Wednesday, 11 June 2014

June 11, 2014

Hi Everyone,

Times are a bit uncertain as you all know right now.  I have told the students that we will continue to learn and enjoy our time together as though our year will end at the usual time but there are some preparations I am making just in case.  First of all, I am sending home supplies that we will not be using this year so that you can store them away for upcoming school years.  Mrs. Rowledge-Toscani and I were not teaching grade 2/3 at the time the supply list was made so we received a lot of extra supplies that weren't needed for our year.  I am sending them over a couple of days so that back packs aren't too heavy.  I will hold on to supplies we use daily in hopes that our year will continue as planned.

I will ask again that you check your home for any class books or library books and send them in on Friday.  Mrs. Kirves is asking that all library books be returned next week so that inventory may be done.  If your child has lost any library books over the year a bill will be sent home.

I have also asked the students to return their 'Just Right Reading' book bags by Friday.  Again, these need to be returned to our primary book room so missing books can be reordered in preparation for next year.

Could each student please bring a sturdy bag with their name on it so to keep on their hooks for when the school year does end and the remainder of the school supplies will be sent home.

Also, there was an announcement today that this Friday there will be a popcorn sale at lunch time.  If anyone is interested in ordering they can bring a twoonie to school that day.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

1 comment:

  1. Hi All...Just wanted to somehow get this out to parents. There is a "Fun Day" being planned this Friday June 20 at around 11am. It will be at North Beach (Gold Creek), and the msg I received was - picnic lunches and loonie store outdoor toys. Its supposed to be nice on Friday and the beach is beautiful. So I just thought I would try and pass on the info :)

    Nita - Amalia's Mom
