Thursday, 21 February 2013

Thursday, February 21st


1) This Monday we are skating, please send your child's booster seat, skates and helmet (if not renting)
2) Thursday is 'Dress up as your favourite book character' day for 'Club Red' (we made this change on the calendar before it came home, Wednesday is wear pink to show you are against bullying)
3) Please read nightly with your child and sign the appropriate square of their 'Club Red' heart

Save the Date

On Friday, March 1st we will wrap up our 'Body' unit with a celebration of our learning during 'Family Reading' (it may need to extend a bit longer).  We hope you can make it!
The next unit we will be focusing on is 'Nutrition'.  Thank you for sending in the flyers for making our 'Nutrition Booklets'

Monday, 18 February 2013


Good news, everyone!

We now have enough drivers so our skating field trip is on!  A big thank you to all of our parent drivers!

Mrs. Roberts

Friday, 15 February 2013

February 15

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying your day off in the sunshine.  I am writing this (while on a break) at Thomas Haney learning about engaging students in today's classroom.

A few items to update...

*we are presently very short drivers for skating on February 24th.  Notices are due on Monday so I am hoping the remaining permission slips will contain more volunteers.  If not, I may need to cancel the field trip.

*please continue to sign your child's 'Club Red' heart each night and have them colour in a space each night.  These will be due at the end of this month.

*we will be wrapping up our 'Body' unit next week.  We will then move onto our nutrition unit.  It would be great if you could support this unit by discussing the nutritional benefits/food groups of the food you eat together as a family.  Please feel free to refer to the Canada Food Guide that was sent home after our visit to Save-On Foods.

*please continue to play math games at home to increase your child's speed of addition/subtraction facts, all you need is a deck of cards and two dice

*please refer to our calendar for activities that will be occurring each week

Thank you,

Amanda Roberts

Monday, 11 February 2013

Happy Family Day!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you have a great day today and do something special together.  We are so lucky to have this extra day to spend time with our loved ones (mine are all still sleeping :))

We have had a busy week in Division 8 and were lucky to have some special visitors.  Our first guests were some student nurses who spoke to us about the importance of careful handwashing.  Our second guest was a dental hygenist who shared good brushing techniques and how to take care of our teeth.

This week will be short, but busy.  Here are a couple of reminders....

1)Wednesday is bring your favourite book/pajama day.
2)Your child should be reading daily for 10-15 min.  Please sign the space on their 'Club Red' heart and have them colour it.
3)Thursday is Valentine's day!  A list of all the student's names is on the February newsletter, if you can't locate that, you can use the first song in the Literacy Folder
4)Please send in your child's skating notice.
5)Friday is a professional day, no school for students.

Thanks everyone!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Mrs. Roberts

Friday, 1 February 2013

February 1st

Hello Everyone,

It is a new month!  A reminder that your homework this weekend is to find out if the groundhog saw his shadow and what that means.  I'll be asking you on Monday.

A newsletter went home today with a calendar of this month's upcoming events.  It is a very busy month with all of our class activities and the 'Club Red' activities.  Please note the change of date for the character dress up. It is now February 28th.  This is due to the fact that February 27th is 'Pink Day' which is the day we wear pink to demonstrate that we want to see an end to bullying.

Also, please remember to sign your child's 'Club Red' heart each day so he/she can become a club member.  Thank you!

Have a great weekend, everyone!  I have a ferry to catch!

Mrs. Roberts