Wednesday, 19 June 2019

June 19/19

Hi Everyone,

I am amazed at the speed this year has gone by!  Everything is wrapping up so quickly.  Here are some last reminders about our remaining days of the school year.  I hope you all enjoy a fantastic summer with family and friends.

*Fairview Fun Day will be this Friday, starting at 11:00.  Students should come to school prepared for the weather and some fun with water (please ensure they have a towel each-please label).  There will be some treats provided but students should still bring some healthy snacks/lunch to enjoy through out the day.

*There are 2 students who have not paid for bowling.  If you are unsure if that is you, please ask your child as I have notified them.  If they aren't sure :), please feel free to email me.

*Bowling is this Thursday.  Please send in booster seats for all children who are 8 or under.  There are only 1-2 spare carseats at the school at this time and many classes are going on field trips this week.

*Our community goal this year is to help animals at our local SPCA.  We are encouraging families to send in old towels, blankets etc. for the animals at the shelter.  Pet food and other animal toys/treats/leashes etc. are also welcome.  Thank you in advance for your support for this great cause

*Please send a labelled plastic bag by the end of the week.  I will be sending home duotangs/supplies over the next few days and this will make organizing them much easier.  Thank you!

*We will be having our class party in the afternoon on the last full day of school (Tuesday, June 25th).  Thank you to the following student's parents for volunteering to send snacks on that day:

Josh:  Fruit plate,
Keana: Veggie plate.
Sophia:  Cheese/crackers
Declan: Popcorn/chips or pretzels
Ryanna; Sweet treat
Riana:  Other

*thank you to Eugene and Keana's parents for taking home several bins of manipulative to wash for us, they look great!  There are still more that need cleaning if anyone is willing to volunteer.  Thank you!

*thank you to Eleana, Antonia and Keana's moms for helping us with our wrap bar and smoothies today.  They were a big hit!

*your child is bringing home his/her 'Growthfolio' this week.  Please read the contents as it included their latest writing, the competency checklist (part of the report card), an assessment from Dr. Saul and an ELL report if your child gets this service

*please ensure that all book bags and classroom books are returned by this Friday

Thank you for a great year, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Also, a note from the Primary Team at Fairview:

We have sent home the notices for Creative Packs for school supplies.  The primary team cannot stress enough the importance of using Creative Packs!  We ask for certain brands of school supplies because they are what we have determined are the best quality and last the whole school year.  If you choose to not order Creative Packs, then please follow the list given supply for supply.  If you are missing something in September we will highlight on our list as a reminder of what else to get.  Please do not buy Dollar Store brand supplies!!! They may be the cheap option, but the glue doesn’t stick, the crayons don’t colour and the scissors don’t cut!  Us primary teachers know from experience.  If you have financial concerns about school supplies and meeting the required lists, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Watkins.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

June 12/19

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather :)  We are really enjoying learning about Insects and other crawlers in our class right now and we are seeing lots of examples during our time outside.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

This Friday will be our Indigenous People's Day.  Some of the activities will be happening outside so I highly recommend your child wear sunscreen and a hat that day.  There will be bannock tacos served at lunch but I would suggest you send snacks as usual.  One of the stations involves acrylic paints so please keep that in mind when your child is selecting clothing for the day.  There will no Family Reading that day due to an early assembly.

*Please sign up/pay for Rev's bowling if you have not already done so, thank you to the volunteer drivers who have signed up.  Please ensure that you have a driver's abstract on file

*Our community goal this year is to help animals at our local SPCA.  We are encouraging families to send in old towels, blankets etc. for the animals at the shelter.  Pet food and other animal toys/treats/leashes etc. are also welcome.  Thank you in advance for your support of this great cause.

*Thank you to Declan's mom for sending in popcorn this week.  We all really enjoyed it!

*If any parents are willing to take home a bin of manipulatives to wash, that would be much appreciated.  I do this at the end of the year so we can start the new school year with everything clean.

*We will be doing our next nutrition event on Wednesday, June 19th.  We will be doing a wrap bar and smoothies.  We are again looking for volunteers to help us between recess and lunch (10:30-12:00).  Please email me if you are able to help out that day.  Thank you!

*Father's Day cards and gifts are coming home today.  Please ensure that your child puts it somewhere safe until Father's Day.  Thank you!

*Thank you to Sophia's family for sending in some gently used books to be added to our classroom library

*We will be having our class party in the afternoon on the last full day of school (Tuesday, June 25th).  Thank you to the following student's parents for volunteering to send snacks on that day:

Josh:  Fruit plate,
Keana: Veggie plate.
Sophia:  Cheese/crackers
Declan: Popcorn/chips or pretzels
Ryanna; Sweet treat
Riana:  Other

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Also, a note from the Primary Team at Fairview:

We have sent home the notices for Creative Packs for school supplies.  The primary team cannot stress enough the importance of using Creative Packs!  We ask for certain brands of school supplies because they are what we have determined are the best quality and last the whole school year.  If you choose to not order Creative Packs, then please follow the list given supply for supply.  If you are missing something in September we will highlight on our list as a reminder of what else to get.  Please do not buy Dollar Store brand supplies!!! They may be the cheap option, but the glue doesn’t stick, the crayons don’t colour and the scissors don’t cut!  Us primary teachers know from experience.  If you have financial concerns about school supplies and meeting the required lists, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Watkins.

Friday, 7 June 2019

June 6/19

Hi Everyone,

We had a great day, carving with our visiting artist.  I think you will all be very impressed with the finished product.  The students were very focused on doing their best work, filing and sanding their art.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Please sign up/pay for Rev's bowling if you have not already done so, thank you to the volunteer drivers who have signed up.  Please ensure that you have a driver's abstract on file
*Next Friday is our special Indigenous Day.  Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and is wearing clothes that can get messy as there is a painting station which uses acrylic paints
*Please send in any unsold library raffle tickets to be used in future draws
*A big thank you to Declan's mom who has offered to bring in bags of popcorn as a special treat on Monday
*Most student's 'Mystery Bags' were changed today.  If your child still has his/hers at home, please remind them to bring them in on Monday so that we can make the exchange
*Our community goal this year is to help animals at our local SPCA.  We are encouraging families to send in old towels, blankets etc. for the animals at the shelter.  Pet food and other animal toys/treats/leashes etc. are also welcome.  Thank you in advance for your support of this great cause.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Also, a note from the Primary Team at Fairview:

We have sent home the notices for Creative Packs for school supplies.  The primary team cannot stress enough the importance of using Creative Packs!  We ask for certain brands of school supplies because they are what we have determined are the best quality and last the whole school year.  If you choose to not order Creative Packs, then please follow the list given supply for supply.  If you are missing something in September we will highlight on our list as a reminder of what else to get.  Please do not buy Dollar Store brand supplies!!! They may be the cheap option, but the glue doesn’t stick, the crayons don’t colour and the scissors don’t cut!  Us primary teachers know from experience.  If you have financial concerns about school supplies and meeting the required lists, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Watkins.