Friday, 24 February 2017

February 24, 2017

Hi Everyone,

It has been an exciting week at Fairview!  We have enjoyed a guest speaker from the SPCA, 'Anti-bullying day', 100 day and poem in a pocket for Club Red. Phew!  What a busy and fun week!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's
*please sign up for a conference if you have not already done so
*please send $2 to cover the cost of our SPCA guest speaker (she came to see us earlier this week)
*a message was sent by Mrs. Watkins via Facebook about collecting cans for 100 day.  Cans will be gratefully accepted next week as well and will be donated to the 'Friends in Need' food bank
*next week is our conference time.  Please sign up if you have not already done so via the 'Conference Sign Up' on this blog.  There will be an early dismissal Thursday, March 2nd (11:00) and no school for students March 3rd to make time for these  important meetings
*Club Red will be coming to an end as of Feb. 28th.  Please send in coloured/initialed calendars by March 2nd.
*we will not have spelling next week due to the conferences
*our bake sale will be on Wednesday, March 8th (leftovers will be sold at recess on March 9th)  If you are able to help sell treats on those days it would be greatly appreciated
*more specific information will be available regarding baked goods closer to this date
*March 9th we will be going skating in the afternoon.  Parent drivers will be needed if you could please 'save the date'.  You will be receiving a permission request via the parent portal early next week.
*The PAC has added 2 treat days to our Fairview calendar.  These will be happening on February 27th and 28th.  They will be selling popsicles and chips for $1 each in the multipurpose room at lunch time.  Thank you for helping to support this fundraiser.
*I do occasionally send home emails via BCED.  If you are not receiving any emails from me, please contact the office and update/submit a contact address.  Thank you!
*Here are a few activities going on at the Maple Ridge Library over spring break:
Guest Storyteller: Tiffany Stone, Tuesday, Mar 14, 10:15 am – 10:45 am
Create-a-thon, Wednesday, Mar 15, 2 pm – 4 pm
Springtime Tales Puppet Show, Thursday, Mar 16, 11 am – 11:30 am
Magician Gary Savard, Tuesday, Mar 21, 11 am – 11:45 am
Guest Storyteller: Pamela Sunshine with Beth Southwell,Thursday, Mar 23, 10:15 am – 10:45 am
Family Movie Afternoon, Thursday, Mar 23, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!


Friday, 17 February 2017

February 17, 2017

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed an extra long family day weekend.  This will be a brief post due to the emails I have recently sent home.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*the sign up link for conferences on March 2nd and 3rd are now available on this blog (see Conference Sign Up)
*if you are not receiving the emails please contact the office and update your information as that is the list I am utilizing for this purpose
*you will sign up for a 15 minute time slot but you will actually stay for 30 minutes.  The first 15 minutes will be with your child and the second 15 we will all meet.
*we will be having a guest speaker from the SPCA this upcoming Monday.  Please note that she will be bringing in a dog so if your child has any allergies/fears to dogs it would be great if you could contact me via email or in your child's planner regarding this
*if you have not already done so, please send in $2 for this presentation
*spelling quizes are coming home today.  You may notice that your child will have the word marked as incorrect if they used a capital where it wasn't needed.  We have been working on this skill in class and students were reminded several time during the quiz not to use any capitals and to check the alphabet to help them with this and eliminate reversals.  If this is something your child struggles with, please ensure they are practicing using lower case letters at home.  Thank you!
*Club Red is well under way.  Remember that you need to sign each heart after your child reads and then he/she can colour it.
*please see the calendar on this blog for other special days happening this month (we have 3 special celebrations in a row next week!)
*please bring in 100 day representations before the 23rd.  Thank you!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Feb. 10, 2017

Hi Everyone,

This will be brief due to the extensive email I sent out yesterday.  I did want to make note of one error that I made (thank you to Chloe's mom for clarifying this with me).  There is no school on Monday or Tuesday.  We will be celebrating Valentine's day and exchanging cards on Wednesday, February 15th.

Enjoy your long weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Thursday, 2 February 2017

February 3, 2017

Hi Everyone,

It is hard to believe that February is now here and they are predicting more snow is on the way!  We had a good time celebrating Ground Hog Day yesterday, playing shadow tag, tracing each other's shadows while striking a pose and making ground hog puppets.  February is going to be a very busy month.  We have Club Red activities each week, Valentine's Day and 100 Day!  (Please see the February calendar on this blog for details).

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on the 15th this year due to the Curriculum Day.  Thank you in advance to these students for bringing snacks to share on this day:  Wyatt (fruit plate), Estelle (veggie plate), Kaitlyn (cheese and crackers), Nevaeh (sweet treat), Marcus (chips), Kayleigh (popcorn or pretzels) and Carter (other).

Here is a list of all of the students in our class so that your child can begin to write Valentine's for everyone:

Kaitlyn, Danika, Estelle, Lily, Max, Marcus, Myra, Alexis, Chase, Kayleigh, Collette, Wyatt, Nevaeh, Quinn, Makena, Carter, Kevin, Royce, Jesse, Chloe, Young Hoon, Rachel and Roman.  Please be sure to include a valentine for everyone. Thank you!

We have now begun our spelling program.  We will be introducing new words on Mondays and your child will have a good block of time to begin his/her spelling sheet on that day.  He/she will also have short blocks of time (10-15min) on Tuesday and Wednesday to continue to work on this.  Wednesday nights the spelling duotang will come home to be completed for homework and Friday will be our quiz (5 words plus 1-2 bonus words).  I sent home a sheet outlining the program this Monday.  If yours did not reach you, please write a note in your child's planner and I will send you a new copy.

February is 'Club R.E.D.' month!  This means that your child should be reading every day and then colouring in the heart on the calendar that falls on that date.  Please ensure that you are initialling each date before or after they colour.  If your calendar has been misplaced I can send you another one.  If your child misses a day of reading he/she can make up for it by doubling up the next day.

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Enjoy the snow!

Amanda Roberts