Saturday, 26 December 2015

December 26th, 2015

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday and that you are enjoying some family time this holiday season.  I just wanted to send out a thank you to everyone for your generosity.  I was certainly spoiled by you all and appreciate your gifts and kind thoughts.  I have been enjoying (and sharing) all of the treats and will have fun shopping with my gift cards.

Happy New Year!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 11 December 2015

December 11, 2015

Hi Everyone,

It was great catching up with all of you during our student led conferences.  I think that all of your children have a lot to be proud of this term.  I know this is a very busy time for everyone so I will keep this brief.

*Please see the calendar for details on this busy upcoming week, the students will be wearing their pajamas a lot so that will take the 'getting dressed' part of the day off the list!  Christmas hats are also welcome!
*We will have our class party on Friday.  Thank you to these parents for sending in treats:  Kevin (fruit plate), Novah (veggie plate), Taylor (cheese/crackers or small sandwiches), Cadence (sweet treat) and Jacob (popcorn, chips or pretzels)
*Please send in a favourite Christmas book with your child that day also.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone and Merry Christmas!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 4 December 2015

December 4th, 2015

Hi Everyone,

It is hard to believe but December is actually here!  Everyone is excited about all of the wonderful activities that go along with Christmas.  I hope you all enjoy some fun family time this weekend.


******We are skating on Monday.  Please send a booster seat for your child (along with skates and helmet if they aren't renting).  Also, if you have not yet paid for rentals please send the cash with your child as I can no longer take online payments (the cheque has been made).  Thank you to all of the parents who agreed to drive, especially Jaxon's parents who are both driving and who made arrangements for another vehicle so that we didn't have to cancel.  We really appreciate everyones help.

Conferences are also next week (see monthly calendar for dismissal times).  If you have not already done so, please sign up for a conference.  It is mandatory that I meet with every parent and your child as it is part of the reporting process now.  If you are having any trouble with the 'You can book me' site or you need an alternate time, please contact me.

Please ensure that your child is practicing his/her concert songs each weekend.  We want everyone to feel confident on the big day, your help with this is much appreciated.

We didn't receive any pinecones so we will be making a different Christmas craft.  Your child is welcome to bring a Santa hat (or other Christmas hat) to school next week if they would like to wear it for the photo that will go on the craft.

***Please note that I have added some new information on the monthly calendar (regarding Dec. 18th)

Have a  great weekend, everyone!

Mrs. Roberts