Friday, 29 May 2020

Week 9 Home Learning

Hi Everyone,

I hope you and your loved ones are well . This will be the first week that I will be balancing both in-school teaching and home learning. With that in mind, I would like to ask for your patience as I may not respond to your emails as quickly as I have done up until now. We have been asked to keep learning opportunities similar for all students so students who attend school will also be following the outline below.  Also, please note:  I have had to reschedule Thursday’s Zoom meeting due to in-school instruction.  I will now have our second Zoom meeting on Wednesdays at 11:00am.  Parents whose students will be attending school Tuesday/Thursday of next week will be receiving a separate email with more information regarding safety procedures.

This week, I would like students to send in:
1) Thursday’s literacy 
2) A math assignment (if not on Prodigy)

Division 10 Reminders:
*please send in a photo of your child taken outside to include in our class collage

*Memory books will be available for purchase via the parent portal only until Wednesday, June 3rd (online payments only, please.  Late orders cannot be accepted this year)

Please note: I am following the guidelines set out by our District Superintendant, Sylvia Russel.  The activities I am offering are ‘learning opportunities’.  Please feel free to use my weekly suggestions as you see fit.  

*Please note: Students are encouraged to read 15-30 minutes/day in addition to the activities outlined below.

Monday Zoom: 11:00

Create a mini poster to remind everyone in your family to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is even more important as things start to open up.
Design a new package for your favourite toy or food – include pictures and words. 

Play a target game by tossing a bean bag (or rolled up socks or crumpled paper) toward a target that is about two meters (two really big paces) away.
Use centimeters to measure and record how close you came to the target. What is your best result after five tries?  What could you use to measure if you do not have a centimeter ruler?

Other Learning Opportunities
Go to this website and scroll down the home page to the Start the 30 Day Fitness Challenge *You can access this link anytime on class blog under ‘Home Learning Links’.


Based on our discussion yesterday on Solids, Liquids and Gases (States of Matter) Make a chart with these 3 headings and look through your kitchen and bedroom and add items to each list!  

If there are 18 fish and two aquariums, what are all of the different ways that the fish can be places in the two aquariums (example, 2 in one 16 in the other).  You may wish to use small items such as Fishy crackers or beads and two bowls to represent the fish and the aquariums.  _ + _ = 18 
Bonus: #1 - If you cover one bowl, how do you know how many fish are in the other?  #2 - If you wanted to try multiplication (groups of) remember the groups have to be equal.  _ X _ = 18

Other Learning Opportunities
Water Exploration – Pour a cup of water on your sidewalk, deck or driveway.  What happens to the water and how does the surface of the sidewalk, deck, or driveway change?  How long do you think it will take for the water to dry?  

Wednesday - ZOOM 11:00

Create a 4-6 comic strip based on a topic of your choice.  Draw pictures and use speech and thought bubbles to show what the characters are saying and thinking (Optional blank template in Week #9 Dropbox)

Cookie Decorations! Ella decorated 20 cookies to take to a party. She lined them up and put icing on every second cookie. Then she put a cherry on every third cookie. Then she put a drop of chocolate on every fourth cookie. (She did not have anything on the first cookie) 
How many other cookies had no decorations?
Did any cookies get all three decorations?
How do you know? Did you use a picture to figure it out? Or maybe you used some manipulatives? 

Other Learning Opportunities
Search and Find:  Head outside.  Find, draw and describe the following: 5 solids (i.e. rock, blade of grass), 3 liquids (i.e. water in a bird bath, sap from a tree) What solids and liquids might you find at the beach or in a forest?


Adjectives are words that describe a noun.  Write your name vertically and beside each letter of your name write an adjective that starts with that letter and describes you. Illustrate your name poster. 

Name or show 5 different ways to make $2.75. 

Other Learning Opportunities
Outdoor Measurement Scavenger Hunt:  (See Printables Week #8)


Create a scavenger hunt with written clues for another family member to complete. (eg.) In the room where I sleep find a big blue stuffy.)

Create a pattern!  Using materials that you can find in or around your house (e.g.) cereal pieces, stones, lego) create a pattern that grows by the same number. Have someone figure out your pattern and continue it by making the next figure. 
X O XX O XXX O Bonus:  Try shrinking patterns as well

Other Learning Opportunities
Directed Drawing:  Hot Air Balloon 

Jokes from Ekam 
Why do bicycles fall over?
What did one eye say to the other eye?

