Friday, 28 May 2021

May 27/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you are well.  It is great to see all of the students and staff back at Fairview this week.  I hope we can finish the year with out any more exposures and am feeling optimistic as we watch BC's number of cases decline.  

*Thank you for your payment for our class memory books.

*Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather as our district does have 'Westcoast' Recess/Lunchtimes.  This means that unless weather is extreme we will be outside.  Also, we still do not have heat in the building (and won't for the remainder of the year) so I highly recommend an extra layer as our doors and window are open due to Covid.  Thank you!

*Public library card permission forms are due Tuesday, June 1st if you would like your child to have one

*Thursday, June 3 I will be having the second part of my dental work and will be absent

Have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 13 May 2021

May 7/21

 Hi Everyone,

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Your children have likely mentioned the reduced number of students in surrounding classes (and today our class). As you know, there several students/staff in the school currently isolating.   A few parents have now contacted me to say that they are choosing to keep their children home for a little while. In order to support you while your children are at home,  I have updated the 'Home Learning Links' section of this blog to include a link to our Fairview Library where you will find a gradual/remote learning resource that was created by the district last spring. There are also several more great sites available under the same 'Home Learning Links' tab.  This includes a K-5 Free worksheet section.  Type in the grade and it will guide you from there.  In math, our current focus is addition/subtraction with and without regrouping, rounding, money and word problems.  Many students would also benefit in a review of place value.

*Just a reminder to please pay the $10 for the memory book via the parent portal if you have not already done so.  I will be ordering photos, making collages shortly so I will need to know the numbers of students to create these for.  Thank you!

*A library form came home earlier this week.  We will be having a Zoom tour of MR Library.  As part of this, they will provide library cards for any students who are interested in having one.  I will pick these up from the library and distribute them at school

*I will be away next Wednesday for dental surgery.  I am hoping to be absent for the just the day. 

*I have sent the 'Scientist of the Day' home as an attachment on today's email.  Please see the explanation letter and double-sided form that they need to fill in prior to their presentation.  Everyone has an assigned date but I will obviously be very flexible with these due to the current circumstances at Fairview.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 7 May 2021

May 6/21

 Hi Everyone,

I hope you and your families are all staying well.  Happy Mother's day to all of the moms/caregivers.  I hope you have a great day and enjoy the gift your child made for you.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Everyone will have received the most recent school notification letters regarding Covid exposures at Fairview.  There are several students and teachers who are currently isolating. With cases in the school, I would like to thank you for your vigilance in keeping your children home from school when they are unwell and getting them tested when necessary. As always, I am encouraging everyone to wear a mask at school and thank you for your support with this.

*This was our last week of spelling. The final quiz was today.

*Please look in the pouch of your child's planner on Monday.  I will be sending home an information letter about our 'Scientist of the Day'. This is always a class favourite and a great opportunity to students to learn the 'Scientific Method' and practice their public speaking.  

*Please send in a refillable water bottle each day so that your child can drink from this instead of the water fountain

*A reminder to read each day in May as part of our club Red (info sent home by Mrs. Gallop). We will also be having an optional 'Bookmark Contest' for those who are interested.  Some students may choose to work on these at home.  The only criteria is that they use the template that was made for this purpose and have Fairview and 2020-2021 on them. All entries are due by May 31st.

*Please pay online if possible for your child's memory book.  The cost is $10.  Thank you!

*There is a ProD day on Wednesday, May 12th.  There will be no school for students that day

*Last, but definitely not least, here is the link to our fantastic 'Courage Art'. You may have to copy/paste the link if it doesn't open when you click on it.

Take Care,

Amanda Roberts