Hi Everyone,
I hope you and your loved ones are well . This will be the first week that I will be balancing both in-school teaching and home learning. With that in mind, I would like to ask for your patience as I may not respond to your emails as quickly as I have done up until now. We have been asked to keep learning opportunities similar for all students so students who attend school will also be following the outline below. Also, please note: I have had to reschedule Thursday’s Zoom meeting due to in-school instruction. I will now have our second Zoom meeting on Wednesdays at 11:00am. Parents whose students will be attending school Tuesday/Thursday of next week will be receiving a separate email with more information regarding safety procedures.
This week, I would like students to send in:
1) Thursday’s literacy
2) A math assignment (if not on Prodigy)
Division 10 Reminders:
Division 10 Reminders:
*please send in a photo of your child taken outside to include in our class collage
*Memory books will be available for purchase via the parent portal only until Wednesday, June 3rd (online payments only, please. Late orders cannot be accepted this year)
Please note: I am following the guidelines set out by our District Superintendant, Sylvia Russel. The activities I am offering are ‘learning opportunities’. Please feel free to use my weekly suggestions as you see fit.
*Please note: Students are encouraged to read 15-30 minutes/day in addition to the activities outlined below.
Monday Zoom: 11:00
Create a mini poster to remind everyone in your family to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is even more important as things start to open up.
Design a new package for your favourite toy or food – include pictures and words.
Play a target game by tossing a bean bag (or rolled up socks or crumpled paper) toward a target that is about two meters (two really big paces) away.
Use centimeters to measure and record how close you came to the target. What is your best result after five tries? What could you use to measure if you do not have a centimeter ruler?
Other Learning Opportunities
Go to this website and scroll down the home page to the Start the 30 Day Fitness Challenge *You can access this link anytime on class blog under ‘Home Learning Links’.
Based on our discussion yesterday on Solids, Liquids and Gases (States of Matter) Make a chart with these 3 headings and look through your kitchen and bedroom and add items to each list!
If there are 18 fish and two aquariums, what are all of the different ways that the fish can be places in the two aquariums (example, 2 in one 16 in the other). You may wish to use small items such as Fishy crackers or beads and two bowls to represent the fish and the aquariums. _ + _ = 18
Bonus: #1 - If you cover one bowl, how do you know how many fish are in the other? #2 - If you wanted to try multiplication (groups of) remember the groups have to be equal. _ X _ = 18
Other Learning Opportunities
Water Exploration – Pour a cup of water on your sidewalk, deck or driveway. What happens to the water and how does the surface of the sidewalk, deck, or driveway change? How long do you think it will take for the water to dry?
Wednesday - ZOOM 11:00
Create a 4-6 comic strip based on a topic of your choice. Draw pictures and use speech and thought bubbles to show what the characters are saying and thinking (Optional blank template in Week #9 Dropbox)
Cookie Decorations! Ella decorated 20 cookies to take to a party. She lined them up and put icing on every second cookie. Then she put a cherry on every third cookie. Then she put a drop of chocolate on every fourth cookie. (She did not have anything on the first cookie)
How many other cookies had no decorations?
Did any cookies get all three decorations?
How do you know? Did you use a picture to figure it out? Or maybe you used some manipulatives?
Did any cookies get all three decorations?
How do you know? Did you use a picture to figure it out? Or maybe you used some manipulatives?
Other Learning Opportunities
Search and Find: Head outside. Find, draw and describe the following: 5 solids (i.e. rock, blade of grass), 3 liquids (i.e. water in a bird bath, sap from a tree) What solids and liquids might you find at the beach or in a forest?
Adjectives are words that describe a noun. Write your name vertically and beside each letter of your name write an adjective that starts with that letter and describes you. Illustrate your name poster.
Name or show 5 different ways to make $2.75.
Other Learning Opportunities
Outdoor Measurement Scavenger Hunt: (See Printables Week #8)
Create a scavenger hunt with written clues for another family member to complete. (eg.) In the room where I sleep find a big blue stuffy.)
Create a pattern! Using materials that you can find in or around your house (e.g.) cereal pieces, stones, lego) create a pattern that grows by the same number. Have someone figure out your pattern and continue it by making the next figure.
X O XX O XXX O Bonus: Try shrinking patterns as well
Other Learning Opportunities
Directed Drawing: Hot Air Balloon
Jokes from Ekam
Why do bicycles fall over?
What did one eye say to the other eye?
Answer- Because they’re two-tired!
Answer- Between us, something smells!
Additional Learning Opportunities
*create a frisbee golf course in your back yard or local park. Make a plan, set it up and try it out!
*draw/label 5 things that you would see if you were driving through the province of Manitoba