Friday, 28 October 2016

October 28th

Dear Parents,

You can feel the excitement in the air! Halloween is almost here!  I hope you all enjoy a fun and memorable evening on Monday.

Updates/Reminders/Thank you's

*Our class Halloween Party will be Monday afternoon.  Please send a healthy snack and lunch as we will be enjoying our Halloween snacks closer to the end of the day.
*Please see the previous post regarding who is sending treats in and for details about what our day is going to look like on Monday
*Please save the majority of Halloween Candy to be enjoyed at home and send only 1 or 2 treats to school next week (no lollipops or gum, please)
*We are short drivers for the upcoming field trip.  I will be sending out an email later today with our alternate plan once I have confirmation.  Please remember to send booster seats for the field trip
*We will have a school wide 'Pajama Day' on November 1st
*Please ensure that your children are reading nightly and that JRR book bags are coming back and forth each day.  I will be changing the books next week so it will be important that your children have them here so that we can make a trade.
*Thank you to Mrs. Koshlay for joining us on our field trip to the Public Library.  The bus ride was a great experience for everyone and the presenter, Kallie George was enthusiastic and inspiring.  I have added a link to her website in the 'Useful Links' part of this blog as you may want to take a look (and one of her books may make a great Christmas present for your child).  Ask them about the egg she brought one is sure whether it was real or not? :)

Have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Oct. 19, 2016

Hi Everyone,

We are having a great time learning about bats in Division 8.  Together we have come up with many 'wonders' about bats and we have already discovered the answers to many of our questions.  Ask your children about echolocation and what else they have discovered about bats so far.  I think you will be impressed!  I have been!


*you will now have received 2 field trip emails, please sign your child up via the parent portal, we apologize for the late notice on the field trip next Wednesday, October 26th but we were just given this exciting opportunity to meet/hear about the writing process from a local children's book author. We passed on the information to you as soon as we were given the offer. If there are not enough drivers we will cancel but hopefully we can make this happen despite the late notice.
*drivers are needed for both field trips, thank you in advance for your help with this
*October 28 the leadership group would like to do a 'colour block' dress up day.  Students can choose their favourite colour and dress head to toe in that colour :)
*our Halloween party will be Monday, October 31st.  Students may wear costumes on that day, we will be taking part in a costume parade in the gym with the rest of the school.  Students will be going out to play at recess breaks (unless it is extreme weather), please send an easy to take on/off costume or rain boots and rain coats to protect costumes.  We will have party snacks in the afternoon but students should still bring their lunch/a snack for earlier in the day.
Thank you in advance to the following people for sending snacks on October 31st:

Max (fruit plate),
Marcus (veggie plate)
Cheese/Crackers (or small sandwiches)  (Jesse)
Sweet Treat (Rachel)
Popcorn/Pretzels or Chips (Chloe)
Other (Collette)

Please remember that we do have a severe peanut allergy in our classroom and send peanut free food for sharing.  Thank you!

Friday, 14 October 2016

October 14, 2016

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy this stormy weekend.  Many of the children had a great time running around outside on this windy afternoon (during our 'Free Time Friday' block.  The highlight was definitely watching a woman fly her kite on the field but we also enjoyed flying paper airplanes and frisbees (one of which was blown upon the roof)!

Information/Reminders/Thank you

*We have booked a field trip for Nov. 2.  The portal permission slip will be arriving via email early next week.  Parent drivers will be needed.
*Your child has brought home his/her JRR book bag today.  Detailed information about this is contained in a letter inside the bag.  Please keep this with your planner and have your child bring it to/from school each day.  Books will be changed every 2-3 weeks.
*Monday we will be starting 'Your time'.  The first 15 minutes of the day your child will be able to choose a preferred activity (indoors or outside).  This is also a good time to bring in sharing, a family pet, a new game (no electronics, please etc.  We will be enjoying this time Monday-Thursday and will continue to have family reading on Fridays.
*A reminder as weather is changing that we will be going outside rain/shine for recess/lunch and as a class.  Children will only be kept inside during extreme weather conditions.  Please dress your child in appropriate clothing and have inside shoes and an extra set of clothes at the school.
*A big thank you to our parent (and grandparent) drivers, skating was a big success today and the students are looking forward to going again!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 7 October 2016

Oct. 7, 2016


I hope you are all able to enjoy a wonderful weekend together as a family.  Your children have made a list of all of the things they are thankful for and have chosen the ones that mean the most to them.  Please see their turkey puppets to find out what they are thankful for (and enjoy their art work).


*next Friday is our skating field trip.  Please send in your child's notice if you have not already done so.  We are very short drivers so if you can volunteer that would be great.  Please note that you must have a driver's abstract on file in the office to drive other children from the class (it is still a big help even if you can only drive your child).  Please send booster seats for your child on that day.
*we have booked another field trip to Kanaka Creek Regional Park on November 2nd.  It is there 'Curious about Creatures' program and will include some activities around our upcoming study of bats.  You will need to complete permission/payment for this field trip via our parent portal.  An email will be sent via the portal closer to the field trip.
*our class did an amazing job for the 'Friends in Need' food bank.  The boxes for each division were filled with an abundance of food this year.  Div. 8 promoted this event by putting up posters, delivering/decorating boxes and making announcements.  Great job, everyone!
*if you have not already done so, please send in a pair of sturdy inside shoes for your child.  If you purchase shoes with laces, please ensure that your child can tie them as we change shoes several times during the day.  Thank you!
*The party sign up sheet is still available.  If you are unable to come in and sign up but have a preference which party you send for, please write a note in your child's planner or email me at  If I do not hear from you I will slot your name into one of the spots and notify you a few days before the party (via this blog)
*we are looking for the donation of 2" by 6" wooden boards (for a Halloween craft) if any one has any (and if you are willing to cut it for us even better :))  Thanks so much!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts