Friday, 25 November 2016

Nov. 25. 2016

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all getting the chance to enjoy the sunshine today!

Updates, Reminders, Thank you's

*a big thank you to everyone for coming into celebrate your child's learning!  I feel confident that we have set some worthwhile and achievable goals for the upcoming term.
*thank you to all of the grandparents/parents who came and helped make the 'grandparent day' a huge success, we really had a wonderful time thanks to a very enthusiastic group!

*Our Christmas play will be coming soon (please see the calendar on this blog for the dates/times).  Tickets are mandatory for the concert this year.  I am sending home an information letter on Monday as many have expressed that they missed the email from Mrs. Watkins or are unclear about 'how this is all working'

*we are singing 'I Want a Hippopotamus for Christms' and will be wearing pajamas and hippo ears.  A parent from Mrs. Rowledge-Toscani's class has kindly offered to volunteer her time to make the hippo headbands and we are asking for $1/student to cover the cost of supplies.  Thank you!

*this upcoming Wednesday, November 30th we will be wrapping up our bat unit with a bat celebration.  Please send your child with their bat headband (the one they made on grandparents day) on Wednesday so that we can get some pictures for the memory book.  They could also wear brown or black if they have clothes this colour.  Also, we have some icing leftover from grandparents day and thought that we would make 'batty cupcakes' as part of our wind up .  If anyone is able to volunteer to bake 24 cupcakes for the class that would be greatly appreciated.  Please see me Monday or write a note in your child's planner if you are able to do this.  Thank you!

*some parents were asking me for some suggestions for good online websites or apps to practice speed of additional and subtraction, multiplication, place value etc.  ABCya (link is on this website) is an excellent resource and some math apps that we like to use at school include Math Kid, Math Academy and Splash Math (you can buy the more extensive version or use the basic as we do), Sushi Monster, and Math Regrouping (free-it has a lion head on the front).

*another question came up about how much reading you should be doing with your child each night and which books you should focus on.  In your child's book bag there will usually be one book that has a yellow post it.  Please practice this book with your child until he/she is confident.  Beyond that, you can read 10-15 minutes each night from their JRR bag, the book they choose each day from school, books you already have at home or RAZ kids.  Really the goal is to help your children develop a love for reading.  I am just providing a number of resources for you to use and encourage you to work with whatever suits your schedule and lifestyle.

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

Friday, 18 November 2016

November 18, 2016

Hi Everyone,

We have had a busy week in Division 8 as we prepare in anticipation of your visit next week.  The students are all very excited to show you their work and celebrate their progress so far this year.  If you have not already done so, please sign up for a conference via the link on this blog.  The conference is an integral part of our reporting so it is imperative that everyone come in.  Thanks so much!

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Next week we will be following our usual schedule from Monday-Wednesday but Thursday is early dismissal (11:00) and Friday there is no school for students.  This will allow each student the opportunity to come in with their parents and set goals for the upcoming term
*Grandparents Day is on Thursday, please see the email sent out yesterday for details
*the leadership students have planned a 'Jersey Day' on November 29th, students can wear jerseys from a team they play on or from a professional team if they would like to participate.  Please send in a twoonie if you are able, we will be making a donation to Sport BC which will allow children who's families are unable to cover the cost of being on a team the opportunity to participate

Looking ahead...

*I have been summoned to go in for jury duty selection on December 1st and will not be at school, I will notify you if I am selected
*December 2nd is 'Crazy Hair Day' sponsored by our leadership group

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Saturday, 12 November 2016

November 12th

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your long weekend :)

Just a few updates and reminders this week...

*if you have not already done so, please sign up for a conference using the link provided on this website (you and your child are an integral part of the new reporting-your input will be included to guide your child's education as we move forward.  Please note that the time you sign up for will be spent in the hallway, celebrating your child's learning.  The 15 minutes following the time you have signed up for will be spent together developing goals for your child.  Being on time is of great importance as many of the conferences are back to back.  Thank you!
*we are collecting toilet paper rolls for a bat craft, please send with your child if you have any available
*tomorrow you will be receiving a form regarding our online reading  program 'Raz Kids'  We will be using this at school but it is also a great resource to augment your child's book back.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Amanda Roberts

Sunday, 6 November 2016

November 6th

Hi Everyone,

I apologize for the late post this week as I ran out of time on Friday and was in Kelowna for the weekend for my son's cross country race.  I hope everyone has enjoyed the weekend and I will look forward to seeing you tomorrow.


*We had a wonderful time at our field trip on Wednesday, our leader was very impressed by how much your children know about bats!  Everyone had a great time and didn't let the rain slow them down! :)
*Thank you to Collette, Wyatt and Lily's moms for volunteering for the trip and a big thank you to the OSS leaders who stepped up so that we didn't have to cancel
*Art Cards came home on Friday, please return by Tuesday with your order envelope if you would like to have your child's art transformed into Christmas cards
*Thursday is a 'Curriculum Day' for teachers so there will be no school for students
*Friday is Remembrance Day (Stat Holiday)
*Please see the updated November calendar (on this blog) for an outline of this month's activities which include 'Grandparent's Day' and 'Conferences'
*My 'You Can Book Me' site will be updated early this week (this is where you will sign up for the conferences).  I will send you a link and/or you can use the 'Conference sign up' link on this site (I will notify you when it is available for sign up).

I look forward to seeing all of you at the end of the month to celebrate your child's accomplishments thus far and set new goals for the upcoming term.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts