Friday, 27 May 2016

May 27, 2016

Hi Everyone,

I have a few items to share with you as we head into the weekend.  I hope you are all able to enjoy some family time.

*'Change for Change' is a fundraiser that is going to be going on next week.  This is being led by our Leadership students to help fundraise for clean water in Equador.  If you would like to send a donation of any loose change you may have at home that would be greatly appreciated
*Our class has won a hot chocolate from Starbucks (as part of our Club Red Reading).  I would like to go as a class one morning right after the bell.  I am asking parents who would be interested in walking with us to see me next week regarding days you are available so that I can select a date.  There will be no permission form for this as the walking field trip form you completed at the beginning of the school year will suffice.  Once I find out when parents are available I will post a date.  It will most likely be the week after our field trip.
*If you have signed up to drive for the field trip please make sure you have an abstract on record.  We are in need of one more driver if anyone else is available.  Thank you!

Have a  great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Saturday, 21 May 2016

May 21, 2016

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all enjoy a fantastic long weekend!


*now that the weather is continuing to warm up, please remember to send water bottles and put sunscreen on your child before they come to school
*please sign up for the Rocky Point field trip if you have not already done so.  If you have volunteered to drive you will need a driver's abstract on file in the school.  Please contact me if you need me to send home the necessary paperwork.
*Mrs. Watkins has sent out a portal update that this month's assembly has been moved to Friday.  Our class is performing a song about rain (with Mrs. Rowledge-Toscani's class).  Please send your child in blue/grey for this performance.  Thank you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 13 May 2016

May 13, 2016

Hi Everyone,

It looks like we are going to have another fantastic weekend ahead of us.  Enjoy!

Here are just a few brief updates/reminders:

*Please sign up for the June 9th field trip if you have not already done so (Please note: we cannot include siblings on this field trip for safety reasons)

*Next Friday (May 20th) is a professional development day and Monday is Victoria day

*A big thank you to Mrs. Saunders (Charlotte from Div. 7's mom) for teaching a gymnastics unit.  Please ask your children what they learned.  We will now be moving onto some track and field activities

*Any donations of ribbon or tissue paper would be greatly appreciated (for our jellyfish)

Thank you and have a great weekend,

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 6 May 2016

May 6, 2016

Hi Everyone,

It looks like it is going to be a fabulous Mother's Day weekend.  Enjoy the sunshine and Happy Mother's Day to you all!


*spelling duotangs will come home on Wednesday and/or Thursday nights for homework if it is not done in class
*thank you to everyone who supported the 'Club Red' reading program, we had a great celebration today
*please sign up for the Rocky Point field trip via the portal if you haven't already
*we are looking for donations of ribbon for our jelly fish (any kind) if anyone has any that they do not need anymore.  Thank you!
*please see the May dates if you have not already, they are on this blog

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts