Friday, 29 April 2016

April 29th, 2016

April is almost over and it has been a very busy month at Fairview.  We have really enjoyed all of the extra 'Club Red' activities and 'Decades Day' was a hit.

*Tomorrow is the last day for the reading calendar for Club Red.  Please remember that you must initial each flower and that your child can then colour it.  Calendars need to be returned next Tuesday or Wednesday, please.  Our celebration is on Friday, May 6th.  Your child can wear red to school that day.
*Monday is a day for teachers to meet/discuss the new curriculum.  There will be no school for students.
*The Rocky Point field trip is on the parent portal.  Please sign up if you haven't already.  If you are driving/supervising please send $10 cash in as the portal will not allow us to include 2 separate prices (the cost for students is $15)
*Important dates for May are now on the calendar (on this blog).  Please note that I have included all of the information I have to date but occasionally the leadership group adds on new activities which you will informed of via blog posts/your child's planner once I know
*Just a reminder that there is a link on this blog for practicing extra math, we haven't been using it in the lab yet as it still closed but it is a great practice tool for your child to use at home

Have a great long weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 22 April 2016

April 22, 2016

Happy Earth Day!  I hope you all get the chance to get outside and enjoy our beautiful community this weekend!


*Thank you to those of you who have already signed your children up for our June field trip and offered to drive.  If you are a parent who is driving/volunteering to join us please send the $10 payment for your boat trip into the school (cheque or cash) as the portal would not give us two different price options.

*Thank you to Priya and Duncan's families for sending in some much needed pencils!

*Scholastic book orders went home yesterday.  They are due on May 3rd.  Remember you can now pay online!

*Next week is 'Poem in a Pocket' for Club Red-please see the parent letter that was sent home for more information

*The children all have homework this weekend.  There mission is to do something 'extra' to help the earth.  I have asked them to talk to you to get help with this and they will report to me on Monday.   This can include turning off lights, walking instead of driving, picking up garbage, planting some seeds etc.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Roberts

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

New 'Dress Up' Day

Hi Everyone,

The Leadership group just put up a poster announcing that this Thursday.  Students can dress up as their favourite decade-60's, 70's, 80's?  It's up to you and, of course it is an optional activity.  Sorry about the late notice but I am just finding out about it myself.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 15 April 2016

April 15, 2016

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note to say thank you to all of our parent (and grandparent) drivers who helped out yesterday.  Everyone really enjoyed the play 'Peter Pan'.  We will have one more field trip in June (June 9th) that will require parent drivers/volunteers.  It is a whole day field trip that will require parent participation so hopefully we will have enough people available to join us for the day.


It is 'Club Red' for the entire month of April.  Students should be reading every day and colouring their calendars.  Please initial each box as they finish reading.

Next Friday we will be celebrating 'Earth Day' for 'Club Red' by wearing blue/green and brining in a book about nature.

The Leadership Students are promoting another special day at Fairview.  On April 28th students can participate in 'Jeans Day' as part of a fundraising campaign for Children's Hospital.  Students can simply wear jeans and bring in a twoonie to donate.

We are out of pencils!  If anyone has extra pencils or wouldn't mind picking up a package to donate to the class that would be much appreciated.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 8 April 2016

April 8. 2016

Hi Everyone,

Here are a few updates and reminders:

***We are still short drivers for the Peter Pan field trip-I only have enough spots for 11 children to attend and will have to cancel if we don't have drivers in place by Tuesday, April 12th.  Please phone/email (Amanda_Roberts@sd42.ca_ or write a note in your child's planner if you are able to drive.   A driver's abstract must be on file, they are quick and easy to do.  You can now phone in and arrange to have your abstract faxed to the school.  I can send a form home with your child if you need one.  If you are able to drive please meet at our classroom at 11:50.  We will get organized and leave the school by 12:00.  The play begins at 12:30 and is approximately an hour and half long so we will return to the school by bell time.  Thank you!

*Please ensure that your child is colouring each day of the calendar for Club Red and that you initial it.  The calendars have to be completed in order for your child to be a 'Club Red' member.
*Our library will reopen next week (a pipe broke over spring break and the library and computer lab have been closed while they dry out).  The computer lab will remain closed until further notice.
*Save the Date:  We have booked a field trip to Rocky Point on June 9th to support our 'Ocean's' unit.  This will be our last field trip of the year.  It will include a boat trip and parents are welcome to join us for this event.  Volunteer drivers will also be needed, thank you!
*Unfinished spelling will be coming home Wednesday/Thursday nights and is due each Friday.  Please ensure that it is returned to school each day as your child will also be given class time to complete this.  Thank you!
*Thank you to Tony for brining in a soccer ball for the class to use during recess/lunch

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend in the sunshine!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 1 April 2016

April 1st, 2016

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break!  I can't believe that it is now April!  Here are a few reminders/updates.  Please also see the April calendar updates on this blog.

*Club RED begins today!  Please read with your child every day and initial the flower on their calendar.  They can then colour it in.  Calendars will be collected at the beginning of May and all of the days must be coloured in for your child to be a Club Red member.  If you miss the occasional day, please double up on the following day to make sure that your child is meeting the daily time expectation.  Thank you!  (All students received the letter of explanation/calendar today-except Myra who is absent and will receive hers on Monday)

*Please go on the parent portal to sign up for the Peter Pan play at the ACT theater on April 14th.  You can pay online or send in cash.  The parent driver section was not completed when the notice was posted so you will need to contact me if you are able to drive.  So far I only have enough drivers for 10 students.  Please remember that if you are volunteering to drive you will need to have a driver's abstract on file in the office.

*The 'special' days for Club Red are posted in the calendar section of this blog.  There will be a special day each Friday in February. This includes newly added treat days:  April 7th and 8th-Treat day $1 for freezies, chips or popsicles

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts