Hi Everyone,
It is the end of the first week in our new classrooms and Division 10 students are starting to build a community together. I have already seen an improvement in independence, listening and ability to follow class routines but even more importantly, I am enjoying seeing new friendships develop. For this first post I will include a copy of the information I sent home on Wednesday so you can check back here as needed. Next week I will include some additional information.
Reminders: Please return art cards if you would like to place an order.
Please give your child walking permission so they may participate in the Terry Fox Run (this was sent home at the beginning of the school year from the office)
****Please note: All communication via email should be sent to amanda_roberts@sd42.ca (not the one associated with this blog)
Have a great weekend,
Amanda Roberts
September 2018
Dear Parents,
My name is Amanda Roberts and I have been a
teacher at Fairview for several years, largely teaching in the primary grades. I
have had previous experience teaching a grade 2/3 combined class and feel well
prepared to provide a positive and engaging learning environment for your child.
I am looking forward to a great year!
Classroom Routines
One of the big focuses when starting a new
year is setting up routines within the classroom. Getting these in place ensures that the day
runs smoothly and that learning time is maximized. With this in mind, I would like to ask that
you say your goodbyes to your child outside so that they can enter the room on
their own and learn to follow the routines independently. You are welcome to come in once students are
dismissed at the end of the day if you would like to chat with me or if your
child would like to share something inside the room with you. Also, if you could please send me a note if
your child is supposed to meet you/a sibling at an alternate part of the school
so I can ensure everyone is safely picked up.
I do realize that there are some mornings
where you might have information to share with me that will help your child
have a positive day (they haven’t had a good sleep, were nervous about school
etc.) Please feel free to see me if this
is the case or write a note in your child’s planner. You can also phone the school (604- 465-9331)
and schedule an appointment to see me or email me at Amanda_Roberts@sd42.ca. (Please note:
I rarely have time to check my email during the school day, I normally
check it after school and early in the morning before I leave for work so it is
better to reach me with time sensitive messages by phone or in person). I
really feel it is important to keep the lines of communication open and
encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns that may arise.
The main place you will be receiving information from me at this time is
via our classroom blog robertsfairview.blogspot.ca. I normally update this each week (most often
on Friday or Saturday) but occasionally things arise between posts. If this happens, your child will write ‘See
Blog’ in his/her planner. This will be
one of the last ‘paper’ information packages you will receive. Our district is working towards paperless
communication so the majority of information you receive from the school/myself
will be digital, Mrs. Watkins will share school wide information via Facebook ,
the Parent Portal or on the Fairview Website.
Parent Helpers
I am attaching a parent helper sheet and
welcome volunteers. I realize that many
of you may work during school hours and can’t volunteer during this time. If this is the case and you have a day off
sometime and would like to come in please let me know and I will try to arrange
an activity where you can help or come for a visit. Also, if you don’t mind completing some work
in the evening, I have several jobs throughout the year where your assistance
would be greatly appreciated.
Weekly Schedule
will have library book exchange on Thursdays (but there is a bin in our
classroom for returns if your child is finished with his/her book before the
week is up). We have music on Monday and Tuesday and our gym days are Wednesday
(with Mrs. Boyes) and Thursday.
**Please note, however that the Ministry
has mandated 30 minutes of physical activity each day so please ensure that
your child is dressed comfortably and is ready for action! We
will be spending time outside rain or shine! Finally, this week we will begin
‘Family Reading’ each Friday from 8:30-8:45. Parents, grandparents and any other adult
family members are invited to come in and read with a small group of
students. This is an informal reading
time so younger siblings are also welcome.
Our class will be using a student ‘planner’
this year. The planner is an essential
part of our program and will provide home and school communication throughout
the year as well as weekly spelling lists.
The planner will be sent home each afternoon in your child’s own ziploc
bag and should be returned to school the following morning. There is a specific area allotted for
home/school communication so please feel free to write a note to me in this
space (dental appointments, who is picking your child up etc.) Please sign the planner daily once you have
read with your child. Also, please feel
free to write encouraging comments for your child here. IMPORTANT:
There is a plastic pocket at the front of the planner where
notices will be sent home. It is also
where you can return signed permission slips, field trip money etc. Please check this daily. The payment for the planner can be made via
the parent portal or you can send in the $7.00 in a clearly marked envelope
(cash or cheque made out to Fairview Elementary.
We will be starting home reading
tomorrow (a letter with more information will come home in the front pouch.
Please send in your child’s supplies as
soon as possible. You should have
already received this list but if you need a new one, please send me an email
at Amanda_roberts@sd42.ca and I
will send you an attachment. The only additional supply we will need
at this time is earbuds/headphones for the lab/iPads. Please send these in a clearly marked
baggie. Having personal headphones will
greatly reduce the chances of our students coming in contact with lice. Thank you!
Scholastic Book Orders
Several times throughout the year your
child will be bringing home Scholastic book order forms. Purchasing these books is, of course optional
but if you are interested they do offer engaging books at reasonable prices. If you do purchase books I would ask that you
please send a cheque payable to Scholastic Canada as they will not accept cash. You also have the option of paying them
directly online. Thank you!
We are beginning the school year learning
about each other and discussing the importance of being a good friend/classmate
and beginning to build our classroom community.
Class Celebrations
We will have four main celebrations during
the year. If you could please sign up to
send snacks for the class on one of these dates that would be much
appreciated. I have a sign up sheet ready near the entrance
from the outside door.
Inside Shoes/Extra Clothes
If you have not already done so, I would
like to ask you to send a pair of sturdy inside running shoes to help keep our
classroom and gym clean. I also suggest
that each student have an extra set of clothes to keep at school. This is helpful to have in case of any
accidents and avoids the need for a phone call home.
coast Recess/Lunch:
Just a reminder that our district has
adopted the ‘west coast recess’.
Students will be sent outside to play rain or shine (unless conditions
are extreme). With this in mind, please
send your child to school with the appropriate gear so that they will be comfortable
for the rest of the day.
Thank you!
Dates in September
note: These will be on the class blog in
the future.
September 24th- Curriculum Day
(no school for students)
September 25th-Picture Day
September 26th -Terry Fox Run
Thank you,
Amanda Roberts