). The link to make a donation is on the previous post if you would like to contribute online.

*while masks are not mandated, they are encouraged at the primary level.  Please continue to send a mask for your child each day if they are able to wear one.  Thank you!

*Just a heads up that I will be having dental surgery on September 30th.  I've been instructed by the surgeon to take a week off of work to recover.  Due to the fact that there is no school for students on September 30th or October 1st, I will only have to miss 3 teaching days.  I have requested Mr. Harry Dhillon, who many of the students will already know as he has TOC'd regularly at Fairview.

*At one of our 'Reader's Workshop' stations we have been discussing reading strategies (As I have told your children,  I still use some of these strategies, even as an experienced reader who loves to read).  We are making a special book mark to keep at school as a reference but I am also sending home a black and white 1/2 sheet with the 'Catch Phrases' we are using such as 'Eagle Eye' and 'Stretchy Snake'.  Please feel free to keep these as a reference at home.  A couple of groups have already brought them home and they can be found in the front pouch of your child's planner.  The remainder of students will bring them home next week.

*A big thank you to parents who sent in boxes of kleenex.  I think we should be set for the school year :)

*This information was recently shared with me regarding children traveling so I thought I would share it with you.  You may need to copy/paste it into your search.

September 27th  Picture Day

September 28th and 29th Orange Shirt Day(s)

September 30th  National Truth and  Reconciliation Day (federal holiday, schools will be closed)

Non-instructional Day (no school for students)

Have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 17 September 2021

September 17/21

 Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our Division 10 class blog.  This is where I will share the majority of the information you need this year.  I am looking forward to a great year with your children and would like to thank you all for the helping get this year off to a great start.  Unfortunately, with the pandemic it is difficult to connect with parents in the same ways we have in the past.  Please feel free to come over at the end of the day to say hi and introduce yourself and if you have any questions or concerns, we can make an appointment. I can also be reached via email at

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Please return the purple 'Getting Acquainted' and Student Verification forms if you have not already done so

*Please pay $7.00 for your child's planner via the parent portal. Thank you for checking/initialling the planner daily.

*In addition to the school supplies that you have already sent in, students will need inside shoes, a sketchpad (many have brought these in already) and headphones for this school year.  Thank you! 

*If anyone would like to donate a box of kleenex to the class that would be much appreciated, I have purchased a few boxes to get us started.

*Today your child has brought home his/her 'Poetry and More' duotang.  This week contains a simple song to support learning classmates names and a short math activity.  Please support your child with learning the names and completing the math sheet.  There will be an additional poem/activity each week and this will be your child's homework for the weekend and should be completed/returned each Monday.  

*Masks are encouraged while students are in the classroom. Thank you for your support with this.

*Our classroom door is open the majority of the day to provide optimal air circulation.  Please ensure that your child has an extra layer to put on if they get cold.

*Each day we are playing 'Name Boggle'.  We are using the letters in the first/last name of the current special helper to make as many words as we can.  When it is your child's day to bring home the list, please feel free to add more words if you are able to and return the sheet to school so that your child can share the additional words with the class.

Important Days in the remainder of September

September 24th  Terry Fox Run (on school grounds). Our leadership students are encouraging everyone to wear 'Tie Dye' for Terry (anything tie dyed).  Students should wear running shoes and comfortable clothes for exercise.  This will be happening rain or shine so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately. We are only be accepting online donations this year at:

September 27th  Picture Day

September 28th and 29th Orange Shirt Day

September 30th  National Truth and  Reconciliation Day (federal holiday, schools will be closed)

Non-instructional Day (no school for students)

Friday, 18 June 2021

June 18/21

 Hi Everyone,

It is amazing to think that we are now heading in to our final week of the school year!  It's been a challenging year that has required perseverance and flexibility from your children and they really have risen to this challenge!  

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Please notify me if your child will not be attending school any days next week.  We will be doing activities for our Memory Books all week and they will be going home on Friday.  

*Please send a labeled bag to school with your child next week.  I am hoping to send home most of their supplies on Wednesday.

*I will be sending home the Poetry & More duotangs with the last poem this Friday.  This duotang can remain at home for summer reading practice.  Thank you!  The green 'Growthfolio' can also stay at home.

*Please check your homes for any classroom/school books.  Thank you!

*Monday is National Indigenous Day.  Our class will be joining in on parts of a Zoom meeting dedicated to this day. 

