Friday, 13 January 2017

January 13, 2017

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all have exciting plans for the weekend!  It looks like this might be the last icy/snowy one for awhile as the rain is supposed to set in next week.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Monday is a Professional Development Day for teachers so there will be no school for students
*an order form went home for hotdog day (small, blue form).  This will take place on January 27th and hot dogs need to be preordered.  If your child misplaced his/her form there are extras available in the classroom by the outside door.
*Please send in Memory Book Money ($10) if you have not already done so.  If you are not sure if you've paid or not, please write a note in your child's planner and I will let you know.
*we will be going on a walking field trip on January 25th to Save-On-Foods.  At this point,  I have one parent confirmed and one tentative parent so if anyone else is available to help supervise that would be much appreciated.
*please 'save the date' on April 20th as we will be going to the Act Theater to see 'The Lion King'.  Our very own Makena will be performing and we are all excited about seeing her on stage (more information to follow).  Parent drivers will be needed for this field trip.  Thanks in advance!
*Thank you to all of the parents who have been sending in cereal boxes.  We can still use a few more if you have them.
*just a reminder as the weather is changing again that we will be outside every day and that students should have appropriate clothing and a spare set of clothes (they can leave these at the school).  An extra pair of socks in their back packs is also a good idea.
*we are working on a special project in the library with Mrs. Rowledge-Toscani and Mrs. Neufeld where we are focusing on 'Courage'.  Please take a moment to discuss with your children a time when you noticed them using their courage.

Thank you!  Have a great weekend, everyone!

Mrs. Roberts

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