Hi Everyone,
I hope you all have been outside enjoying the beautiful weather. We had a great time playing out in the forest today and it has been great seeing the kids out skipping at recess and lunch. I am amazed at the progress everyone has made! The next couple of weeks leading into spring break are very busy so here is a summary of the upcoming events along with a few reminders.
*Tuesday, March 1, 2016 is our 'Jumprope for Heart' event. Please send your child in comfortable clothes and with a water bottle. All donations can be collected in the envelope provided or can be made online at: www.jumpropeforheart.ca/ Please mention your child's name and Fairview Elementary if you choose this option.
*Friday, March 4th is 100 Day! Please send in cans (food donations) before/on this day. We will be keeping track of how many 'hundreds' of cans we can collect for the 'Friends in Need' Food bank. Our goal is to collect 100 cans per grade level! I have also talked to students about bringing in an optional 100 day project. I can provide paper for this and students are welcome to create a 100 day art piece on this, build a lego project etc. Again, this is optional and we will be setting up 100 day projects in the library for a tour by each class in the afternoon. Be creative and have fun!
*March 9th/10th are conference days. Please sign up for a conference if you have not already done so. I will not be sending home reminders as you can access your booking online. If you need any help booking please see me or send a message in your child's planner and I will assist you with this. The link is to sign up is available on this blog in the 'useful links' list. Thank you!
*March 9th is also 'grandparents day'. Your child has brought home an invitation for this in his/her planner today. Details are also available on the school website. If your child does not have a grandparent that is available a family friend, neighbor, aunt, uncle etc. can attend. If no one can attend then I will buddy your child up with another student and his/her grandparent.
*Mrs. Watkins has asked us to remind parents to please contact the school if your child is going to be absent. You can phone the school at 604 465-9331 or use the link provided on the school website:
http://schools.sd42.ca/fairview/ (in green strip, click on 'email us')
*Friday, March 11th will be the last day of school before Spring Break!
Finally, please ask your children about their owl pellet dissecting experience. We had a great time doing this on Wednesday, all of the children were great sports about it and even the ones who were initially a little unsure about the process became enthralled once they started!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Amanda Roberts
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