Thursday, 27 September 2018

Sept. 27/18

Hi Everyone,

It is hard to believe that we are in our last week of September and that Thanksgiving is fast approaching.  We are starting to build a feeling of community in the classroom and students new to my room are now getting the hang of routines and expectations.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Division 10 is taking a leadership role in a very important charity event.  We are busy making posters and announcements, delivering boxes and encouraging the students of Fairview to bring in non-perishable items for the 'Friends in Need' Food bank.  This fundraising effort will be happening from October 1st-5th.  Our class motto is :  'Little People can make a BIG difference!'  I am hoping the children will feel empowered by helping others.  Thank you in advance in supporting their goal to fill our box by sending in some non-perishable food items.

*please send in dry leaves if you have not already done so (at least 10 but more are welcome).  As soon as we have enough, we have a fun art project to create with them

*please send in inside shoes and $7 for planners, signed yellow information sheets and entertainment books if you have not already done so

*the party sign up is available just inside the door if you'd like to choose a party to bring a treat for.  If I don't hear from you, I can put your name in for a party and notify you the week before via this blog

*please send in earbuds/headphones if you have not already done so.  We are using these in the computer lab and during the iPad station of Reader's Workshop and Math

*I have assigned each student a reading level on Raz Kids based on preliminary testing.  Some students may be on the same letter as last year as some letters cover many levels (M contains a very wide range).  Your child has the option to read a level up/down with this program, they don't have to be reading the exact level.  Once they have shown growth in their reading skills (or read all of their books), I can make adjustments as needed.  Students should answer questions if they read a book.  This is another option for accessing appropriate reading materials, especially if you are traveling and the students find the books engaging.  You can connect to the site using the useful links on this blog. Your child's password is their first name.

*we will be putting the upcoming skating trip out on the portal early next week.  Please ensure that you have an 'up to date' driver's abstract if you plan on volunteering.  These expire after 2 years but are quick and easy now that they can be completed by phone.

*reminder:  we will be going out for a run/play in the forest on Tuesdays (rain or shine)

*Art card orders are due early next week

*a big Thank you to the parents who came out and joined us for the Terry Fox Run.  It was a great afternoon to get out and continue Terry's run and we are very pleased to announce that Fairview more than doubled our school goal and have raised over $2700 for the Terry Fox Foundation.  A cheque will be presented to Terry's brother Fred.

*reminder:  I am now coaching cross country Mon/Wed/Fri after school so students who are not picked up at the bell will be sent to wait at the office to ensure their safety.  Thank you!

*Thank you to Dylan's mom who has offered to organize the Scholastic catalogues for distribution each month

Here are some Spirit Days coming up in November (for those of you who like lots of notice :))

Monday Nov 19 - School Colours Day
Tuesday Nov 20 - Hat Day (Leadership will also be planning a Bake Sale for this day)
Wednesday Nov 21 - Twin Day
Thursday Nov 22 - 80's Day (chosen leadership students will be at WE Day)
Friday Nov 23 - PJ Day

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

September 20/18

Hi Everyone,

I hope you have all had a chance to get outside and enjoy the sunshine while it was here.  Fall is definitely in the air!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*please send in the $7.00 for planners if you have not already done so (or you have the option to pay online via the parent portal)

*thank you to the parents who have shown an interest in being part of the Terry Fox Run.  We will be meeting in the gym at 1:00 on Wednesday for the warm up and will head out onto the course from there.  ****Please remember that your child is only able to join us on the course if you have given consent via the parent portal****

*if you would like to volunteer to come on the walk/run, please email me at    If you prefer to be at a stationary check-point to help monitor student safety, please contact our Terry Fox Run coordinator, Celeste Boyes at

*we will be presenting a cheque to Fred Fox (Terry's brother) for all of the donations we collect on Friday, September 28th.  If you would like to send in a donation, please do so before this date.  Thank you!

*please send in labeled school supplies and inside shoes if you have not already done so

*there are 4 sheets posted inside the classroom door.  These are for parents to sign up for a class party. Please come in and choose a date if you are at the school or send me an email if you would like me to sign you up.  The choices are Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day and June.  Thank you!

*we have booked 3 dates for skating this year.  Here they all are in case you would like to 'save the date'  All of our sessions are on Thursdays at 1:00 at Planet Ice  (October 18, December 13, February 28)

*we are planning on creating a masterpiece using fall leaves.  If each student could bring in 10 dry leaves for this craft that would be much appreciated.  They can be all different shapes and sizes and you can send in more if you like but please make sure they are dry before they are sent in.

*Tuesdays we will be going out to the forest, rain or shine (unless it is a torrential down pour)  Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for this.  I am still revising my schedule and hope to find a second date to exercise/explore outside as well.  We do have 'west coast' recess/lunch so your child should come to school prepared to be outside and active everyday!

*starting next week, I will be coaching cross country Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays after school.  If your child is not picked up on time those days, I will be asking them to wait by the office so that I know they are in a safe place until you arrive.  If your child is interested in cross country, they will bring home a form this week.

*please send in the 'Get Acquainted' and Parent Volunteer forms if you have not already done so

*ProD Day on Monday, no school for students

*Please see the calendar on this blog for other important dates coming up in the next two weeks.
Thank you!

Friday, 14 September 2018

September 14/18

Hi Everyone,

It is the end of the first week in our new classrooms and Division 10 students are starting to build a community together.  I have already seen an improvement in independence, listening and ability to follow class routines but even more importantly, I am enjoying seeing new friendships develop.  For this first post I will include a copy of the information I sent home on Wednesday so you can check back here as needed.  Next week I will include some additional information.

Reminders:  Please return art cards if you would like to place an order.
                     Please give your child walking permission so they may participate in the Terry Fox Run        (this was sent home at the beginning of the school year from the office)

****Please note:  All communication via email should be sent to (not the one associated with this blog)

Have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

September 2018

Dear Parents,

My name is Amanda Roberts and I have been a teacher at Fairview for several years, largely teaching in the primary grades. I have had previous experience teaching a grade 2/3 combined class and feel well prepared to provide a positive and engaging learning environment for your child.  I am looking forward to a great year!

Classroom Routines
One of the big focuses when starting a new year is setting up routines within the classroom.  Getting these in place ensures that the day runs smoothly and that learning time is maximized.  With this in mind, I would like to ask that you say your goodbyes to your child outside so that they can enter the room on their own and learn to follow the routines independently.  You are welcome to come in once students are dismissed at the end of the day if you would like to chat with me or if your child would like to share something inside the room with you.  Also, if you could please send me a note if your child is supposed to meet you/a sibling at an alternate part of the school so I can ensure everyone is safely picked up.

I do realize that there are some mornings where you might have information to share with me that will help your child have a positive day (they haven’t had a good sleep, were nervous about school etc.)  Please feel free to see me if this is the case or write a note in your child’s planner.  You can also phone the school (604- 465-9331) and schedule an appointment to see me or email me at  (Please note:  I rarely have time to check my email during the school day, I normally check it after school and early in the morning before I leave for work so it is better to reach me with time sensitive messages by phone or in person). I really feel it is important to keep the lines of communication open and encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns that may arise.  The main place you will be receiving information from me at this time is via our classroom blog  I normally update this each week (most often on Friday or Saturday) but occasionally things arise between posts.  If this happens, your child will write ‘See Blog’ in his/her planner.  This will be one of the last ‘paper’ information packages you will receive.  Our district is working towards paperless communication so the majority of information you receive from the school/myself will be digital, Mrs. Watkins will share school wide information via Facebook , the Parent Portal or on the Fairview Website.

Parent Helpers
I am attaching a parent helper sheet and welcome volunteers.  I realize that many of you may work during school hours and can’t volunteer during this time.  If this is the case and you have a day off sometime and would like to come in please let me know and I will try to arrange an activity where you can help or come for a visit.  Also, if you don’t mind completing some work in the evening, I have several jobs throughout the year where your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Weekly Schedule
 We will have library book exchange on Thursdays (but there is a bin in our classroom for returns if your child is finished with his/her book before the week is up). We have music on Monday and Tuesday and our gym days are Wednesday (with Mrs. Boyes) and Thursday.
**Please note, however that the Ministry has mandated 30 minutes of physical activity each day so please ensure that your child is dressed comfortably and is ready for action!  We will be spending time outside rain or shine!  Finally, this week we will begin ‘Family Reading’ each Friday from 8:30-8:45.  Parents, grandparents and any other adult family members are invited to come in and read with a small group of students.  This is an informal reading time so younger siblings are also welcome.

Our class will be using a student ‘planner’ this year.  The planner is an essential part of our program and will provide home and school communication throughout the year as well as weekly spelling lists.  The planner will be sent home each afternoon in your child’s own ziploc bag and should be returned to school the following morning.  There is a specific area allotted for home/school communication so please feel free to write a note to me in this space (dental appointments, who is picking your child up etc.)  Please sign the planner daily once you have read with your child.  Also, please feel free to write encouraging comments for your child here.  IMPORTANT:  There is a plastic pocket at the front of the planner where notices will be sent home.  It is also where you can return signed permission slips, field trip money etc.  Please check this daily.  The payment for the planner can be made via the parent portal or you can send in the $7.00 in a clearly marked envelope (cash or cheque made out to Fairview Elementary.
We will be starting home reading tomorrow (a letter with more information will come home in the front pouch.

Please send in your child’s supplies as soon as possible.  You should have already received this list but if you need a new one, please send me an email at and I will send you an attachment.  The only additional supply we will need at this time is earbuds/headphones for the lab/iPads.  Please send these in a clearly marked baggie.  Having personal headphones will greatly reduce the chances of our students coming in contact with lice.  Thank you!

Scholastic Book Orders
Several times throughout the year your child will be bringing home Scholastic book order forms.  Purchasing these books is, of course optional but if you are interested they do offer engaging books at reasonable prices.  If you do purchase books I would ask that you please send a cheque payable to Scholastic Canada as they will not accept cash.  You also have the option of paying them directly online.  Thank you!

We are beginning the school year learning about each other and discussing the importance of being a good friend/classmate and beginning to build our classroom community. 

Class Celebrations
We will have four main celebrations during the year.  If you could please sign up to send snacks for the class on one of these dates that would be much appreciated.  I  have a sign up sheet ready near the entrance from the outside door.

Inside Shoes/Extra Clothes
If you have not already done so, I would like to ask you to send a pair of sturdy inside running shoes to help keep our classroom and gym clean.  I also suggest that each student have an extra set of clothes to keep at school.  This is helpful to have in case of any accidents and avoids the need for a phone call home.

West coast Recess/Lunch: 
Just a reminder that our district has adopted the ‘west coast recess’.  Students will be sent outside to play rain or shine (unless conditions are extreme).  With this in mind, please send your child to school with the appropriate gear so that they will be comfortable for the rest of the day. 
Thank you!

Important Dates in September
**Please note:  These will be on the class blog in the future.
September 24th- Curriculum Day (no school for students)
September 25th-Picture Day
September 26th   -Terry Fox Run

Thank you, 

Amanda Roberts