*June 22-Frozen Yogurt/Icecream-a gift from our PAC

June 23-Yard in the Card 7:30-3:30 (Photos can be taken by families in front of the school during this time.  Please maintain social distancing). More details will be coming from Jenn Gallop via the Monday newsletter.

June 24-Year End Class Celebration 

Thank you to the following people for sending in snacks.  Please send in pre-wrapped snacks by Tuesday, June 22nd.  The party will be the afternoon of June 24th.  Students should bring a recess snack and lunch as usual.  The party will be later in the day.

*Leland (individual bags of chips)

*Holden  (fruit snacks)

*Vivian (pre-wrapped sweet treat)

*Kinsley (juice boxes)

June 25th-Last day for students 

*Please ensure that your child is dressed for some outdoor activities (shorts should be worn under dresses/skirts and shoes should be appropriate for activity-no flip flops, please)

Have a great summer, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 10 June 2021

June 11/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well.  June is here, so while there won't be as many activities as in normal years, there are some upcoming events worth noting.

June 22- PAC Ice cream/Yogurt treat (free as the PAC has paid for this). Orders have been placed.

June 23-Yard in the Card 7:30-3:30 (Photos can be taken by families in front of the school during this time.  Please maintain social distancing). More details will be coming from Jenn Gallop via the Monday newsletter.

June 24-Year End Class Celebration. Thank you to the following people for sending in snacks.  Please send in pre-wrapped snacks by Tuesday, June 22nd.  The party will be the afternoon of June 24th.

*Leland (individual bags of chips)

*Holden  (fruit snacks)

*Vivian (pre-wrapped sweet treat)

*Kinsley (juice boxes)

June 25th-Last day for students 

*Please ensure that your child is dressed for some outdoor activities (shorts should be worn under dresses/skirts and shoes should be appropriate for activity-no flip flops, please)

*Just a reminder that we are a 'West coast Recess' district which means we are outside every recess/lunch (rain or shine).  Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothes for outside, as well as shoes that allow them to be active every day.  

*Our Scientist of the Day is now complete.  I was very impressed by how well prepared the students were for their day and the fact that I had never seen several of the experiments.  Everyone did a great job!

*Class photos were sent home Monday.  They are in the front pouch of your child's planner.

*Public library cards were sent home on Tuesday with those who sent the order form.  If you did not get a card but would like to, the library is open to families and you may apply for a library card in person.

*We had our virtual field trip to the public library on Wednesday (they aren't open to groups yet).  We were all very excited to hear about all of the great books (and other interesting items) that are available for borrowing at the library.  Please check out their summer reading program!

*Your child's self assessment is coming home today.  The remainder of the report will be released online.

*Summer birthdays will be celebrated over the next couple of weeks (in case you are wondering why your child is wearing a birthday bracelet/sticker :))

Have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 4 June 2021

June 7/21

 Important Dates in June

June 22- PAC Icecream/Yogurt treat (free as the PAC has paid for this). Orders have been placed.

June 23-Yard in the Card 7:30-3:30 (Photos can be taken by families in front of the school during this time.  Please maintain social distancing). More details will be coming from Jenn Gallop via the Monday newsletter.

June 24-Year End Class Celebration. Thank you to the following people for sending in snacks.  Please send in pre-wrapped snacks by Tuesday, June 22nd.  The party will be the afternoon of June 24th.

*Leland (individual bags of chips)

*Holden  (fruit snacks)

*Vivian (pre-wrapped sweet treat)

*Kinsley (juice boxes)

June 25th-Last day for students 

Friday, 28 May 2021

May 27/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you are well.  It is great to see all of the students and staff back at Fairview this week.  I hope we can finish the year with out any more exposures and am feeling optimistic as we watch BC's number of cases decline.  

*Thank you for your payment for our class memory books.

*Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather as our district does have 'Westcoast' Recess/Lunchtimes.  This means that unless weather is extreme we will be outside.  Also, we still do not have heat in the building (and won't for the remainder of the year) so I highly recommend an extra layer as our doors and window are open due to Covid.  Thank you!

*Public library card permission forms are due Tuesday, June 1st if you would like your child to have one

*Thursday, June 3 I will be having the second part of my dental work and will be absent

Have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 13 May 2021

May 7/21

 Hi Everyone,

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Your children have likely mentioned the reduced number of students in surrounding classes (and today our class). As you know, there several students/staff in the school currently isolating.   A few parents have now contacted me to say that they are choosing to keep their children home for a little while. In order to support you while your children are at home,  I have updated the 'Home Learning Links' section of this blog to include a link to our Fairview Library where you will find a gradual/remote learning resource that was created by the district last spring. There are also several more great sites available under the same 'Home Learning Links' tab.  This includes a K-5 Free worksheet section.  Type in the grade and it will guide you from there.  In math, our current focus is addition/subtraction with and without regrouping, rounding, money and word problems.  Many students would also benefit in a review of place value.

