Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Nov. 27/19

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for signing up for a conference.  I look forward to meeting with all of you over the next couple of days.  Reminder:  Early dismissal tomorrow (11:00) and no school for students on Friday due to the conferences. We will be preparing for the conference tomorrow morning so please bring your child to school unless they are unwell.  Thank you! :)

*Dr. Saul has been working hard with the students in preparation for our annual Christmas concert, students are asked to wear 'dress clothes' for their performance (something they would wear for Christmas or as though they were going to a special party-he has requested bow ties if you've got them).  Please do not feel the need to purchase anything new, if your child doesn't have dress clothes they are welcome to wear whatever you would like to send them in.
*December 11th leadership will be having a bake sale
*December 20th will be our class party and Pajama Day (for the whole school)
*Our leadership students are encouraging students to participate in 'Spirit Week' which will be December 9-13th.  Here is the information provided by our leadership students:

Spirit Week Days:
Mon Dec 9 - Crazy Hair Day
Tues Dec 10 - House Colours Day
Wed Dec 11 - Twin Day
Thurs Dec 12 - Sports Day (dress up in sports stuff or wear a jersey)
Fri Dec 13 - Career Day (dress up like a professional)

*thank you for sending in donations of toys or money for our annual toy drive.  Our class has been busy making posters for this worthy cause and will begin making announcements next week
*thank you to Natalie's parents for donating/cutting wood for a special upcoming craft

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 21 November 2019

November 21/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you have had the chance to get outside and enjoy this sunny weather.  We are looking forward to doing that during 'Forest Fun' today.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*our skating field trip will be December 19th.  Please sign up your child via the parent portal if you have not already done so.  Thank you!  Drivers are needed and are required to have a current driver's abstract on file (they are only good for 2 years)
*our class is taking leadership on a very important fundraiser.  We are collecting toys/$ for the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Hamper Society.  Our motto is 'Little People can make a Big Difference!'  Please look for a red notice regarding this which will be sent home in the next few days.  Thank you for your support :)
*A reminder that the conference sign up is now available on the parent portal, you will sign up for a 15 minute block of time but will also stay for 15 minutes after your signed up block for a total of 30 minutes.  Please only sign up for one 15 minute block
*please send in headphones, planner $  and inside shoes if you have not already done so.  I will be sending out individual emails to those of you who have not yet paid for the planner.  The cost is $7.
*thank you to Emma and Noah's parents for making play dough for our classroom (and to those of you who also offered)
*thank you to the PAC parent group who gave our class a popsicle last week being some of the students missed out on treat day (our field trip and they sold out on Friday).  That was very thoughtful and much appreciated!
*please send in $3 if you attended our Ft. Langley field trip.  I am waiting on those last few parents to send in their money so that I can make the deposit.  Thanks so much!
*if anyone has wood they would be able to donate, please email me at It will be for making snowmen with the approximate dimensions: Approximately 18cm tall x8cm  wide x4cm thick)
*your children will be bringing home a bat book they have folded/coloured.  Please read these at home with them.  Thank you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 14 November 2019

November 14/19

Dear Parents,

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend.  It was great to hear that many of you made it to the local Remembrance Day ceremony.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*thank you to parents who drove for our Fort Langley field trip.  It was a fantastic, very educational outing
*Conferences are coming up quickly! (November 28th-early dismissal 11:00 and November 29th-no school for students).
*As I mentioned in last week's blog post, the conference sign up is now available on the parent portal, you will sign up for a 15 minute block of time but will also stay for 15 minutes after your signed up block for a total of 30 minutes.  Please only sign up for one 15 minute block
*please send in headphones, planner $  and inside shoes if you have not already done so.  I will be sending out individual emails to those of you who have not yet paid for the planner.  The cost is $7.
*your child brought home a book bag on Wednesday.  These books will be switched out every 2-3 weeks.  They are another option to library books, daily class books, books from home and RAZ kids. There was a letter put in each bag which gives more detail on the use of these bags, please read these and feel free to email me any questions you may have
*our PAC is hosting a Bingo Night on November 30th, it is always a great time!
*I am looking for a couple of parents who would be willing to make a batch of play dough for classroom use.  Please email me at if you are able to do this.
*we will be sending out a portal notice in the next couple of days about an upcoming skating field trip.  We will be joining with Mrs. Rowledge-Toscani's class and both of our buddy classes for this outing on December 19th (1:00 pm)

Thank you so much!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Nov. 6/19

Email sent home on November 6th (here for your reference)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Hi There,
Just a couple of reminders:
*our Remembrance Day assembly will be tomorrow, poppy donations are welcome
*there is no school for students on Friday and Monday is a holiday
*our field trip is next week, please sign up if you have not already done so.  We are currently short of drivers at this time.  Unfortunately, if we do have to cancel the site will not provide refunds.
*the conference sign up is now available on the parent portal, you will sign up for a 15 minute block of time but will also stay for 15 minutes after your signed up block for a total of 30 minutes.  Please only sign up for one 15 minute block.

Thank you,
Amanda Roberts