Saturday, 28 September 2013

September 27

Division 6 Updates:

*the Terry Fox run was a big success and a good time was had by all (despite the rain).  Ask your children if Terry achieved his goal of raising $1 for every Canadian? A big congratulations to Brooklyn whose name was drawn for having the correct answer for 'Terry Fox Trivia'  Well done!
*please return office forms so that our secretary can update the school records
*please send in money for the planner ($8) and memory book ($6);  (please let me know if this causes financial hardship)
*Family reading will be occuring each Friday from 8:30-8:45;  everyone is welcome!
*The Ft. Langley field trip will now be on October 22, more information to follow

I am presently compiling supplies to create an 'Inventions' area in the classroom.  If anyone has any items you would like to donate to the class to support this, that would be wonderful.  Also, craft items, gently used books and educational toys are always welcome (these include building sets, animal figures, puppets etc).

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Friday, 20 September 2013

September 20, 2013

Hello Everyone,

A big thank you to parents for joining us for 'Family Reading' this morning.  The students really enjoy this time and it was nice to see siblings joining in as well (Piper even brought her own book!)

I wanted to remind everyone that Monday is a Professional Development Day and Tuesday is a School Growth Planning Day so there is no school for students on those days.

Also, Friday afternoon we will be having our annual Terry Fox Run.  If you are able to send in a Twoonie for Terry with your children we will make a donation on behalf of Fairview Elementary.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Mrs. Roberts

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Welcome to our class blog!

Hello Everyone,

I hope you have all settled back into the routines of the school year. We are off to a good start in Division 6 and I am looking forward to a great year with your children.

A few reminders...

*Please send inside shoes if you have not already done so, these need to be appropriate for use in the gym
*The forms sent home last week are now due back at the office
*Student planners should be signed nightly by parents, I will be assigning a homework question periodically and this will be in the planner
*We have a strict 'no peanut/nut' policy in our class due to a severe allergy, please check the labels of snacks you send to school, thanks so much!

Mrs. Roberts