*Just a reminder to please pay the $10 for the memory book via the parent portal if you have not already done so.  I will be ordering photos, making collages shortly so I will need to know the numbers of students to create these for.  Thank you!

*A library form came home earlier this week.  We will be having a Zoom tour of MR Library.  As part of this, they will provide library cards for any students who are interested in having one.  I will pick these up from the library and distribute them at school

*I will be away next Wednesday for dental surgery.  I am hoping to be absent for the just the day. 

*I have sent the 'Scientist of the Day' home as an attachment on today's email.  Please see the explanation letter and double-sided form that they need to fill in prior to their presentation.  Everyone has an assigned date but I will obviously be very flexible with these due to the current circumstances at Fairview.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 7 May 2021

May 6/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you and your families are all staying well.  Happy Mother's day to all of the moms/caregivers.  I hope you have a great day and enjoy the gift your child made for you.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Everyone will have received the most recent school notification letters regarding Covid exposures at Fairview.  There are several students and teachers who are currently isolating. With cases in the school, I would like to thank you for your vigilance in keeping your children home from school when they are unwell and getting them tested when necessary. As always, I am encouraging everyone to wear a mask at school and thank you for your support with this.

*This was our last week of spelling. The final quiz was today.

*Please look in the pouch of your child's planner on Monday.  I will be sending home an information letter about our 'Scientist of the Day'. This is always a class favourite and a great opportunity to students to learn the 'Scientific Method' and practice their public speaking.  

*Please send in a refillable water bottle each day so that your child can drink from this instead of the water fountain

*A reminder to read each day in May as part of our club Red (info sent home by Mrs. Gallop). We will also be having an optional 'Bookmark Contest' for those who are interested.  Some students may choose to work on these at home.  The only criteria is that they use the template that was made for this purpose and have Fairview and 2020-2021 on them. All entries are due by May 31st.

*Please pay online if possible for your child's memory book.  The cost is $10.  Thank you!

*There is a ProD day on Wednesday, May 12th.  There will be no school for students that day

*Last, but definitely not least, here is the link to our fantastic 'Courage Art'. You may have to copy/paste the link if it doesn't open when you click on it.

Take Care,

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 29 April 2021

April 30, 2021

Hi Everyone,

We have lucked out with the weather this week as the weather report I saw predicted rain all week!  Hopefully our luck carries into the weekend.  This week I am personally feeling very fortunate as I was able to get vaccinated on Tuesday :) I hope you are staying well and that those of you who haven't been vaccinated yet have the opportunity to do so soon.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Thank you for reminding your children to bring/wear their masks.  I have noticed a decline in mask wearing in the classroom and I'm hoping we can get back on track. 

*Please pay $10.00 for your child's memory books online if you have not already done so

*Class photo day is scheduled for Tuesday, May 4th 

*Just a reminder that the door is kept open throughout the school day and that we will be outside regardless of the weather.  

*Please remind your children not to bring any personal items to school.  Toys/stuffies can be a distraction but more importantly, we are trying to reduce the number of items going to/from school due to the current circumstances.

*Smencil sale tomorrow. All proceeds go the the SPCA

When: April 30th at lunch.

How Much:   1 for $3

2 for $5

3 for $8

4 for $10

5 for $13

6 for $15

7 for $18

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Monday, 19 April 2021

April 15, 2021

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine.  We have loved our time outside during the school day.   

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*I have been reviewing with the class the importance of staying within their cohort (our class) at all times.  I realize this is challenging, but with positive Covid cases at a record high right now, it is important that we are all extra vigilant.  If you could please talk to your children about this to reinforce the message, that would be greatly appreciated.  

*A Neufeld farms order was sent home with each child last week.  This is a PAC fundraiser and more information is on the forms

*You will notice that your child's hands may be a little messy at the end of the day for the next couple of Thursdays.  This is. because we are busy doing out plasticine art to wrap up our unit on Courage.  Rest assured, we are still washing/sanitizing our hands several times throughout the day

*We will continue to spend time outdoors during the school day.  Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, including wearing a hat and sunscreen (which should be applied before they arrive at school) on sunny days 

*Tomorrow we will be having a 'book tasting' (getting the chance to look at several genre's of books).  Your child will be bringing home their 'menu' so you can discuss what they have learned with them.  We will not be using our planners tomorrow so please email me if you need to send me a message.  

