Thursday, 13 December 2018

December 16/18

Hi Everyone,

It is hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner.  There is a lot of excitement in the building right now :).  Thank you to everyone for attending our concert this year.  We hope you enjoyed our rendition of 'Dominic the Donkey'.  A big thank you to Dr. Saul for organizing the choreography and practicing with the students in music.

*Next week will be our last week of school before the break.  We will be having our Christmas Party on the last day of school (December 21st) in the afternoon.  Thank you in advance to the following people who are sending in treats that day:

Avery (fruit plate),  Paityn (veggie plate),  Eugene (Cheese/crackers), Madden (sweet treat),
Keana (popcorn or chips)

*We will also be having a free hot chocolate delivered on December 21st (thanks to our PAC for providing this).  Please send a mug in with your child on that day.  

*We will also be wearing our PJ's to school on this date and bringing in our favourite Christmas stories to share during Hallway Reading. 

*A big thank you to our parent volunteers who drove for skating.  We had a great time!

*I will be sending home new JRR books next week so that the students have new reading material for over the holidays.

*I still have a few students who have not had their 'Owls and More' payment made yet.  I will be contacting these people by email next week.  If you aren't sure if you've paid, please contact me at as I have been keeping an account with the office

*We will be continuing our Christmas crafts this Friday and next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:30.  Please contact me if you would like to come and help any of those days.  Thank you!

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

December 5, 2018

The countdown until Christmas is on!  There is a lot of excitement in the building as we make crafts, enjoy Christmas music and prepare for our upcoming concert.  I hope you all enjoy our performance next week.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*please get your ticket from Eventbrite if you plan on attending the Christmas concert, this goes for both the day time and evening performance.  Tickets are almost sold out!  If you do not have tickets you are welcome to attend our dress rehearsal on Tuesday at 9:00.  This are always a little bit 'unpolished' but worth seeing if you are unable to attend at another time

*we are singing 'Dominic the Donkey' for our Christmas concert this year.  We have 7 Dominic hats for each class and the volunteers who are going to wear these are:  Josh, Eugene, Antonio, Sophia, Ryanna, Madden and Lucas.  It worked out perfectly as these were my only volunteers so no one was disappointed.  These students should wear black and/or grey for the concert if at all possible.  The rest of the class are encouraged to wear black pants, white tops, bow ties (if you have one), a fedora (if you have one) or a dress if they prefer.  Please do not feel that you have to go out and purchase any new clothes, Dr. Saul had the great idea to set it up like a restaurant in Italy so we are trying to work with in that theme if possible.

*our grade 7 student's Entrepreneur Fair is tomorrow, we will be attending in the afternoon if you child would like to bring money to purchase something

*A portal announcement regarding our upcoming skating field trip on December 13th is now on the portal.  Driver's will be needed (please ensure you have an updated abstract if you would like to volunteer)   We only have one driver at this point who can take 4 students.  Please sign up asap so that we know if we need to try to arrange other transportation or cancel the field trip.  Thank you!

*Please mark your calendar:  Thursday, January 31 we will be going to Science World as part of our unit on nutrition/the human body.  We will be hiring a bus to take us to/from this field trip but we will require a few parent volunteers

*Please pay the fees for 'Owls and More' if you have not already done so.  There are also still some outstanding charges for planners.  Thank you

*Your children did a fantastic job of being 'Santa's helpers' today (see below).  The toys that were collected/purchased will be on display during the concert.  Thank you for your support!

Amanda Roberts

PS.  The first photos is what happens when you ask a group of people to say 'Ho Ho' for a picture :)  The second, Merry Christmas option is a little better ;)