Saturday, 10 November 2012

November 10, 2012

I'd like to start of our weekly blog by thanking everyone for working hard to ensure that the children were able to go skating on Tuesday.  Due to unavoidable health problems, we were short drivers and it looked like we were going to have to cancel our outing.  Thankfully, Keona's grandmother and Tessa's mom jumped in to help out.  I'd like to also thank Kaiden's mom who was willing to come in and drive even though Kaiden was home sick.  Your generosity is much appreciated.

Unfortunately, once our driving was sorted out we were then faced with the challenge of not having enough booster seats.  There were 3 primary classes going on field trips that afternoon and several students had not brought in seats.  It took our secretary and one of the classroom teachers several phone calls to secure enough.  Please note that when we are going on a field trip (and it is not by bus) a booster seat must be sent with your child as it is the law that all children under nine must use one.  Unfortunately if this problem arises and we can't secure seats for future trips, students with out them would have to stay at the school.  I hope you understand that this is a safety issue and I thank you for your support in this area.

Our November Scholastic deadline has now passed and Sam's mom, Crystal is compiling the next month's magazines.  I have allowed an early closing date to ensure that orders will be delivered before Christmas break if anyone is interested in ordering Christmas gifts.

Friday, November 16th is now Pajama Day.  Please note that your child can wear his/her pajamas that day and is encouraged to bring in a twoonie or loonie to donate to charity.  Students will still go outside to play on this day so pajamas should be warm (or an extra pair of pants to go over top can also be packed in backpacks).

For those of you who have ordered comfort kits from the PAC, they have arrived and are safely secured inside our Earthquake bin.  Thank you to the PAC for providing this service.

This Thursday is our fieldtrip to the Maple Ridge Public Library.  Please note that students will need to bring a booster seat on that day and that any student who already has a library card will need to bring it as well.  I recommend that you put this in a labeled baggie in your child's jacket pocket as we will not be taking backpacks with us to the library.

Finally,  I would like to make two new additions to our classroom schedule.  I would like to begin 'Family Reading' next week (Monday, November 19th).  This entails parent, grandparents etc. coming in and reading with a group of students for the first 15 minutes of the day.  It is a very informal, relaxed reading session and siblings are welcome to join us. I would like begin by having Family Reading every morning from 8:30-8:45, see what the response is like and then I will make adjustments if it is necessary.

The second addition to the schedule will be 'Sharing'.  Students will bring in an item from home to show to the class.  In preparation for this, students will be expected to give 3 hints regarding what the item is.  For example, they may say:  It is brown.  It has sharp teeth.  It is furry.  The rest of the class will then try to guess what the item is.  For the rest of November, students can will have 'free choice' of what they can bring.

Here are the sharing days for Division 8:

Monday:  Krish, Adrien, Logan
Tuesday:  Stephanie, Lachlan, Kayla, Aston, Nolan
Wednesday:  Sterling, Keona, Daniel, Sam
Thursday:  Tessa, Jaden, Kaiden, Jordan, Manvir
Friday:  Krystel, Kendra, Grace, Amalia

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