Thursday, 31 October 2019

October 31/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy an exciting and safe Halloween night!  Everyone looks great in their costumes today :)

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*the conference sign up is now available via the parent portal.  Please note:  The time you sign up for is a 15 minute block but you will stay for an additional 15 minutes so we can meet together.  This is what the conference will look like:

1. Please arrive at the time you have signed up for:  Example: 2:15
2. For that first 15 minutes you will meet in the hall with your child and celebrate his/her work
(For example 2:15-2:30)
3.  Then you will come into the classroom with your child and meet with me for an additional 15 minutes (2:30-2:45)

Please keep this half an hour timeline in mind as you book conferences for your other children. Thank you!
*thank you to everyone who sent in Halloween snacks for our party.  We really enjoyed them.
*Pajama Day/Hot Lunch are tomorrow! :). As always, dress up days are optional.
*Art cards are due tomorrow if you are interested in purchasing them, you can also send them in if you would just like me to include their work in their memory books
*Your children are all signed up for RAZ kids (an online reading program).  We have begun using this in class and it is a great resource, please have your children complete the quiz for each of their readings, it helps me to notice patterns and helps guide my instruction with them.  My account is aroberts47 and the student's password is their name.  The link is on this blog in the useful links bar.
*You will be getting a bat book, 'Amazing Bats' over the next few days (that the students have assembled).  Please read these with your child and then they may stay at home.
*November 8th is a professional development day, there is no school for students
*the students have completed a self-evaluation now, it is in their planner today
*please sign up/pay for our field trip to Ft. Langley
*our Remembrance Day assembly will be this Thursday, everyone is encouraged to send in a small amount for the poppy. Thank you!

Have a great evening, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

October 24/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy a wonderful long weekend!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Halloween is fast approaching.  We will be having our party in the afternoon on October 31st.  Students should arrive at school in costume, we will be having a school wide costume parade in the gym that morning.  Recess and lunch will be outside, as usual so costumes should be easy to slip on/off or should be okay to be worn outside.  Please note:  Students should bring snacks and a lunch as usual as we will not be eating until late in the day.

Here is the list of people who have signed up to bring snacks:

Natalie (fruit plate)
Noah (veggie plate)
Tristan (cheese and crackers)
Navien (sweet treat)
Ekan (popcorn or chips)
Jack (juice boxes)

*Your child will be bringing home an extra book in their planner bag sometime over the next week.  It will have a post-it inside to indicate that this is a book that your child should practice nightly until they are confident.  Your child will be presenting this book (along with their group) to the class.
*Just a reminder to please check the date of your child's 'Great Canadian' so that they are ready to present on their special day.  Thank you!
*Art cards/order forms were sent home early this week.  I changed the date on the card to indicate the correct date.  All orders are due by NOVEMBER 1st
*A big thank you to Noah's family for sending in the extra balls/equipment for the class.  It is being used/enjoyed daily.
*The grade 6/7 classes are having a 'Day of Silence'.  The are gratefully accepting donations from October 24-26th for women/children in need.
*skating is tomorrow, please send in a booster seat for your child.  Thank you!
*Friday is a Professional Development Day, there is no school for students.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 18 October 2019

Oct. 18/19

Hello Everyone,

It will be a short blog this week due to the email I sent at the beginning of the week.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*just a reminder that Thursday is library day and Forest Fun.  Students are welcome to bring their books early and put them in our library bin once they are done. I also would like to encourage parents to send in an extra set of clothes/ensure your child is dressed for the weather so that we can enjoy our 'Forest Fun' rain or shine
*thank you for making arrangements for the Emergency Release yesterday, it seemed to go quite smoothly and I thought the students handled the situation well
*Halloween is fast approaching.  We will be having our party in the afternoon on October 31st (please note: students can wear costumes and should still bring a lunch; no weapons, please)  Here is the list of people who have signed up to bring snacks:

Natalie (fruit plate)
Noah (veggie plate)
Tristan (cheese and crackers)
Navien (sweet treat)
Ekan (popcorn or chips)
Jack (juice boxes)

*we will be having a Pajama Day in our class on November 1st (one less thing for you to do with sleepy children the day after Halloween :))  We will still have Family Reading that morning
*we continue to be very short of drivers for our skating field trip.  I will notify you if we need to cancel.  If you are sending in rental money, please clearly label the baggie/envelope so that I can return it to you if need be. If you haven't signed up, please do so by Monday so that I can make a decision and notify Planet Ice.
*please send in earbuds/headphones and inside shoes for your child if you have not already done so.  Thank you!
*planners are $7.00 and can be paid for by cash/cheque or online via the parent portal
*if you have any extra tennis balls, racquet balls (for wall ball), basketballs or soccer balls to donate to the class that would be much appreciated.  Most of the equipment I purchased for the year has already been lost or roofed.
*a reminder that next Friday, October 25th is a ProD Day. There will be no school for students.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 4 October 2019

October 4/19

Dear Parents,

Our class is in charge of our annual Thanksgiving food drive.  Please send in non-perishable food items next week if you would like to make a donation.  Our motto in Division 10 is, 'Big People Can Make a Big Difference' and we are doing this by creating posters, decorating and delivering boxes and making announcements to collect food items for this great cause.  Donations will be gratefully accepted until Friday, October 11th.

*over the next week, you will see a paper in your child's planner bag recommending some reading strategies.  We are learning about these in class but it would be helpful if you could please review these with your child at home and notice when you see them using these.  Thank you!
*please send in headphones, earthquake kits, entertainment books and blue registration forms if you have not already done so
*just a reminder that we go outside for forest fun each Thursday (rain or shine).  Please send your child dressed appropriately for the weather
*we have now put a skating field trip announcement on the portal.  We will be looking for parent drivers so please ensure you have an updated driver's abstract on file.  If you aren't sure, please contact Korri or Karen in the office at 604 465 9331
*our new planners are now in.  Students will begin using them on Monday.  Please recycle the temporary planner but make sure that the bag they came in comes to school.  I will not be handing out new ones in order to keep down plastic waste.
*the office has asked me to remind you to please complete the form via the parent portal for the Emergency Release day.  Thank you!
*Mrs. Pace announced today that there will be a 'pause' on bringing Pokemon cards to school.  Our class had been doing really well with them but unfortunately today one of the students Pokemon album went missing. We think it occurred when we were at the gym and everyone took a look in their backpacks but so far we've had no luck finding them.
*here are some important dates from our leadership students:

Oct-24: silent day
Oct-30: movie night
Nov-6: donut day
Nov-19: WE day
Dec 9-13: spirit week

I will be away next week but I am leaving the class in the very capable hands of Harry Edwards who has regularly worked at Fairview over the past few years.  I have left him a very detailed day plan and Harry has worked in my class before so I am sure the students will have a great week.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts