Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and caught a glimpse of the mountains today...spectacular! Here are a few updates and requests:
*we now have enough parent drivers for skating so the fieldtrip is on, please remember to send booster seats with your child that day and skates, helmets etc. if you are not renting
*I am still looking for more medium pine cones if anyone has any they would like to donate to the class
*our class party will be on the last day of school, I will add another post next week reminding those of you who signed up to bring snacks, thanks in advance to those volunteers
*in the new year we will begin studying space, if anyone has any puzzles, models, books, games, figures, posteres etc. that they would like to donate to the class that would be greatly appreciated
*everyone should have received a December calendar of class events by now, please keep this handy as it is a busy month
*the students will be wearing pajamas for the Christmas concerts; I would like to give a big thank you to Miss Lukacs who has been teaching the students a holiday dance, we have been having a great time learning this :)
*all donations to the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Hamper Society are welcome until December 10th, please remember that both new toys and money donations are welcome (our class have been doing a great job reminding the other students about this important charity event via posters and announcements)
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend everyone and I will look forward to seeing you all on Monday,
Amanda Roberts