Friday, 22 May 2015

May 22, 2015

Hi Everyone,

It looks like another nice weekend ahead!  Enjoy!

Thank you to everyone for helping research your child's science project with them.  The students are coming to school well prepared and with a good understanding of the science behind their project.  Well done, everyone!

Just a reminder that next Friday is our field trip to Grouse.  As I mentioned on a previous post, the three parents who will be joining us as volunteers are Shayla's mom, Jordyn's mom and Priya's mom.  I have not heard from anyone else who plans to drive there and pay their own entry fee.  If you are planning on doing this, please let me know as we have to give our numbers well in advance.  Thank you!

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 15 May 2015

May 15, 2015

Hi Everyone,

It is almost the long weekend and the weather is supposed to be lovely so I hope everyone has the chance to get outside and enjoy it!


*please refer to the monthly calendar on this blog for important upcoming dates
*the gallery walk next week will be informal, please feel free to come by any time during the day to wander through the halls and check out Fairview's artists (please sign in/get a Visitor tag from the office first).  We will be looking at the art as a class but if you would like to take your child out of class for a few minutes to enjoy the art with you, you are also welcome to do that.
*the Grouse Mountain field trip is fast approaching.  We have our 3 parent volunteers already but if you are interested in joining us (driving/paying your own entry fee) then please return the notice I sent home or write a note in your child's planner.  Please sign your child up via the Parent Portal if you have not already done so.
*Tuesday is a professional day so there will be no school for students on that day

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 8 May 2015

May 8, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope all the moms out there are spoiled this Sunday.  Your children are VERY excited about the gift that they made you (they will need a little adult/older sibling help on Sunday morning).


*your child should be preparing an experiment to present on his/her 'Scientist' day (this form was sent home two weeks ago, if you need a new one please ask your child to come and see me)
*please register/pay for your child's field trip to Grouse Mountain at the end of this month (see Portal) As I mentioned in my last Blog entry we now have the 3 volunteer parents who will accompany us.  The letter that was sent home was just in case anyone wanted to drive/pay their own way. We won't be able to accommodate parents on the bus who show up for the trip on that day (we need to have lists handed in before this time)
*our poetry recital is this Monday at 10:35.  The goal is to have every student memorize his/her poem (although they may take it on stage if they need it)  Please help your child practice this, focusing on volume/expression.  We hope to see you Monday!
*our 'Fun Day' will be held on June 12th (volunteers will be needed-a form with more specific information is coming home today

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 1 May 2015

May 1, 2015

Happy May, Everyone!  It looks like we have a great weekend ahead of us.  Enjoy the sunshine!

A few reminders...

*our 'Scientist of the Day' starts next week.  Please help your child prepare/practice an experiment to present on his/her day
*please sign your child up for the Grouse Mountain fieldtrip via the parent portal.  I now have my 3 volunteer parents for this trip (Shayla, Priya and Jordyn's moms).  I will be sending a note home next week for those of you who want to join us.  You will need to drive/pay your entry fee if you are not one of the above parents but we would love to have you.  Thank you!
*we had a mystery author visit our school this week.  Ask your children about Mr. Eric Wilson and what they learned about writing from his visit
*every student has now chosen a poem for our poetry recital.  Please leave these poems in the front pouch of their planners (when you are not helping them practice at home) as we will also be practicing at school (especially the grade 2's who will be presenting in pairs)
*if anyone is doing any spring cleaning and has any age appropriate books, games or toys they would like to donate to our classroom that would be much appreciated
*please refer to the monthly calendar and make note of May dates

Thank you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Amanda Roberts