Answer- Because they’re two-tired!
Answer- Between us, something smells!

Additional Learning Opportunities

*create a frisbee golf course in your back yard or local park.  Make a plan, set it up and try it out!
*draw/label 5 things that you would see if you were driving through the province of Manitoba

Friday, 22 May 2020

Week 8 Home Learning

Hi Everyone,

I hope you and your loved ones are well. Here is an outline of week 8 Home learning.  There will be one day next week that I will not be available during the day as I need to go into the classroom and make adaptations in preparation for the June 1st opening.  We have not been given the information on what day that will be at this time but I will notify you once I have been assigned a day.

By Friday,  I would like students to email me 1) Monday’s literacy (or students can record on RAZ kids) 2) A math assignment (if not on Prodigy) 3)The total score and measurements (height and width) of this week’s challenge. Please have your challenge nearby if you would like to share it at Thursday’s Zoom meeting. 

Please note: I am following the guidelines set out by our District Superintendant, Sylvia Russel.  The activities I am offering are ‘learning opportunities’.  Please feel free to use my weekly suggestions as you see fit.
'Kindergarten-Grade 3 planning will focus on language and literacy as well as numeracy from the provincial curriculum; an average of five to seven hours of learning opportunities per student per week'.  So, that would equal approximately 1- 1.5 hours/day.

*Please note: Students are encouraged to read 15 minutes/day in addition to the activities outlined below.


Watch ‘Is A Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There Is’?
While watching or afterwards sketch or write down what you have learned from this video. Is this book fiction or non-fiction why?  What did you learn from this? 

What is in the kitchen cupboard?  Think of a sorting pattern for the food containers to organize them.  Will you sort them by size and shape?  Shape and Colour?  Or something else?  Sort them and see if someone can figure out your sorting rule.  Try to make some different patterns.

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Be Anything! March on the spot and when a command is given, jump into a frozen position representing an action, or statue.  Leader calls out the frozen action.  Telephone pole, baseball pitcher, quarterback throwing a football, mountain climber, race car driver, lightning bolt, etc.


Pretend you are on a “reading vacation” at the beach. Set up a towel to lay on, put on a bathing suit, or other beach attire, grab some water, maybe a snack, and lay on the “beach” reading your book, magazine, anything you have in your home to read. Do you need your sunglasses? 

Measuring Penny (Two options). This activity is based on the story we will be watching and listening to on Zoom this week (half Monday and half Thursday) 1) design and make your own ‘Penny dog or cat’ out of construction paper.  Measure her height/width/length with a non-standard unit and then in cm using a ruler  2) Measure one of your stuffed animals  

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Go to this website and scroll down the home page to the ‘Playing Cards’ workout.  
*You can access this link anytime via our class blog under ‘Home Learning Links’. 


Find or draw a picture. Without showing the picture to someone in your home, describe the picture. Use location language such as; (above, beside, under, right side, to the left of), shapes, colours, and/or how it makes you feel. 

Family Foot Follow-up!  Use the feet you traced last week, use the same size objects (e.g.) coins, paper clips, lego pieces, crayons) to measure the feet. Record your Estimate (guess how many it would take to measure the length of each foot using the non-standard units) then Estimate and Measure with a ruler using cm.    

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Baking in the Kitchen (with help)!  Choose a favourite family recipe (or learn a new one) to make with the help of an adult.  Gather and measure out the ingredients.  Follow the recipe directions!  Share and enjoy!


Write words containing the following letter blends; br, bl, cr, ch, gr, sw, tr, th. See if you can come up with some of your own letter blends. 

Cover a Book.  This type of measurement is ‘AREA’
Find a group of the same item (e.g., Pokemon cards, lego blocks, Shreddies cereal) and use them to completely cover the surface of a book without any gaps or overlaps.  How any did you use?  Now choose a different group of items and do the same thing.  What do you notice?

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Outdoor Measurement Scavenger Hunt:  See Printables Week #8 


Create a commercial or advertisement to sell a product from a favourite story. For example: Pig’s brick house, a house made of gingerbread, a knight’s horse, Cinderella’s glass slipper.
Include a picture and reasons why someone would want to buy it. 

Find 5 different sized cans in your kitchen cupboard. Hold one in each hand at a time.  Compare their weights.  Can you order the cans from least amount of weight (lightest) to the most amount of weight (heaviest)?

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Crumple 3 pieces of the same size paper.  One loosely crumpled, one crumpled a little tighter and one crumpled as small as you can make it.  Try throwing each paper as far as you can.  Which ball of paper goes farther?  Why?  Measure the distance of each throw using a measuring tape (with your parents help).  Have a family challenge for the paper ball throwing world record.


Thank you to Darian for contributing this week’s jokes. 

1.What are the 3 opposites of right?

2.Why did the chicken cross the parking lot?

(see end of post for answer)

This week’s tongue twister (Try to say it 3x fast-time it and see what your record is) 
Why in the world
would a whale want water?
When a whale wants water
will a well run dry?
Why in the world
would a wet whale want wet water?
Will a wet whale want wet water
when a wet well runs dry?

Directed Drawing:  Blue Whale 
On Epic – Whales By: Gail Gibbons Audio Book – that could be listened to while drawing and colouring your directed drawing.  

This week’s challenge is… 
Lego challenge!  Place one piece of base lego (the one with 8 bumps on it) on the floor/counter.  This is the only piece of lego that can touch the ground (or anything else other than other pieces of lego).  Add additional pieces of lego to see how many pieces you can build off of this base without it tipping over.  You cannot use any other supplies or lean the structure against anything, that’s the challenge!   How wide is your sculpture?  How tall?  Bring your sculpture to Thursday’s meeting and be ready to share how many pieces it has and the dimensions in centimeters.  

1. Left, wrong and erase
2. His name was KFC

Friday, 15 May 2020

Week 7 Home Learning

Hi Everyone,

I hope you and your loved ones are well.  The weather is supposed to be a bit unsettled for our long weekend but fortunately the trails are open so hopefully you can get out for some family exercise in the shelter of the forest.  

By Friday,  1) Please have your child record him/herself reading a story from their reading room in RAZ kids and complete the quiz independently (instructions are in the week 7 email) 2) Email a math assignment (if not on Prodigy) 3)Students can share this week’s challenge at our Thursday Zoom meeting 

Please note: I am following the guidelines set out by our District Superintendant, Sylvia Russel.  The activities I am offering are ‘learning opportunities’.  Please feel free to use my weekly suggestions as you see fit.
'Kindergarten-Grade 3 planning will focus on language and literacy as well as numeracy from the provincial curriculum; an average of five to seven hours of learning opportunities per student per week'.  So, that would equal approximately 1- 1.5 hours/day.

Home Learning:  Week # 7
May 20th-22nd

*Please note: Students are encouraged to read 15 minutes/day in addition to the activities outlined below.


Victoria Day


Non-Instructional Day (Scavenger Hunts available for fun in weekly printables)


Listen to a piece of music – describe how the music makes you feel. List your feelings. Write a review of the song and share it with a friend. Maybe they’ll listen to the song! 

Find the perimeter of an area of your home. It could be the living room, the backyard, a basement area or a hallway. Measure the perimeter using your outstretched arms or lunges. Track your measurements. Have a family member measure the same areas with their own arms or lunges. Discuss reasons why the results will be different from person to person. 

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Go to this website and scroll down the home page to the ‘Spell Your Name’ workout.  
*You can access this link anytime via our class blog under ‘Home Learning Links’. 


Some words sound the same but they have different meanings. These words are called homonyms. Hoarse and horse sound the same but have different meanings. Name 5 pairs of words that are homonyms. 

Foot Family Fun!   In Printable Week #7 see and complete this activity!  Have fun!  ***Please keep the feet as we will be using them for another measurement activity next week.  Thank you!***

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Do you think you will go farthest hopping, skipping or taking giant steps?  Put these actions in order from greatest distance travelled to least distance travelled.  
1.Hop forward 100 hops (you can stop for rests along the way).  Mark your end point with an object.
2. Skip 100 times (put down a marker)
3. Take 100 giant steps (put down a marker)
Was the order you estimated correct?


