Friday, 25 April 2014

April 25, 2014

Hi Everyone,

I hope you enjoy a fabulous weekend.  Here are a few reminders/requests:

1) Please return the driver's volunteer form if you are able to come to the ACT theater.  You do not need to attend the play but at this point we only have spaces for 5 children.  A couple of our regular volunteers are busy with the play itself so if anyone is able to help out that would be much appreciated.

2) Easter Art that came home last week needs to be returned so that it can be added to our Memory Books.

3) Children who are in cross country and are racing on Monday should come to school in clothing ready for the race, it is on rain or shine.

4) Please see our 'Useful Links' for a list of websites that are kid friendly, fun and great for reinforcing skills in all areas of the curriculum.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 11 April 2014

April 11, 2014

Hi Everyone,

I hope you enjoy the upcoming weekend, it is supposed to be a nice sunny one!

This week each of you should have received an April calendar and a 'Scientist of the Day' package.  Many of you may have assisted your child during 'Scientist of the Day' when they were younger as it is a great way to expose children to science so many of us include it in our classroom practice.  The expectation for this assignment is that the student's draw/label a detailed diagram and that they include an explanation of the results in their own words.  You may, of course assist them in choosing/practicing their experiment and offer support by prompting with questions but the rest should be done independently.  Thanks so much for your support in this.

Also, just  a reminder that May 8th will be our field trip to the ACT theater.  Everyone has given permission and paid so I will be sending a note home soon asking for drivers.  If you are able to help the class out with this, that would be wonderful.

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 4 April 2014

Homework :)

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a terrific Spring Break.

Your child has some homework to complete this weekend.  We have been working on developing descriptive vocabulary so the assignment is on adjectives.  You are welcome to give your child assistance with this homework (spelling, prompting them to find more powerful words).  We will be sharing our completed stories on Monday.

Also, next week I will be sending home the student's math duotangs (we will be starting a new duotang).  I have discussed with each of you individually if your child is having any challenges in math but I would suggest that all students would benefit from completing any unfinished work (it may be incomplete due to speed of work, absences, level of difficulty for the student etc.).  Some of the sheets are from stations/games where time is limited, it will be the numbered pages that are in packages that should be the focus.  This work can be checked by you or sent to school for me to mark.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Roberts