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 1 April 2021

April 1, 2021

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed your Spring Break!  Here are some updates/reminders for April.

*There is no school tomorrow/Monday due to Easter

*I have sent home a new Scholastic set today.  If you would like to order, please use this as our class code:


*a reminder to please check with your child on Wednesday/Thursday nights to see if they have spelling homework

*our Leadership group is having a Smencil Sale to raise money for the SPCA.  

When: April 30th at lunch.

How Much:   1 for $3

2 for $5

3 for $8

4 for $10

5 for $13

6 for $15

7 for $18

9 for $20


Finally, I would like to sincerely thank everyone for your support around mask wearing.  I have been very appreciative of the very high percentage of students in the class who wear their masks daily.  While wearing masks at the grade 2/3 level is not currently mandated, I will be encouraging students who have brought them to school to put them on each morning.  Thank you again for helping provide this layer of protection for students and teaching/support staff.

Happy Easter, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 19 February 2021

February 19/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well.  We have been busy this week in Division 10.  We had our 'Nature Journaling' session, started our nutrition booklets and are working on adding double digit numbers and linear measurement.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Please have your child complete the Valentine's Day homework in their 'Poetry and More' if they did not already do this when it was sent home last week.  There is also a 'Kindness Bingo' that you can work on together.  This was created by our Leadership students and all Fairview students are encouraged to participate as we celebrate 'Kindness Month'.  Many students were able to get a Bingo during lunch today.  Congratulations to Ellery whose name was drawn and won a prize!

*The online book fair is currently under way (information has been sent out via the Parent Portal)

*A huge thank you to the PAC, who purchased a bag of outside equipment for every class.  We love the new equipment!!!

*The conference sign up went out yesterday, via the parent portal. We will use the same format as our previous Zoom conference.  Please note: There will only be one Zoom meeting/child.  Thank you!

Special Days next week

*February 24th is Pink Shirt Day/our Kindness Parade (students are encouraged to wear pink but please do not feel the need to buy something new)

*February 26th-100 Day!

***For 100 Day this year, I will be asking you to send in a project made by your child using 100 of something (lego, beads on a necklace, stickers on a poster etc.). Your child will present their project to the class on February 26th.  Please send your child's project with them on that day.  I am trying to keep our classroom clutter free to make it as easy as possible for our custodians to clean surfaces.  Projects will be stored in your child's backpack/bag and sent home the same day. Please jot a note in your child's planner or email me if you would like me to send home a piece of construction paper for the project***

Thank you, Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 11 February 2021

February 11/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all bundling up and getting outside to enjoy this cold, crisp weather.  We've really been enjoying it during the school day.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*this week we made paper hugs for a seniors home to spread a little love leading into Valentine's Day.  Everyone did a great job and we hope these paper hugs will bring some joy during this difficult time when everyone is missing hugging their loved ones

*please continue to encourage your children to notice when they are using their courage or remind them of a time in the past when they used their courage.  We are currently building a 'Courage Collection' as part of our literacy program

*reminder that we are celebrating Valentine's Day tomorrow.  Please send in paper Valentine's only 

*Thank you to Callum, Kaidjal, Zoe and Sam for providing the treats for our party

*Donations of boxes of kleenex for our class would be gratefully appreciated   Our school supply from the previous Fairview 'kleenex donation drive' has now been depleted

*Congratulations to Avery and Capri who submitted a name to the PAC for their upcoming coffee fundraiser.  The 'Fairview Falcon's Dark Roast' was submitted by these two students.  Everyone in the class received a congratulatory treat from our PAC

*Next Wednesday we will be outside even more than usual as we have a district helping teacher coming to teach us about Nature Journaling.  Please make sure your child is bundled up for the day.

*Just a reminder that Monday is a holiday (Happy Family Day!) and Tuesday is a professional development day

Have a great long weekend!


Friday, 5 February 2021

February 5, 2021

 Hi Everyone,

I hope that you and your loved ones are all well.  I have cut and paste the information from a previous post as a reminder regarding protocols around Valentine's this year. This is at the bottom of the post.  Thank you for following the guidelines that have been set by our district.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*February 1st to the 12th there will be a scholastic book fair online (information was sent home via the parent portal)

*We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12th.  Please send Valentines on that day

*February 15 is Family Day  

*February 16th is a Non-Instructional Day

*February 17th Nature Journals (outside)

*February 24th is Pink Shirt Day/our Kindness Parade (students are encouraged to wear pink but please do not feel the need to buy something new)

*February 26th-100 Day!