Write sentences for yesterday’s homonyms.  These sentences should show the meaning of the word.   Example:  My throat was hoarse from cheering at the game.  I rode a horse at summer camp. 

Fill It Up!  Find different sized measuring cups and a large plastic jug.  One at a time, estimate how many of each it will take to fill the jug.  Test out your prediction.  What do you notice?

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Build a catapult (two youtube options below or use your own design).


Directed Drawing:  

Thank you to Natalie, Noah and Darian for contributing this week’s jokes.  If any of you have jokes to share, please email them to me and I will include them in our upcoming Blog posts 

1.What do you call a bear with no teeth
2. Elephant: Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days? Hippo: I give up.
3. What do you call a cow with no legs? 

This week’s tongue twister (Try to say it 3x fast)

*You may recognize this from ‘Fox on Socks ’ by Dr. Seuss 
Now we come to ticks and tocks, sir. Try to say this Mr. Knox, sir. . . .Clocks on fox tick. Clocks on fox tock. Six sick bricks tick. Six sick chicks tock.

This week’s challenge is… 
The Continuous Line Challenge...You need a piece of drawing paper, something to draw with (either a pencil, marker, crayon etc.) and your imagination. The goal is to draw a picture using one continuous line without taking your pencil off the paper or doubling back on any line...good luck! 
**Please have ready to share for Thursday’s Zoom meeting .

1. A gummy bear! :D (Natalie)
2. Elephant: Because their kids have to play inside!  (Noah)
3. Ground Beef

Friday, 8 May 2020

Week 6 Home Learning

Hi Everyone,

I hope you and your loved ones are well. This week we will be focusing on time.  While it is not expected at these grade levels that students be able to tell time, we feel it is important to lay the groundwork and encourage the application of this skill for those who are ready.  We explore time in terms of seasons, past, future, different units etc.  Here is a useful link for those of you who would like to practice/explore this further.

Trudy’s Time and Place House (There are several ‘time-related options on this site.  Click on the digital/analog clocks to explore the 'telling time' option)

***I have included a ‘Time Booklet’ in the Week #6 Printable file.
 PLEASE do not feel you have to do all/any of this.  I am just offering another learning resource for those who are interested/ready.

By Friday,  I would like students to email me 1) Monday’s literacy 2) A math assignment (if not on Prodigy) 3)Their high score for this week’s challenge  

Please note: I am following the guidelines set out by our District Superintendant, Sylvia Russel.  The activities I am offering are ‘learning opportunities’.  Please feel free to use my weekly suggestions as you see fit.
'Kindergarten-Grade 3 planning will focus on language and literacy as well as numeracy from the provincial curriculum; an average of five to seven hours of learning opportunities per student per week'.  So, that would equal approximately 1- 1.5 hours/day.

Home Learning:  Week # 6
May 11th-15th

*Please note: Students are encouraged to read 15 minutes/day in addition to the activities outlined below.


Write 5 memories you have from your past and 5 things you would like to accomplish or experience in the future.  Read your lists to a family member and email them to me, please. 

Building Skeletons! Look around your home for materials to build skeletons of 3D figures (e.g., straws and play dough, toothpicks and marshmallows, rolled up newspaper and tape).
Build a skeleton of one-two 3D shapes of your choice (hint: shapes with flat edges are easier to make) 
After you finish building ask: How many edges does it have? Vertices (corners)? What 2D shapes are in your skeleton (faces)? How many of each 2D shape? Can you find an object in your house that looks like the 3D skeleton you made? 

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Watch this video clip on sundials and if the sun is out, make your own sundial using one of the suggestions in the clip.


Write 5-10 questions that you would like to ask your parent(s) about when they were your age.  Leave a few lines between each question. Interview your parent(s) and record their answers. 

Make your own clock.  Use the printables in the week 6 folder on the class blog.  Practice making times on the hour (o’clock) and half an hour.  Need a challenge?  Extend the times you are making eg. 8:15. 7:45, 9:10 etc.  Is your time am or pm?

*Parents: we do recognize that many households do not have brad fasteners in them.  Here are some alternative suggestions on how to affix the hands to your clock.  1)use a pin and eraser 2) use 2 paperclips 3) add rolled tape to the back of each hand (or your child could just lay the hands in place without them being attached to the clock).

