Thursday, 6 November 2014

November 6, 2014

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy the four day weekend coming up (Monday is a holiday due to the altered calendar that was implemented a few years ago) and Tuesday is, of course, Remembrance Day.


We will be collecting money tomorrow which will be passed on to the veterans.  All students will receive a poppy even if a donation isn't made but all funds are appreciated.

Students should all have inside shoes at this point.  Please send them in with your child if you have not already done so.

Family Reading is every Friday from 8:30-8:45.

Skating notices went home Wednesday and are due next Thursday.  Parent drivers are needed for this field trip so if you are available to drive your help is much appreciated.  You do not have to be able to skate to volunteer for this trip.  If you are able to volunteer please remember that you need to have a driver's abstract on file.  If I do not have enough drivers by Friday I will need to cancel the trip. Also, just a  reminder that this is a school outing and all students are expected to attend.  It is a great opportunity to build on a new school and make connections with other students in the school.

Other items...

One of our classmates has lost his book bag.  Can you please check your child's backpack in case it was mistakenly brought home?  Thanks so much! (A new set of books with a letter of explanation enclosed in the bag was sent home Wednesday)

If anyone has any gently used books they would like to donate to the class that would be fantastic.  Also, any old craft supplies that you are finished with can be added to our art center and would be enjoyed by the students.  Finally, any building toys, hotwheels, magnet sets etc. that your child may be finished with would be a welcome addition to our classroom.

**Hopefully you are all reading this Thursday night as students wrote 'Please see Blog' in their planners but if you happen to have missed it, please note that this is how I will let you know if there is time sensitive information to share with you.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Mrs. Roberts

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