***For 100 Day this year, I will be asking you to send in a project made by your child using 100 of something (lego, beads on a necklace, stickers on a poster etc.). Your child will present their project to the class on February 26th.  Please send your child's project with them on that day.  I am trying to keep our classroom clutter free to make it as easy as possible for our custodians to clean surfaces.  Projects will be stored in your child's backpack/bag and sent home the same day. Please jot a note in your child's planner or email me if you would like me to send home a piece of construction paper for the project***

*this week we had an online field trip with a nutritionist from Save on Foods.  We learned about foods that make us GLOW (fruits and vegetables), GO (grains/carbohydrates) and GROW (proteins/dairy)

*we also celebrated 'Groundhog Day' with stories extra math games.  A copy of the two options is being sent home in the 'Poetry and More' duotang for you to play with your child over the weekend.  Thank you!

*please continue to check your child's backpack for an orange spelling duotang on Wednesdays and Thursdays. They should be returned each day.

*please send in an extra set of dry clothes to keep at school, we will be going outside rain or shine every day

*some students received a 1/2 mark reduction in their quizzes today.  I have been reviewing with the students each week that they need to practice at home using lower case letters.  An alphabet is available to each student during the quiz and I am encouraging everyone to use this as a reference

*ear buds or headphones should also be sent in if you have not already done so as we use them during the ipad station (Reader's Workshop and Math).  Thank you

*We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12th. If you are on the list to send snacks, please send them by Wednesday, February 10th

Valentine Cards

Valentine card exchange is permitted as long as the cards are basic paper cards (cards with pens, stickers or candies are NOT permitted at this time).

Please ensure that you follow these restrictions due Covid 19.   If you have already purchased Valentine's with pens, stickers or candies, please remove these items before sending them to school.  I apologize for any inconvenience.

We will continue with sharing the pre-packaged foods on the date of the party as those are still allowed.  Please send them into the school by Wednesday, February 10th. 

Thank you to the following people for sending in these snacks to share (we have 16 students currently attending school):


Callum-fruit snacks

Sam-Pre-wrapped sweet treat

Kaidjal-juice boxes

Here is the list of students who are currently attending school that your child can use for writing their Valentine's Day cards.  Thank you for including everyone.

Aiden      Carys        Adam       Noah        Avery       Capri            

Olivia          Sam         Kaidjal         Leland       Holden            

Kinsley       Callum.   Zoe    Ellery     Vivian   

Friday, 29 January 2021

January 29/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope that you and your families are all well. 

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*February 1st to the 12th there will be a scholastic book fair online 

*We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12th. If you are on the list to send snacks, please send them by Wednesday, February 10th

Valentine Cards

Valentine card exchange is permitted as long as the cards are basic paper cards (cards with pens, stickers or candies are NOT permitted at this time).

Please ensure that you follow these restrictions due Covid 19.   If you have already purchased Valentine's with pens, stickers or candies, please remove these items before sending them to school.  I apologize for any inconvenience.

We will continue with sharing the pre-packaged foods on the date of the party as those are still allowed.  Please send them into the school by Wednesday, February 10th. 

Thank you to the following people for sending in these snacks to share (we have 16 students currently attending school):


Callum-fruit snacks

Sam-Pre-wrapped sweet treat

Kaidjal-juice boxes

Here is the list of students who are currently attending school that your child can use for writing their Valentine's Day cards.  Thank you for including everyone.

Aiden      Carys        Adam       Noah        Avery       Capri      Ellery       Zoe 

Olivia          Sam         Kaidjal         Leland       Holden        Vivian       Kinsley       Callum

*February 15 is Family Day and February 16th is a Non-Instructional Day

*Dr. Saul is looking for gumboot donations for a dance he will be teaching each class.  It is fine if the boots are oversized, in fact

*we wrapped up our Owl unit today by dissecting owl was awesome!  

*in math we have been begun learning how to round numbers.  We have included a copy of our 'Rounding Rollercoaster' in this week's 'Poetry and More'

*please ask your child if he/she has spelling homework on Wednesday and/or Thursday as some students have been taking their orange duotangs home but forgetting to work on them.  These duotangs should be sent back to school each day.

Have a great weekend, everyon!

Amanda Roberts