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Make a ‘seasonal’ obstacle course. Place a cone or other object to indicate your start line.  Put a pile of 3-4 items at the other end of the backyard, room or hallway.  Run from the start line to the pile and put on one item.  Run back to the start, run around the cone and head back to the pile.  Do this until you are wearing all of your seasonal gear.  Get someone to time you or make two piles and race someone!   Clothing pile example: toque, scarf, mittens, boots or sun hat, swimsuit, sandals, t-shirt.


Phone/Zoom a grandparent, family friend or neighbor who is a generation (or two) older than your parents.  Ask them the same questions you asked your parent(s).  They will love to hear from you!   You do not need to record these, just enjoy your chat.  You could also share this week’s jokes.  Maybe they have a joke they'd like to tell you?

Estimate how many times you can:1) Say your name in 10 seconds 2. Write your name in one minute and 3.How many pages of a book you can read in 15 minutes.  Have someone time you and see how your estimates compare to your answers.

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Go for a walk in your neighborhood looking for 2D and 3D shapes.  Which shapes do you notice are most common?  Play your pots and pans (like you did with Dr. Saul) to thank all of the essential workers at 7:00pm)

***Please note:  Today’s Zoom meeting with be an hour later than usual (11:00). Please bring a flashlight (or something else easy to dance with that lights up) to the meeting.

What is your favourite season and why? Write a paragraph.  Draw an illustration that shows what you love about that season.

What time is it now? Write down the time. What time will it be in 30 minutes? What time was it 20 minutes ago? You can use the clock you made to answer these questions.

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Turn on calming music. Stretch your body in different ways and hold the stretch.
Stretch up to the sky, reach to your toes, make yourself as wide as possible, make yourself as small as possible, twist one way and then the other. Do this for 10 minutes or longer. 


Write a news article or fictional story about what life is like in the year 2120 (100 years from now).  If you choose to write the news article remember to include the who, what, where when, why and how of what is happening in your story.  If you choose to write a fictional story, you could use the same templates that guided your writing for the Dr. Seuss story (week 4 printables).  

Ask someone to read you a book. Record the start time and end time. How long did it take? Less than an hour, more than an hour? Use the clock you made on Tuesday to make the start time/end time.

DPA/Outdoor Learning/Science
Exploring Your Recycling Bin (with your parent's permission): What do you have in your recycling bin(s)?
Design and create a futuristic machine using what you choose. Which 2D and 3D shapes did you use to make your machine?


Thank you to Ekam, Ryanna and Noah for contributing this week’s jokes.  If you have jokes to share, please email them to me and I will include them in our upcoming Blog posts 

1. What does the ocean do when it sees its friends? (Ekam)
2. Why did the teddy bear not want dessert?  (Ryanna)
3. Which are the most useless shapes? (Ryanna)
4. What did mommy spider say to baby spider? (Noah)
5.What did the digital clock say to its mother?… (Noah)

This week’s tongue twister (Try to say it 3x fast) 
Tongue twister: We surely shall see the sunshine soon! ðŸŒž (Ryanna)

Directed Drawing Links:

How to draw a baby.  You could draw ‘Boss baby’ or add details that make the baby look more like you when you were a baby.  Ask your parents for a picture and to tell you a funny story about when you were a baby.

How to draw a car.  Once you have drawn this car, design your own ‘Car of the future’. Add lots of detail and include labels on the special features.

This week’s challenge is… 

The Fairview Elementary School word list challenge.  Write as many words as you can by using the letters in the underlined words. Example: view, Sam, cool, etc.  Write them down on a sheet of paper, count your total. You will have the opportunity to show your list at our Thursday morning Zoom meeting.  Hints: You could cut out the letters and manipulate them to make new words, look for rhyming patterns and use the letter ‘s’ to make plurals. Start this list on your own but this can also be a family effort!  Go team!

1. It waves! ðŸ¤£ðŸ¤£
2. Because he was already too stuffed! ðŸ˜‚
3. Circles, because they are pointless!! ðŸ¤£
4. A: You spend too much time on the web.   
5. “Look, Ma! No hands!”